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Thread: Boundary Bay 64th Street Canada Goose Opener 2024

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Boundary Bay 64th Street Canada Goose Opener 2024


    Got to parking lot at 5:30, I knew I was going to be late but was not expecting to see an overflowing parking spot. I had warned my buddy that the previous day when I was scouting I had seen one measly flight of geese the previous morning, he still wanted to go just to exercise the waterfowling muscles. We didn't take any decoys, just hoping to get any shots off.

    It became an entire morning of snoozing. We did see scattered flights of geese but zero in the bay itself, just miles away in the farms. And heard no shots near.

    The only event after we quit at 10 was being checked by the COs. They told me they had caught someone without a migratory bird permit that morning and let them off with a warning.

    I also finked on the kite fliers who have come to frequent the dikes for leaving their trash in the bay. They were flying six kites over the morning and just letting them fall on the beach. When I came in at the end of the morning I made sure to tell the COs those others people were leaving their kites and lines all over the place and we always trip over them. The COs were interested to know because they had talked to the kiters who had claimed they had some reel to retract everything - which as I know is bull****.

    The only highlight was seeing some familiar faces on the way out and chatting about the poor last season and hopes for the new one.

    I hope others had better luck yesterday and today. Good luck to everyone this year

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Boundary Bay 64th Street Canada Goose Opener 2024

    We did just marginally better than you. We went out into the valley where there were a few local geese landing on a property that we have permission to hunt. The birds were only going into that area in the evening,,,,not in the morning so we got there at 5:00, set up with 3 dozen silhouettes which took us about 5 minutes, and shortly after we had two small groups of 4-5 birds come in. We managed to drop a couple. Should have had twice that. My excuse is I should have brought heavier ammo than my pheasant loads,,,,haha. Might have been poor shooting. . Out by seven.

    He's NOT your buddy, buddy!

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