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Thread: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    I only started hunting in 2015/16 so i didnt get the opportunity to hunt for grizzly bear. Is Grizzly bear meat not very paletable? I think if i had the opportunity i would have hunted for them and had i been sucessful i would have taken the meat. I honestly hope that one day they reopen grizzly hunting but with the requirement of retaining all edible portions of meat.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 08:26 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    [QUOTE=jeremy84;2444613]I on
    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 08:26 PM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Quote Originally Posted by Retiredguy View Post
    That was brought up previously before the total ban went in place...and from what I was told the response from the 'Stop the Trophy Hunt' squad was that they immediately saw right through the ruse, and said if it is not a trophy hunt then the hunter would have to leave the hide and skull in the bush and only take the meat out. It is what I was told by a person involved and lobbying to keep the hunt...can't say it surprised me really. The opposition is not brain dead and they have a plan and a lot of backing.
    I've posted @ this in past but a number of years ago there was a "Ban The Grizzly Hunt" presentation one night so I attended, driving the Wife's Subaru and wearing MEC clothing so I wouldn't look out of place. After all the speakers and videos ( well done BTW ) I identified as a Hunter and it got interesting. I think I held my own but one against 70 or so is rough. I stayed very polite at all times, just politely asked, and answered questions. After it was over I went up to the guy doing the presentation, told him it was a great presentation but asked if he would consider things like meat retention, harvest based on actual Grizzly counts and such but he simply said "No, I want to ban Grizzly hunts completely."

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Glove View Post
    I've posted @ this in past but a number of years ago there was a "Ban The Grizzly Hunt" presentation one night so I attended, driving the Wife's Subaru and wearing MEC clothing so I wouldn't look out of place. After all the speakers and videos ( well done BTW ) I identified as a Hunter and it got interesting. I think I held my own but one against 70 or so is rough. I stayed very polite at all times, just politely asked, and answered questions. After it was over I went up to the guy doing the presentation, told him it was a great presentation but asked if he would consider things like meat retention, harvest based on actual Grizzly counts and such but he simply said "No, I want to ban Grizzly hunts completely."
    As i said earlier the
    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 03:56 PM.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Glove View Post
    We have a cabin in Tulameen, 8-5, a quick hop over the hills to 2-1 and 2-2.
    About 20 years ago or so there was a "Town Hall" Meeting over a plan to move some grizzlies into Manning as they had been "extirpated" from the area over time.
    Quite the attendance, residents, FSP's ( "effing Summer People" ), ranchers, farmers and such.
    A lot of concern was expressed, danger to cattle, humans, whatever and such as it's really not that far from where they were to be placed to Tulameen.
    The presenters said there were no grizzlies in the area, the intent was to restore them back to traditional territory over time.
    At the back of the room were a number of local ranchers and when the presenters said thee were no grizzlies around they broke out laughing and said "they are already here."
    Ultimately, nothing ever happened.
    Maybe 2 or 3 years later the Good Wife and I took our dogs for a hike across the Tulameen River, through the woods to an old road that we would follow. We got to the road, I look down the road and crap, there's a small Grizzly maybe 50 yards away from us. I tell the Good Wife to leash up the dogs and we turn around and get outta there in a hurry.
    I had always joked with my Wife about not being worried about being able to outrun a bear, I just had to outrun her, always pissed her off when I said that.
    She leads the way to the River, I'm bringing up the rear keeping an eye out for the Bear.
    We get to the River and rather than the usual shallow crossing, she's led us to a place where the River is quite deep. I said "Why did you lead us to here, you know I can't swim??" She looks at me with an evil smile and says "I know."
    Anyways, we got across then the next day I went back, found the bear tracks and it was a grizzly.
    Only one we've seen in the 25 years we've been there but yes, Grizzlies are in the area already.
    I saw a momma griz and two cubs up Hembrie Mtn. Road at least 10 years ago.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    North of Hope

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    I never hunted grizzly bears but I could see the value in the trophy hunts. Leaving those old boars to just die and rot isn't any better than having them end up on someone's wall. Since the ban they have become nothing more than worthless and dangerous vermin, they hold no commercial value for anyone but some bear viewing companies. I imagine there are a lot just shot and left these days, just like a ground hog.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Top of the 395

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyJack View Post
    I imagine there are a lot just shot and left these days, just like a ground hog.
    One would hope there aren’t “a lot” shot these days, since it is illegal. That said, if my life or that of a companion is at stake, I would not hesitate to shoot any animal, be it legal currently or not. I think that goes for 99% of us.

    The use of the word “trophy” needs to end, unless we are talking about car races or football championships. As hunters, we need to be responsible for, and make best use of any animal we take. I HAVE eaten Grizzly before (with a group of Mt Currie band members I knew back in the day), and my somewhat hazy recollection of it was that it was reminiscent of dark turkey meat. I’m not sure which cut I had, but it was very tasty meat. I have never shied away from trying rare and exotic meat when given the opportunity, and Grizzly is definitely one I would have again. Leaving that much meat to rot in the woods should never be legal in my opinion. We might not have nearly as many people trying to ban this or that if all useful parts of the animal are taken.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Did you happen to find out who was paying his salary? Interesting how so many advocates for this and that are making a living pushing that rock up hill
    South Okanagan National Park comes to mind, lots of news while the staff was being paid to push
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Glove View Post
    I've posted @ this in past but a number of years ago there was a "Ban The Grizzly Hunt" presentation one night so I attended, driving the Wife's Subaru and wearing MEC clothing so I wouldn't look out of place. After all the speakers and videos ( well done BTW ) I identified as a Hunter and it got interesting. I think I held my own but one against 70 or so is rough. I stayed very polite at all times, just politely asked, and answered questions. After it was over I went up to the guy doing the presentation, told him it was a great presentation but asked if he would consider things like meat retention, harvest based on actual Grizzly counts and such but he simply said "No, I want to ban Grizzly hunts completely."
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Restoration of Grizzly Bears in Northern Cascades (Washington)

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    The use of the word “trophy” needs to end, unless we are talking about car races or football championships.
    Is it too late to start a campaign to call them 'participation awards', which is more factual and possibly universal
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

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