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Thread: Hunting moose last half of October?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Hunting moose last half of October?

    I know the best chance to hunt moose is in the prime time of the rut October 1 to 10, but the odds are way better for the October 15-31 LEH permits.

    If you do get a draw for that period, what's the moose hunting like?

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  3. #2
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    North Van

    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    Quote Originally Posted by MichelD View Post
    I know the best chance to hunt moose is in the prime time of the rut October 1 to 10, but the odds are way better for the October 15-31 LEH permits.

    If you do get a draw for that period, what's the moose hunting like?
    I believe they can still be called in in the middle of October. I've good success all the way into late October, not so much in November. Are you putting in for 5-15 again?
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  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    The smaller bulls that don’t breed during the main rut will still come into calling thinking they might get a chance to lucky.

  5. #4
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    Quote Originally Posted by kolofardos View Post
    I believe they can still be called in in the middle of October. I've good success all the way into late October, not so much in November. Are you putting in for 5-15 again?
    No, I didn't apply for 5-15 again. Maybe I should have. I have a few spots dialed in there now, but my partner had a negative literal face-to-face encounter with four grizzly bears there and to be honest, judging by the size of the tracks I saw there myself, I felt a little lonely sitting in my ground blind calling over a clearcut I knew held moose.

  6. #5
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    I had Nov 1-30 in 3-26 last season. Not an easy tag to fill last year. Not answering any calls we bothered to try, and not yet congregated in their “wintering spot” that should have given a reasonable chance at a bull.
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  7. #6
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    Quote Originally Posted by MichelD View Post
    No, I didn't apply for 5-15 again. Maybe I should have. I have a few spots dialed in there now, but my partner had a negative literal face-to-face encounter with four grizzly bears there and to be honest, judging by the size of the tracks I saw there myself, I felt a little lonely sitting in my ground blind calling over a clearcut I knew held moose.
    The amount of grizzlies there is getting ridiculous. I'm going to take a break from 5-15 this year, what I saw there last year was really disappointing.
    "Don't believe everything you read on the internet just because you agree with it"
    -Abraham Lincoln

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    In reg8 in the past I have heard moose rutting beyond mid Oct, and watched a mature bull come into a hot cow one year on Nov 2nd.

  9. #8
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    Here where I live in northern Alberta we have a few different seasons. Some are rut, some are the entire season until November. An observation of mine is that the rut last much longer then we think…… well into November, probably that would be the 2nd rut for moose. Anyways, I have seen countless bulls, especially the younger ones sparring all the way into late November, ( elk actually do this too)

    I would try rattling, and wait a few hours, moose take their time…………. and then some.( patience is a virtue) Hope for snow, no tracks, no moose. Bear in mind with the last statement that a storm will put the game to bed for a few days. Do not abandon an area after a storm due to lack of sign after the storm. The best part about hunting is the hunt itself, always keep searching.
    Last edited by Husky7mm; 06-09-2024 at 09:45 PM.
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  10. #9
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    I've seen two young bulls pushing each other around on November 5th, they were following a cow and a calf...Back in 2020 I called in a younger bull from over 700 yards away on November 10th. It took over an hour, he never made a sound and hung up at around 200 yards. After ten minutes I figured what the hell, I'll get real aggressive with cow calls and even throw in a couple of grunts. It worked, he came in to 75 yards and stood there looking at my kiddos and I...Too bad the season was already closed!!!

    I know of alot of bull moose that have bit the dirt between the 18th of October and halloween...The latest I've harvested was on October 21st, apply and get out there!

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  11. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Hunting moose last half of October?

    We shot a big mature bull just outside Kamloops last year on October 15th. He came in grunting all the way and in full rut. As mentioned the littler guys you can call in all the way up until Remembrance day. They're looking for their chance to get in on the action after the big boys have already done their thing and won't kick the crap out of them!

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