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Thread: Kootenay Elk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Kootenay Elk

    Hey guys,
    Decided to start my first thread

    I am looking at going elk hunting in the east Kootenays this fall (I'm one of many I guess) and I was wondering if there are elk in the mountains or if they are all in the valley.

    Let me elaborate:
    I went on an elk hunt last year in the east Koots and it seemed like all the hunters were down at the base of the mountains in the main valley (not sure what its called but I mean the valley that cranbrook is in)
    Let's just say I saw more hunters than elk, even though I I did call in a bull to about 50 yards but couldn't get a visual due to thick brush.
    It just felt like all the hunters are on one pile competing for a few animals.
    It was really frustrating to have so many hunters around and pretty much no elk.

    This year I wanted to go deeper into the backcountry to get away from all the pressure. My question is: Is it worth going that deep or not? Are there elk that deep in or do they all hang out in the main valley at the fields.

    I have spent countless hours escouting the region but I thought I could get more help on here.
    This will be my second year of hunting the east Kootenays and my third year hunting in BC altogether so I am not really familiar with the area that much. I am planning on a scouting trip either end of July or beginning of August.

    Any help/tips would be appreciated.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    never hunted the kootenays for elk but id 100% go further and deeper than where all the hunters hangout.
    elk will be in the steep and thick terrain during the rut. winter months they will be hanging out lower in valley bottoms/ fields.
    Don't be afraid to go into the thick shit after them if their bugling back to you. I've yet to shoot a 6 point passed 50 yards.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    The further away from hunting pressure the better. Go deep. They’re in the mountains for sure. I was chasing elk at 7000’ last year. There is lots of 5-point or less bulls out there so make sure you confirm it’s legal before you shoot.
    "A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children." John James Audubon

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    ^^^^what both of them said...the elk could be at any elevation then, and will move around depending on a variety of factors, including optimal food sources, hunting pressure, pred pressure, water availability 2021 I shot a bull at 2000+ meters, last year we were finding them at 1500 ish meters.... sounds like you were on elk, so keep at it, you were probably one correct call to use away from that bull showing himself...

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    The valley is part of the Rocky Mountain Trench. Odds of bagging a 6 point Elk during a GOS are about as good as putting in for an LEH haha. Kind of like the spike fork Moose GOS in Region 8. If you haven't applied for Elk LEH you might consider doing so. I lucked into a draw on Van Isle a few years ago, a friend of mine has been skunked for draws for 30 years.... go figure.

    Anyhow, I wish you luck, I've driven that highway often, not hunting & spotted a couple bulls crossing the highway near Canal Flats on one occasion. You might also consider a different region for an Elk hunt where there's less pressure. Gridlessness has posted some Elk hunting YouTubes.

    Last edited by mike31154; 06-02-2023 at 11:00 AM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    ^^^^what both of them said...the elk could be at any elevation then, and will move around depending on a variety of factors, including optimal food sources, hunting pressure, pred pressure, water availability 2021 I shot a bull at 2000+ meters, last year we were finding them at 1500 ish meters.... sounds like you were on elk, so keep at it, you were probably one correct call to use away from that bull showing himself...
    That's good to know. I always look at the mountains and think to myself, dang if I were an elk I would not hang out there cause that looks like a lot of work to get and survive there.

    Ya that instance was my first encounter with an elk in the wild and it got me hooked.
    What I should've done is move away from him and leave my shooter in the spot we were in to draw him further.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    Avalanche chutes are a great place to look for elk in the EK.
    Few people are willing to put in the work required to get a 6 pt bull elk season after season.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Moose country

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    It is not the same as it was 20 years ago when almost all the elk would migrate to the mountains as soon as the snow left. Now, majority of the elk in the EK are non-migratory and hangout in the trench in the farmers fields. Still, there are herds that head into the mountain drainages every summer, only in smaller numbers. The further you go into the road closures and back valleys, the better your chances at success as these elk see much less pressure and therefore still act like elk. Grab a spotting scope, find an hidden back basin and glass all the slides (avalanche chutes) and you will find elk. Look at the tops of mountains at the tree line as well. It still astonishes me how many elk hangout up at the mountain tops in what I would have formerly considered “goat only” country. Elk tend to hangout where the feed is good and the good feed is not in the same spot every year, so don’t necessarily expect to go into a spot year after year and be successful seeing elk. That’s my .02. Sounds like you’re on the right track though, certainly some decent opportunity left for the guy who doesn’t mind strapping on his pack and spending a night or two in the back country. I recommend buying a good compact hammock if you plan to spend nights on the mountain!

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    Check out this short video. You can’t get much higher than we were when saw this guy. We called him up to within 10 yards.
    "A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children." John James Audubon

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Kootenay Elk

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenthumbed View Post

    Check out this short video. You can’t get much higher than we were when saw this guy. We called him up to within 10 yards.
    Great video!......

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