Hi, Im fairly new to archery. Last year while hunting with my PSE Stinger compound bow my string stop fell out. I've been having a hard time finding a replacement for it. How important is a string stop? And if it is important, any ideas where I could get a new one?
I have a bear but when my site got banged up they were happy to send me a new one. If you contact PSE they should be able to send you a new string stop - if you're lucky they may even send it free of charge.
Not needed but wouldn’t shoot without, and +1 to what golddust said or maybe call a local shop and see if they have one kicking around. I had the same problem with the same bow but was able to recover it(thank god as it wasn’t my bow). I use String wax or locktite on the threads on all bolt on parts just to make sure nothing falls off on a hunt and I’d maybe check all attached goodies if you got the RTS model as my dads did attachments/string stop did not come locktited in