Watch the push- a traditional archery film. I learned on a recurve this way, takes the guess work out of it. Once your good at judging distance use the string crawl method. super slick.
Watch the push- a traditional archery film. I learned on a recurve this way, takes the guess work out of it. Once your good at judging distance use the string crawl method. super slick.
Instinctive all day long!
"Dy'in ain't much of a livin' boy"
"There is NO Keyser Soze"!!!!!!
"Do cow moose have white inside their ears"?!!!!!
I just finished watching the Push. Totally makes sense now recommend it very informative movie.
Theres no point using a sight on a recurve unless you have a large window of adjustment (see target archers recurves) they're just not fast/flat shooting enough to get any meaningful range to the pins, fixed pin sights are pointless.
"Instinctive" archers do really well on the internet but not so much in the real world. Get your schitt together behind the bow, have a conscious aiming process, and then do it enough that it takes not much conscious thought to trust your sight picture.
Easiest and best way to get proficient is to gap, anyone who is any good and doesn't string walk or crawl gap shoots. Fact. Its called different things but we all hold somewhere relative to the target based on the range we are shooting, the conjecture is how they process that simple thing and what they call it.
Another thing. Rules at shoots usually dictate fingers tough the nock unless in barebow class. That might not be relevant but its a consideration if any kind of archery events are in your future.