I havent had much to post about over the years, seems as though as soon as I turn on my action camera I suddenly have all the bad hunting luck
I was hunting in the East Kootenays for the first 8 days of bow season. It was amazing how many bugles I heard! Up until this year, ive never heard a bugle in bow season. This year I heard a bugle almost every single day which lead me all over a couple mountains and getting small glimpses of huge bulls that just werent ready to turn around and fight yet. On the last morning I could hunt, Sept 8th, I finally found an aggressive bull to come in my setup. I was starting to think that solo archery hunting success would keep evading me as all the stars have to align for it to work out. Fortunately for me, they did this year! After cutting it up, it looked like this bull had been arrowed in the shoulder blade earlier this bow season but would never have known before skinning it.
Well done man! For bow season I was only out the very last day of it, it was warm out but had a bull doing some lazy bed bugles. Elk were talking every day after that as well..