I kind of forgot about it all until I saw srupp's post and then another OG HBC member texted me today asking about it. Helped him get in with the work-around (see http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showth...eve-Rupp/page3 for picture / instruction tutorial) but the reality is that many have given up and new users coming across the site don't stand much chance signing up or sticking around. People being unable to load this site has been a topic on other forums and facebook groups, so it's definitely a pressing issue.
I'll reach out to Marc tomorrow. I think I might have dropped the telephone tag ball a couple months back. Should be a 5 minute fix on the backend. Maybe a bit more if it's shared hosting / shared IP but I've been doing this for a living for 20+ years (sad life I know) and my IT support for HBC is free. My way of giving back.
Hopefully we can work together to knock this out and keep the site going.