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Thread: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    ~150,000 Hunters in BC
    2750 views on Last HBC post about this
    Shared across multiple platforms, pages and medias
    ~1,000 People that have completed the engagement survey I wonder if half are anti hunters????

    Guys, this is our chance! We need our voice heard on this, we need people to make a few clicks and complete the engagement questionnaire.

    Never going to hunt a G bear, that's great but this puts the anti hunters back, this puts your hunting privileges forward and it sets a precedent that funding for wildlife needs to be a priority, and that hunting is something that needs to be protected. Take the 4 minutes it takes and complete this form!

    Do it for your kids if you don't care to do it for yourself or your fellow hunter!
    WSSBC Monarch
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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Darksith Thanks for posting this but it’s going to take me more than 4 minutes to read the framework page , it’s 75 pages ! Did you read all of it ?
    Arctic Lake
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
    Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Completed. Thanks Darksith

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Northern Rockies

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Besides what I observe on here, I have contacted many hunters that I know and...Surprise! far only two of them have done it. All in all, like gun owners, hunters are a lazy, sorry lot, who just cannot be bothered to take the time to do this. Million and one excuses, but bottom line is complacent sloths.

    To all of you who have done it...thank you.

    And another thank you to Darksith for resurrecting this topic that has slid into obscurity on this site.
    Everyone is entitled to voicing an opinion, as long as it is a learned one.

    The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Holy Shit it is a LOT of READING But maybe I will learn from it RJ

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    First time I seen this. looks like I got some homework to do
    WSSBC Life Member
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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arctic Lake View Post
    Darksith Thanks for posting this but it’s going to take me more than 4 minutes to read the framework page , it’s 75 pages ! Did you read all of it ?
    Arctic Lake
    Here is a cheat sheet. Yes I read the whole thing, several groups (WSSBC, GOABC, BCWF) have put together responses to help their membership engage even if they don't have the time to read the entire framework. Also remember a "framework" is high level, it doesn't spell out how to do it, when to do it, where to fund it from...these are some of the objections we have to it. The government is putting out a lot of "frameworks" but will they get past that to action?

    More help to complete the questionnaire:
    Do you feel 2-7 provides enough info...Yes
    Are there any threats missing?...No
    How effective is the current approach? Not so much...things to ponder. What is the government doing? Are they holding industry accountable, are they mandating seismic lines be decommissioned, or roads, are they spending money to reduce road ans rail mortality? Are they doing anything?
    Guide and advise on methods...strongly agree
    Provide ecosystem based approach...strongly agree
    Support reconciliation...neutral or agree, they won't even contemplate any disagrees
    Promote safe and respectful coexistence between bears and people...can bears be respectful? It's a hilarious question, I disagree
    Information, educate and be transparent...isn't this always good? Agree
    Tracking of human caused bear mortality...moderate priority
    Local planning...high priority
    Interjurisdictional planning...does Vancouver even deserve input? Low priority

    Population inventory...extremely high priority
    Trend monitoring (science based conservation)...extremely high priority
    Habitat protection and restoration...extreme or high priority
    Species and population stewardship...extremely high priority
    Hunting....extremely high priority
    Viewing...moderate priority, maybe less, so few areas this is feasible.
    Are there aspects missing?...there are several first nations that want to hunt gbears. Have they been consulted? Have Hunting groups been consulted?
    Overall how is this framework? Could have more specific goals for population densities, could have more.specific timeliness, do we want gbears in every corner of the province, are there places we want more or less, is anyone going to fly in and hike for 10 days to maybe see 1 bear? If not why wouldn't we want those areas open to Hunting...just some thoughts
    Please note your level of support...I support it, BC being able to stand by hunters and support that activity because we have such strong healthy monitored and managed populations should be something to be proud of and stand behind not fight against. We need to put a value on all our wildlife similar to every other jurisdiction in North America and its time the government recognizes the value our diverse wildlife brings to our province. It's time to start managing to increase not managing to 0
    WSSBC Monarch
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  9. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

    Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.

  10. #9
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    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamfarm View Post
    I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

    Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.
    I understand the pessimism, and yes there are a ton of issues. First and foremost they need funding and to complete population surveys...kinda seems like a trend in the management practices across all the BC Species no? Their data is simply best guesses, and there source of data admittedly is from the last year of legal hunting...go figure!

    But there are lawsuits happening, there are very upset FN groups that are pushing hard to get this reinstated, and then there are hunters. We sit back and do nothing then are shocked when something doesn't go our way. Its pretty standard in all area's. The majority don't put in the effort and a small minority do most of the heavy lifting...but we can break that cycle by simply engaging. Its so easy, I appreciate you doing it, Im not a blind optimist that thinks if we all do it its a gimmie, but I am a realist, and if we don't do it...well...nothing will change
    WSSBC Monarch
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  11. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamfarm View Post
    I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

    Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.
    This is how I see it ^^^ it sounded to me when I read it they were thinking of transplanting more bears to the areas where they think they will stay stagnant at low populations, Nahatlatch, Stein Valley, North Cascades, may have been more read it weeks ago. So increasing Grizzly populations in areas that hold little.

    I really don't like to fill these out as I think they are completely useless and there are plans brewing for society that the people running society have and they don't involve the commoners say, I also don't like having my name and personal information tied to government or other surveys. But i'll fill this one out, it means a lot to some of you I can see, and obviously I want the Grizzly hunt back. But I don't think it will be brought back, if it some how is it won't be like anything we've known in the past I don't believe, but who knows.

    I think a lot of guys don't fill these out not because their lazy, but because of the disdain and skepticism. Don't want to entertain BS.
    Last edited by TheObserver; 08-28-2023 at 10:20 PM.

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