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Thread: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    Afternoon folks.

    Spring is almost here and it’s time to start thinking about the hunting season once again..

    it’s a bit early I know, but I am intending to do another spring bear derby to pump up the hunting content on here.. now that everything is finally fixed and settled from all the flooding here, I’m in a position to run this derby again this year.

    the first one didn’t go off as smoothly as I would have liked, so let’s hope practice makes perfect and this one goes off without a hitch.

    Thus far the prizes will come out of my pocket, but once I have a solid outline of what the plan is, if anyone else wanted to contribute to the derby prizes that would be greatly appreciated by all involved I think.

    that being said, as well as the first one went over, it wasn’t without its hurdles and complexities.

    so far, I am leaning towards having just two draws, youth and adult.. and instead of going through the hassle of making people clean and measure their skulls… I am thinking the easiest would likely be, one entry per tag filled up to a maximum of 2 per person. That way every harvested bear gives the potential for a win instead of just the biggest, which encourages trophy hunting IMO and I want to encourage hunter participation more than anything.

    Last timeI ran this, there were numerous folks who filled tags but once they saw the size of other bears posted, opted to not even contribute their hunting story and that’s counter intuitive to what I’m trying to accomplish.
    if anyone had any suggestions on ways to improve this, keep things more organized or just another idea in general let me know.

    hoping if I’m starting this well in advance that it’ll come off without a hitch this year.
    it’ll run from first day of spring season, to the last day.. draw will be done In the first week or two of July.

    I’ll make an official thread closer to April, but please use this one if you have any suggestions or input to offer.
    Last edited by RyoTHC; 02-27-2023 at 04:26 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    Not sure about the ideas to do with the derby thread, but going to target Bear for the first time this year I think mostly while scouting Blacktail spots, but while doing that going to make a concerted effort just for Bear as well got a few places in mind that had tons of sign last year. If I get one i'll create a story with pictures for sure!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    Ryo - Thanks for always keeping everyone involved - and hunting focused.

    Is there any reason why entrants couldn't all throw 10 bucks into the pot? I don't know if there are any rules/laws against that kind of thing. I would be willing to do something like that.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    There is always more participation with a lottery style entry system than just a "biggest bear wins" system.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Gambier island

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    I'm excited for this idea. I can't wait for my first spring bear hunt. Me and my son(6) will be going over to region 2-5 and 2-12 as often as we can. It's a 30 minute boat ride and I get 3 days off a week in the slow season (before may long)

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Salmon arm

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    I'm itching to get out bear hunting. April can't come soon enough.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by jlirot View Post
    Ryo - Thanks for always keeping everyone involved - and hunting focused.

    Is there any reason why entrants couldn't all throw 10 bucks into the pot? I don't know if there are any rules/laws against that kind of thing. I would be willing to do something like that.
    With the amount of members we have here now and the amount with e-mail suffixes I'd suggest gambling isn't going to end well. Lets just make it to get more folks involved for fun and cool stories!!
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    North of Hope

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    The biggest black bears are on the coast, going for the biggest handicaps everyone that doesn't hunt there, so thumbs up to the lottery plan.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2020

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    Sounds like a great idea. Hoping to cut my first bear tag this year.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: 2023 Spring Bear Derby - suggestions.

    That's why I asked buddy.

    Whatever the deal - I'm in.

    I really like the idea of making it all inclusive vs. biggest bear. I'm not on the coast but I've seen 2 big ones in my area that I'm gunning for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeleco View Post
    With the amount of members we have here now and the amount with e-mail suffixes I'd suggest gambling isn't going to end well. Lets just make it to get more folks involved for fun and cool stories!!

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