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Thread: Provincial Crown Land

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Provincial Crown Land

    Hey guys, just had a quick question regarding private land plots in British Columbia. I recently download the IHunter app, and began experimenting with the map feature which shows private vs crown land and such. What confused me was when I zoomed into an area I have been digitally scouting and noticed it had a red box around it indicating it to be private land, stating it was "Crown Provincial (subdivision)" I am relatively new to hunting, but it's my understanding that crown land owned by the government is free to be hunted on by the general public, which is why I am confused by this contradictory scenario where it is claiming to be private. Any insight or information on what this means and whether or not hunting this area is legal without owner permission is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Crown subdivisions are most likely a Land Act survey parcel with no registered active land title. The parcel may represent land that was once leased or otherwise licensed for occupation by the Crown, and therefore carved out of the Crown inventory by survey, but then returned to Crown inventory.
    Your best bet is confirm Crown tenure by querying iMapBC, or the BC land titles office. Either way you will likely be annoyed by the interface. Good luck with your quest, wish you success in the field this season.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Naming the layer file by app providers is important. There are two very similar layer files used. One is the 'surveyed lands' the other, very similar is private land. The two are not the same. There are other forms of survey's that bestow surface rights. IE a patent Mineral claim, referred to as a crown grant, may have private surface. Most of the time, the surface right is 'inactive'. But confirming the status on a 'surveyed parcel' layer takes an extra step to confirm. Conversely there may be large surveyed district lots (DL's) which are 'inactive'. These may show up on a surveyed parcel layer, but the status is 'inactive' or 'crown owned'.

    So you may be looking at surveyed lands, which may be different (but it may look the same as) than private land. It just takes a little extra effort to confirm land status in the beginning.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Quote Originally Posted by jare View Post
    Hey guys, just had a quick question regarding private land plots in British Columbia. I recently download the IHunter app, and began experimenting with the map feature which shows private vs crown land and such. What confused me was when I zoomed into an area I have been digitally scouting and noticed it had a red box around it indicating it to be private land, stating it was "Crown Provincial (subdivision)" I am relatively new to hunting, but it's my understanding that crown land owned by the government is free to be hunted on by the general public, which is why I am confused by this contradictory scenario where it is claiming to be private. Any insight or information on what this means and whether or not hunting this area is legal without owner permission is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    I don't mean to hyjack your thread and don't use apps for hunting. I just wanted to point out that the term Crown land "owned" by the Government is an incorrect way to look at this. This is public land owned by the people of British Columbia who have given their consent to elected officials to manage it for us. Not to sell it. Not to give it away. But to manage it. We all need to stop using the term Crown land and stop referring to it as being owned by the Government. The Government contibutes nothing. It produces nothing. And it owns nothing. They are our servants entrusted to manage our land on our behalf.
    Last edited by 180grainer; 10-10-2024 at 01:29 PM.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

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  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Quote Originally Posted by 180grainer View Post
    I don't mean to hyjack your thread and don't use apps for hunting. I just wanted to point out that the term Crown land "owned" by the Government is an incorrect way to look at this. This is public land owned by the people of British Columbia who have given their consent to elected officials to manage it for us. Not to sell it. Not to give it away. But to manage it. We all need to stop using the term Crown land and stop referring to it as being owned by the Government. The Government contibutes nothing. It produces nothing. And it owns nothing. They are our servants entrusted to manage our land on our behalf.
    In Canada, Crown lands are held in trust for the public, are vested by the provincial government (which means they "own" the land). This is clear on pg 1 of the Land Act. Ultimately, however, Crown lands are owned by our head of state who is currently the King - whether one likes that or not. It is different than south of the border where citizens collectively own 'public land'.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Exactly. Hence the term “Crown Land”. All the game is also “owned” by the Crown. Yes, technically that means Chuck over there in England. Your tags are actually “permits” granted by the govt as agents for the king to kill one of HIS deer for our use.

    And to add to the insult, if you dig deep enough, your house that you own? You guessed it. Your title is actually only a “right to occupy”. If the King wants you off “His” dirt, you are gone…

    Please enjoy your very limited freedom here in our “free” country.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Quote Originally Posted by ccrcc View Post
    In Canada, Crown lands are held in trust for the public, are vested by the provincial government (which means they "own" the land). This is clear on pg 1 of the Land Act. Ultimately, however, Crown lands are owned by our head of state who is currently the King - whether one likes that or not. It is different than south of the border where citizens collectively own 'public land'.
    They are public lands. Whether one likes it or not.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

    Support a Woman's right to arm herself.

    Jan 13th

  9. #8
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    Oct 2007

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    Exactly. Hence the term “Crown Land”. All the game is also “owned” by the Crown. Yes, technically that means Chuck over there in England. Your tags are actually “permits” granted by the govt as agents for the king to kill one of HIS deer for our use.

    And to add to the insult, if you dig deep enough, your house that you own? You guessed it. Your title is actually only a “right to occupy”. If the King wants you off “His” dirt, you are gone…

    Please enjoy your very limited freedom here in our “free” country.
    Who hasn't gone to a Government or Union meeting and had to sit through a land acknowledgement? Usually done before a meeting or event acknowledging the "unceded" (ie:disputed) territory of the local Indian Band. In my experience 100% of those events and meetings where being held on land held in freehold by a person or entity.....Like your house!!! In otherwords, you are acknowledging your house is on disputed land. Words matter. It's public land. It belongs to all of us.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

    Support a Woman's right to arm herself.

    Jan 13th

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    Quote Originally Posted by ccrcc View Post
    Crown subdivisions are most likely a Land Act survey parcel with no registered active land title. The parcel may represent land that was once leased or otherwise licensed for occupation by the Crown, and therefore carved out of the Crown inventory by survey, but then returned to Crown inventory.
    Your best bet is confirm Crown tenure by querying iMapBC, or the BC land titles office. Either way you will likely be annoyed by the interface. Good luck with your quest, wish you success in the field this season.

    I appreciate the in-depth reply. I checked iMapBC and as you suspected, the area is a land survey parcel. However, I filtered the map by "Surface Rights", and it displayed the area in a yellow shade. Yellow, red, and non-coloured areas were all that were shown on the map, and I was unable to find a legend indicating what these fields mean. I am assuming that red areas indicate private land, and am suspecting that yellow is indicating land with certain public restrictions. If anyone familiar with this system could confirm this or enlighten me to what this means for surface rights it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Provincial Crown Land

    For private land only on IMAP BC
    Land Ownership and Status
    Parcel Map BC Parcel Fabric Cadastre - By Owner Type
    PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Private
    You must be zoomed in sufficiently to see the layer.
    Also, on the left hand side of the screen where your layers are listed there is a tiny downward triangle between the checkmark and the title of the layer, below the small bullet diagram. Click this to expand the colours of the layer.
    You can also right click anywhere on the map and select "find data on the map" and you can pull up more information on the section.
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