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Thread: Big prime rib question?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Big prime rib question?

    I like prime rib on the smoker, depending on the size….180 for 3-4hrs then 375 to finish.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Big prime rib question?

    Quote Originally Posted by bottles View Post
    I’d have a hard time with that too.

    Well done wanters get the outside cut…or they leave.

    It’s just not right if it ain’t pink(or red for me)


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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Big prime rib question?

    There is actually a scientific formula for the high heat oven turn off no open the oven door method

    You can google what it is for both boneless and bone in prime rib. Google "prime rib oven turn off method" or similar and you can get the formula for the weight of your roast. Only down side is that it ties up your oven for hours. Good part is that you don't have to rest the meat afterwards, it comes out of the oven perfectly rested and ready to slice.

    I am sure I knew this formula off the top of my head at one point but I retired from my chef career 14 years ago and all these recipes that used to be second nature to me have miraculously disappeared from my memory banks!
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Big prime rib question?

    I've found the "prime rib oven turn off method" as Gate states is our go to method, works really well and outstanding end result.
    The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The Black Hole!

    Re: Big prime rib question?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bustercluck View Post
    I normally cook 4-6 pound prime rib, by covering in melted butter and spices and cooking at 500 for 5 minutes per pound and then turning the oven down to 275 and leaving it without opening the door u til its medium rare. Then popping it out and tenting it while I make gravy etc.

    My question. I have a 14.5 pounder to do for a group. I don’t think I should do the 5 minute per pound thing at 500. That would be 70 minutes. I’m guessing 45 or so would probably be good?

    Or maybe cut it into an 8 and 6 and maybe cook one slightly more than the other for those that want it more medium?

    My Lady started doing this several years ago.... Turns a less tasty piece of meat to something very good!

    Do it quite often, but usually not a higher end piece.

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