The input has been EXTENDED until Oct 31 for the grizzly bear feedback survey.
Get your say in!!
The input has been EXTENDED until Oct 31 for the grizzly bear feedback survey.
Get your say in!!
Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.
Guess he got to Know me
I’m guessing that the antis asked for more time so they could gather more support.
Trust this current BC government as far as you can throw them.
I Give my Heart to my Family....
My Mind to my Work.......
But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....
There is still time! They have extended this again!!!! They are extending it either because they are only getting 1 sided opinions or they aren't getting enough feedback! Either way everyone should do this! Here's the link again in case you jumped to the last page!
WSSBC Monarch
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CCFR Member
No Plan to Reopen BC Grizzly Bear Hunt, Says Minister
Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.
Guess he got to Know me
these quotes obtained from the link above pretty much sum it up.
“There was never an intent within those consultations to contemplate reopening up the hunt,” Cullen said. “I know people were concerned about that, but this was a consultation effort better to engage with people that are interested from all sides.”
He stressed that out of respect for the process he doesn’t want to prejudge the result. “We’ll let the consultations run their course and we’ll see what comes out of it in terms of what people are hearing.”
“Closing the hunt was one of the best wildlife decisions the B.C. government has made, and reopening it to licensed hunters would be one of its worst,” the letter said, “and one that will be as hugely offensive to the general public, as to the undersigned organizations and individuals.”
Last edited by Ron.C; 10-28-2023 at 11:35 AM.