Not the case Krico. Correct me I am wrong but Turkey limits are regional so you tan take one in region 8 and 1 in region 4.
Regional of 1 each region. No provincial bag limit is listed in the regs.
No, I am correct. The regional season bag limits listed are aggregate. 1 in spring, either 1 or 2 in fall depending on region (other than R1 with NBL).
This has been discussed on the site in past, is explained in multiple publications (including BC Outdoors magazine multiple times over the years) and confirmed with conservation officer service.
Last edited by Krico; 05-13-2023 at 07:15 AM.
Twist and pull.
One clarification. My inquiry went from the CO service to Victoria and was subsequently answered in writing by the Fish and Wildlife Regulations officer Kelly Smith who I believe still holds that seat.
If anyone has it in writing from the authorities that we can take 1 each from region 4 and 8 in spring I’d love to see it. And I will happily change my position, because I’d love to have opportunity at more turkey hunting!
Twist and pull.
Anyone do turkey on the Island the south end has no closed season. Next visit I’ll be packing.
No one on their death bed ever said; I should have spent more time at work.