The last 3D event of the year! Hope to see you there!
The last 3D event of the year! Hope to see you there!
Last edited by KBC; 11-07-2023 at 02:45 PM.
Site Sponsor
Updated first post with this coming Sunday's shoot!
Just over a week away for the next shoot!
Updated the first post with new info. We will be out every Wednesday night starting May 10th until the end of August.
This Saturday The Mission Bowmasters present, The Spring Fling on the Green trail at Mission & District Rod & Gun Club. 20 extreme shots, a great way to get geared up for TAC or the Northwest Mountain Challenge.
You will need binoculars, range finder, the ability to shoot out to 90 yards, a compass and lots of arrows!
Open to everyone, no membership require $20.
Last edited by KBC; 05-08-2023 at 05:08 PM.
Updated first post.
Updated first post