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Thread: Grizzlies in Region 8

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    For purely a gbear viewing experience, tough to beat the BC Wildlife Park in Kamloops, almost guaranteed
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    Quote Originally Posted by high horse Hal View Post
    For purely a gbear viewing experience, tough to beat the BC Wildlife Park in Kamloops, almost guaranteed
    That’s region 3 though…..

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    Haha. I like seeing em out there! A little more fun.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    Well ain't giving up my honey hole but every year I see a big boar in 8-26

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    Glass the Snowline in Remote places.


    * When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
    * Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
    * We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
    * Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
    * The Law is no substitute for Morality !

    Be safe and happy Trails !

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    I took a couple of new hunters to an older clear-cut ridge near Niles Lake in October of 2013. We hiked to the saddle of the ridge and climbed into a wooden tree stand that my son had constructed a few years earlier. We had a good vantage point 12 feet above the ground. Once up, I raised my binoculars and scanned the area. Something caught my eye immediately... about 500 yards away was this beautiful, glistening silvertipped grizzly turning over stumps and foraging. We watched him for 10 minutes before we lost him in the underbrush. We had set up for an evening hunt and I decided that there was no way I wanted the two 18-year-old novice hunters to have a grizzly encounter in the darkness. We left the hill. There there are most
    certainly grizzly in Region 8-5.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    Saw two grizz near Princeton last year. One galloped across a huge clear cut at an alarming rate. About an hour later in the same area I saw a herd of about 15 elk. Another one I encountered at about 75 yards away while calling in an elk. He heard the conversation and wanted dinner. That was intense.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Okanagan

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    I had a very close face to face encounter with one up behind my house last spring and saw very large bear tracks up Bata FSR a couple of weeks ago. The front tracks were just about as wide as my size 9 hiking boot and had that turned in Grizzly gait to them. You don't need to go far to see them, they're around here for sure.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    [QUOTE=Stillhunting;2399806]I've seen them up Pasayten and Lamont and Garrison off Whipsaw near Princeton.[/QU

    Exactly as stated above . Sow with two to three cubs up back end of Bert ( off Whipsaw Kennedy ) almost every year .

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Vancouver BC

    Re: Grizzlies in Region 8

    It's easy to change a 3 into an 8

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