Big thanks to Nick from Reliable Gun for putting together a prize package for this springs Pittwaterfowlers Volunteers!
Nick talked about our project while at the Las Vegas Shot Show and Weatherby offered up a Weatherby Element 12ga semi for a prize to be drawn from this years volunteers!
Reliable Gun donated a duck call with a custom PW logo, Kent Cartridge Canada a box of Kent Fasteel+, Fowlplay Lanyards donated a call lanyard, and BC Firearms Academy donated 4 prizes of PAL or Core courses (choice of winner).
Greg won the Weatherby Element, Marco the call/Lanyard/hat combo, Murphy/Nate/Lindsay/& Trevor won the BC Firearms Academy PAL or Core courses.
Big thanks to these businesses for their support to our project and everyone that participated this year. Use by Wood ducks was over 60% making it the most successful year yet!