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Thread: Have you renewed your Pal?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    I renewed online. Got in the mail in about 2 weeks.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Kelowna, BC

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    A question for those who used their Android phones to do the photo.....
    What app did you use to ensure that the photo was acceptable?
    Thanks for any advice.
    Growing old is unavoidable. Growing up is highly overrated....

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    I applied for a renewal of my RPAL on June 5th and received it today on July 4th. Pleased with that turn around!! My wife signed the application which makes me wonder if tht helps speed up the process? They didn't call her to confirm or anything.
    "When you judge another you don't define them, you define yourself."

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    Quote Originally Posted by goatdancer View Post
    A question for those who used their Android phones to do the photo.....
    What app did you use to ensure that the photo was acceptable?
    Thanks for any advice.
    Just take a selfie with the regular camera app on a white background with good lighting. Thats what I did and wasn't a problem.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Maple Ridge

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    Quote Originally Posted by whitlers View Post
    Just take a selfie with the regular camera app on a white background with good lighting. Thats what I did and wasn't a problem.
    I did the same, and had no problem.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Surrounded by Bolsheviks

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    Ran into a business colleague who I hadn't seen in about a year. He's the biggest Gunnie I know. His PAL expired in September last year and he's still waiting for his renewal. He said he calls every week or every other week and they tell him they've seen a major influx of new PAL applications over the past year and they're way behind. Mine's up for renewal next spring, but I'm thinking I might start the process sooner than later. Crazy to see how some folks get their renewals immediately and others get seriously screwed over and have to wait indefinitely
    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." - Benjamin Franklin

    "The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it" - George Orwell

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    I have been waiting since about a week before Christmas 2023 . I have multiple times and it’s always it could be a couple of months . I find it frustrating .
    Arctic Lake
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  8. #128
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    A buddy of mine has been waiting for a few months now for his initial PAL card to arrive. I suggested he call in once a week. His last call he was given the 'not sure what the status is, call back in 2 months', he asked to speak with a supervisor and was actually transferred to someone who almost immediately approved his application and told him it will be sent out once it's printed. Part of the ridiculousness of all of this is he took the course with another buddy who received his PAL 2 weeks after sending it in, they both sent it in on the same date. I guess it really depends on whose hands the app falls into when it gets to their office.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    Crazy huh !
    Arctic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by DJK View Post
    A buddy of mine has been waiting for a few months now for his initial PAL card to arrive. I suggested he call in once a week. His last call he was given the 'not sure what the status is, call back in 2 months', he asked to speak with a supervisor and was actually transferred to someone who almost immediately approved his application and told him it will be sent out once it's printed. Part of the ridiculousness of all of this is he took the course with another buddy who received his PAL 2 weeks after sending it in, they both sent it in on the same date. I guess it really depends on whose hands the app falls into when it gets to their office.
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
    Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Have you renewed your Pal?

    mine expired in the letter for renewal in Dec. and applied right away..... got mine last week.
    6 months and 14 phone calls later and they phoned my house to talk to my wife.... finally showed up!!

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