Re: Boundary Bay shoreline clean-up
So I’m going to go out on Saturday morning. I know 64th St has a huge amount of garbage washed up there so that should be a focal point. 112th St is also a relatively busy spot for duck hunters. I’ll happily head to either spot if someone else wants to commit to the other? I have a one ton longbox for the dump run, and a 16’ trailer if there is any big debris, but I think the truck should handle it all. I will grab a box of contractor bags. Anyone that wants to help out, please post your chosen spot below. The lowest tide during daylight is at 8:51 am, but there is almost no change between that low and the next high tide, so I will be there at 9:00.
Post below where you can be...
If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?
BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.