what are the experienced archers thoughts on sights on a recurve or go the intstinctive method.I would like to use the recurve for shooting small game such as birds
what are the experienced archers thoughts on sights on a recurve or go the intstinctive method.I would like to use the recurve for shooting small game such as birds
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Instinctive shooting takes lots of practice some people got it and some people don't. When I was doing a lot of it I considered myself not to bad. But I still like the single pin if a guy is going to use it for hunting gives you more reassurance.
No one on their death bed ever said; I should have spent more time at work.
If you use a single pin what kind of yardage do you set it at. I realize that it would be different for everyone, just sometimes you can get pretty close to a grouse and other times no so much. Would a two pin set up be more versatile.
What works best for me is I actually aim directly over the arrow....and I just know how much below or above the target I have to hold my arrow depending of course on my distance from target...
Don't consider myself all that experienced since I purchased my 1st recurve about 5 years ago. It was a used bow with a single pin sight. I then got a more powerful take down recurve & was trying my hand at making a diy pin sight. Not long after, I ended up breaking the sight on the older bow & tried shooting without it. With some practice I was shooting just as accurately instinctive as with the sight. Neither of my bows now has a sight. My advice is to try both, just as I did & see what works for you.
My 1st bow with adjustable pin sight. 1970's vintage 40# but at my draw length it's less than that.
This is the best group I've ever managed, range about 12 meters. Instinctive, haven't been able to replicate it since but generally I'm satisfied with my groups & don't think a sight will improve them.
This feller was at about 6 meters.
Nice work going get busy with the bow this weekend and try a few different techniques and see which one works best for me. Has any body tried string walking to compensate for point of impact. Thanks for the advice
A sight works well on a recurve (never more than a single pin though), but I would personally never use them for hunting. There are too many variables, ie. distance, elevation, light, etc., and the sight is often a great brush catcher. But for target or 3D they work very well. That being said, I’ve found a sight can be a very good training tool. Once you’ve tuned your setup and are getting consistent arrow flight, attach a single pin sight (if the riser has the appropriate mounting holes) or just attach a strip of good tape at the front edge of the sight window and stick in a coloured large headed pin. Start at 10 yards and set it up so the pin and the arrow are hitting the same spot with tight groups. Then move back 5 yards and repeat, all the way back to whatever is your max comfort shot. Shoot with the sight at every distance for a period of several weeks as often as possible. Then go out one day and remove the sight, and start shooting, starting at 10 yards, etc. You will find your mind has memorized the sight picture and recognizes the distance and the gap between the arrow tip and the target, and the actual pin is no longer needed. I’ve used this method to instruct for many years and its almost always successful. After that, its just repetition and practise.
String walking can be very accurate, if you’re only shooting target or specific distances. But the last time I shot at a grouse it wasn’t waiting for me to range it, count the serving wraps, or measure with the tab.
Put in the time to allow your eye and mind to coordinate the shots and you’ll be a better shooter soon enough. There is no quick fix.
Cool thanks for the advice.
Noah68 that's a great chunk of info. I bought my daughter & son in law recurves a couple years ago. They haven't been out much due to work commitments but that should change now that they have their own business & same schedule. I fashioned both of them my DIY version of single pin sights when I was still using it on my original bow. Next time out I'm going to see if I can get them to leave the sights off. Much of what you said will be helpful!
This is my vintage & take down next to each other showing the pin sights. The diy effort on my takedown not the final version, but turned out not bad. I bought the same brand takedown for the kids so now we can potentially swap limbs as they are all different weights. I'm currently using 50# rated limbs but pulling around 45 at my draw length. I ended up breaking the sight mount on the old bow while being careless stringing it.
Last edited by mike31154; 01-27-2021 at 06:56 PM.