Hi guys,
Some dirt bags stole my duck boat. so please keep an eye out.
Hi guys,
Some dirt bags stole my duck boat. so please keep an eye out.
Site Sponsor
Where from?
He's NOT your buddy, buddy!
Stolen from Coquitlam
That Sucks,
I hope your Insurance covers your loss.
While I am sure our finest will do everything possible to recover Boat/Motor/Trailer, there Track record in such instances is abysmal at best. I quit reporting Theft of Boats/Motors/Boat Trailers/PU Trucks/Cabin's Break ins/stolen Horse Gear in Fly in Camps years ago because in Decades nothing, absolutely nothing was ever recovered for me but my reporting inflated the Statistic which every Police Chief needs to justify an increase of the Police Budget meaning increased Taxation.
And if they actually catch a POS, the Justice System lets them loose pronto.
I wonder how long do Victims wait until they think of Frontiers Justice ?
* When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
* Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
* We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
* Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
* The Law is no substitute for Morality !
Be safe and happy Trails !
And here I was thinking I was unlucky my with the homeless from the camp down the street stealing all my delivered parcels the dumbass lazy delivery drivers leave on my main step right where they can see it when they walk by to get to their crack house.
hopefully it’s found or at least the people that stole it meet swift justice. Maybe being lost at sea ?
dude that sucks. I bet it's on its way out of the province. Maybe post it in an Alberta forum.
Thats a good call i will do that
Used to have a "connection" with a VPD Marine Squad Officer who ran "Stolen Boats BC" where one could post up about lost boats. I think he's likely retired by now, it was a pretty good resource for Boat Owners, Marine Insurers and such. I tried to find the site but must be gone now.