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Thread: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    Looking to add 3 or 4 trail cams to my collection for scouting areas this coming winter.

    There is no service in these areas but potential for people to see them so I would rather have a few cheaper cams than more expensive ones if the get stolen.

    I used to use bushnell cameras years ago and they were ok, just very complicated to set up. The Cabelas 30mp outfitter ones seem to have good reviews online, any real world experience of these?


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    I bought a pair of these Moultrie A700i cameras (links to both USA and Canadian ‘Zon) from Amazon in the USA. They are surprisingly good! Super crisp images. At $69 for two, I didn’t expect a lot, but I’m happy and they come with batteries and SD cards too. I might have to buy two more…

    Sample images:

    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The Puddle

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    You may as well ask what kind of truck to buy as you will get similar responses. I run Browning, Bushnell, Moultrie and Stealthcam and it seems my oldest ones (Moultrie) have been the best. The Brownings are a close second and I use the Stealthcam in areas where theft is quite possible. I might set them all up on one tree in my yard for a week and compare them, but I do like the Browning and Moultrie. What I also do is I set one up (Browning with mic) in video mode and one of the others in photo mode just in case one craps out. The Bushnells worked ok, but over time the power pack seemed to crap out on them and even though you can use an external powerpack I could never find a plug that would fit and finally gave up on them.
    One other tip for anti theft is get rid of those straps that come with them that wrap around a tree, that solid ring stands out like a sore thumb, I use about an 8 inch strip of that plumbers wire with all the holes in it, screw that to the tree and cover with some old mans beard and you never see it.

    Good luck,,, I am addicted to it and cannot wait to get mine back out in the field.


  5. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    I've run a number of different cams over the years. Currently I'm running Browning. Versions of the Dark ops and Strike Force.

    FYI, I've never lost a camera. Well, ok, two to a forest fire (and I eventually got those back), but never to the hands of another human. I will offer two thoughts for consideration. One, remove the cloth wrap strap the camera comes with, and find another purpose for it. Use bailing wire to attach your camera to the tree or whatever. Second, consider the colour of the bark you most often put your camera against and add a bit of spray paint to your camera to help it blend in.

    The bailing wire reduces your scent, removes the risk of an animal licking, bumping and disturbing your camera as the wire bites into the tree, but most importantly it reduces the visibility of the camera to passersby.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    Some good tips on the attachment fellas. Only bottom-feeders steal cameras, but we know there is no shortage of those people…
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    Thanks for the replies so far guys, all good info so far. To those guys running different bramds do you find much difference in battery life?

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The Puddle

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    I put mine out in May / June and have only had to change batteries in one Browning during the season, I had it set to videos and a branch got in the way, so it was firing damn near constantly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave177 View Post
    Thanks for the replies so far guys, all good info so far. To those guys running different bramds do you find much difference in battery life?

  9. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    I put my cams out in May with fresh batteries. Video burns through the batteries for sure. I set my cams on still photos and a 2 shot burst. I take in about 3-5000 pics, per camera over a 3 week period.
    My older Moultries with 6 "C" batteries, run until August and I only replace the batteries ( down to about 60%) in August because I don't want to be replacing them during the hunting season.
    My Browning cameras use "AA" batteries. Some require 4 batteries and some require 8.

    All cameras are put out in May, batteries changed in August. I move the cams in late September and they run until January on the batteries from August.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    On thing I want in a trail camera is time lapse - a picture every minute for example - so the wind or clouds doesn't set it off every few seconds. It's also handy to watch a field and see what's going on out there.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Trail cam reviews / suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave177 View Post
    Looking to add 3 or 4 trail cams to my collection for scouting areas this coming winter.

    There is no service in these areas but potential for people to see them so I would rather have a few cheaper cams than more expensive ones if the get stolen.

    I used to use bushnell cameras years ago and they were ok, just very complicated to set up. The Cabelas 30mp outfitter ones seem to have good reviews online, any real world experience of these?

    You looking for picture or video, day or night shot quality. There is various Brands on Amazon some of which are knock offs made by
    different companys but are quite good and are reasonable priced. I would suggest looking at some of the reviews on you tube showing
    actual pictures and video o you can see if quality you are looking for.

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