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Thread: How to post a photo from your gallery to HBC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    How to post a photo from your gallery to HBC

    How to post photos from your Gallery to HBC - no need to use Imgur or any third party sites
    (note: How to upload photos to your gallery for Windows and Mac also in Members
    Pictures and/or Video Links section)

    Open two separate HBC pages (ie. two browser pages open to two separate HBC sites)
    On one, click Post New Thread (or Reply to Thread - advanced, if wanting to add to and existing thread). This will leave you a blank section that will eventually be your post (can type in written comments now, if you want)
    Go to the second HBC page and go to Gallery, My Photos. You have to have uploaded the photo to your Gallery earlier (see my post...How to mentioned previously)
    Your photos in your gallery are thumbnail size (unless you just uploaded it). Double click on the photo you want to post (if thumbnail) will enlarge. R click on the enlarged photo and select Copy.
    Go back to your first HBC page with the blank section, R click on the blank area and select Paste.
    To add written comment (if not done previously, hit enter a couple of times to expose an area to type).
    Last edited by Wagonmaster; 02-03-2020 at 08:58 PM.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: How to post a photo from your gallery to HBC

    I think it works now ... Thanks Wagonmaster!

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