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Thread: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Not content with decimating the sooke Chinook fishery, DFO is going after the Port renfrew Chinook fishery..funny, they never mention the northern resident orca population, far from being in decline, has tripled in the same time period
    Last edited by ratherbefishin; 02-29-2024 at 10:41 AM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    The northern residents dont eat salmon, they predate on seals. Still not good that all these fisheries are being shut down. Maybe they should be shutting down all prey species like herring and krill. How many streams have been decimated by logging activity. No where for the fish to return to and spawn. This problem is much bigger than just sport fishing. Sure hope we don't loose these fisheries.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    The southern orca resident population from the time they first started counting has fluctuated from a low in the 60s to a high in the 90s range ..I am highly skeptical of the ‘study’ that claims they ONLY eat Chinook salmon ,disreguarding all other species ..I suggest a hungry orca is an opportunistic preditor and will eat any salmon that comes its way..and if food is scarce in one area, they will move to the next,just as all predators have done from time immoriable
    Last edited by ratherbefishin; 03-01-2024 at 11:42 AM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    The DFO completely disregards the highly successful volunteer pen raising Chinook smolts program in sooke which has restored the sooke river Chinook runs, but they are still shut out of recreational harvesting opportunities .DFO clearly has their own political agenda
    Last edited by ratherbefishin; 03-30-2024 at 09:25 AM.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Recreational anglers push back against proposed salmon closures

    Recreational anglers say the federal government is using outdated predictive modelling and isn’t consulting the locals in its proposal to add further closures to the chinook fishery around Port Renfrew to protect the endangered southern resident killer whales.

    “I’ve never seen a southern resident killer whale in the foreshore area and I’ve been fishing there for 55 years,” Wayne Friesen, a resident of the Cowichan Valley and chair of the B.C. Recreational Fishing Association, said in an interview on Wednesday.

    The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is proposing an expansion of foraging zones for the orcas that could potentially reach right up to shorelines surrounding Port Renfrew, including a 10-kilometre stretch of foreshore where most small-boat anglers and charter companies fish from April to October.

    The closures on chinook salmon would be in effect from July 16 to to Oct. 31, which is prime fishing season for charters and recreational anglers. It could force them to travel greater distances or “pack it in,” said Friesen.

    The anglers’ association is adding its voice against the closures, joining the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce in sending open letters to federal Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier, who is expected to make a decision on the expanded closures for 2024-25 in the coming days after a month-long public engagement that ended Feb. 12.

    “These unwarranted closures will have negligible effect on the recovery of southern resident killer whales, but will undoubtedly have a disastrous impact on the community of Port Renfrew and thousands of sports fishing anglers seeking the joys of fishing for chinook salmon,” Friesen told the minister in his letter.

    He said the impact of chinook salmon fisheries on the recovery of southern resident killer whales is negligible compared to other factors such as pollution, vessel noise and increased populations of pinnipeds such as seals.

    “Closing fishing areas without addressing these more significant threats will do little to achieve meaningful conservation outcomes for the whales.”

    Friesen said the science the DFO is using is based on modelling and not actual observations of the orcas in the proposed closure areas.

    Friesen said a 2002 study by the University of British Columbia observed the whales off Swiftsure Bank, but they never came close to the shore areas.

    “The observations of sports fishers and DFO officers that are in the area, every day through the summer period, rarely see SRKW’s at all, let alone do they see them foraging in these shallow waters that the DFO want to close to fishing,” Friesen said.

    He says the DFO has ignored other studies from UBC that support the on-the-water observations of sport anglers and DFO officers that the killer whales forage in deeper water.

    Like the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce, Friesen said the proposed closure would devastate the community’s economy, and there has been inadequate consultation with the broader community and fishing groups.

    Friesen said the DFO has provided no recent evidence to prove that static fishing closures provide any more protection for the whales than “avoidance bubble zone management,” which would close the fishery when the orcas are present, and that there is no way to determine in the future if the closures would have any impact.

    The group wants the DFO to use the avoidance bubble management plan currently used in U.S. waters.

    Friesen is asking the minister to maintain the status quo for Area 20 around Port Renfrew, and open Area 21 around Nitinat from Bonilla Point Light to Pachena Point for chinook salmon retention with the 2022/23 regulations in place.

    Friesen also wants the DFO to create a “more functional and representative working group” to include sports anglers, and initiate a full review of the chinook fishery and killer whale recovery before applying any more closures.

    Port Renfrew’s chamber of commerce said last month the vitality of the town hinges on businesses such as gas stations, stores, hotels and cabins that cater to fishing during the season. Its own survey of lodges, restaurants and fishing charters showed the fishing industry generates $158,000 per day or about $26 million over a 165-day fishing season. That includes money spent on fishing charters, fish processing, accommodations, restaurant meals, gas, groceries and supplies, as well as those who bring their own boats and take advantage of services.

    DFO said management measures address key threats to the recovery of the southern resident killer whales related to reduced availability of food and increased noise and disturbance in their habitat. The measures not only include area-based fishing closures, but also vessel-approach distances, sanctuary areas and speed-restricted zones.

    The federal agency also said its measures are informed by the best available information and science, as well as advice from Indigenous groups, technical working groups, stakeholders and the public.

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Closing off the Swiftsure bank wasn’t enough huh!?

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Yet the huge, lucrative whale watching companies tag team chasing the whales all around Southern Vancouver Island, well within recommended distances and nobody does a thing about it. Tell me that doesn't effect the whales feeding habits.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    VI The wet end

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Yet the huge, lucrative whale watching companies tag team chasing the whales all around Southern Vancouver Island, well within recommended distances and nobody does a thing about it. Tell me that doesn't affect the whales feeding habits.[/QUOTE]
    So true . In the last 20plus years its not the fishing pressure the whales have to deal with its the whale watching out fits harassing the whales all day long. Heaven for bid You wouldn't want to shut them down

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Shutting down port renfrew Chinook fishery?

    Ya, I don’t get it.
    My experience out there, the KW’s just come thru and pass on by.
    The humpbacks sometimes linger all day out there around the boat/s.
    The sportfishing folks don’t seems to harass or follow them.
    (too busy trying to fish)
    And there seems to plenty of salmon out there.

    Is or maybe that the Alaskans had to shut down some of their opportunities that’s made it better perhaps?
    Again, just the sacrificial lambs, just like hunting, being offered as the solution when in fact has nothing to do with us.

    Every year no matter what, all aspects of what we enjoy to do is further destroyed by government.
    Seems to be no end in sight.

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