I once found a chart that broke down the regions and what species a non resident could hunt but haven't been able to find it. Would someone mind posting a link?
I once found a chart that broke down the regions and what species a non resident could hunt but haven't been able to find it. Would someone mind posting a link?
More than likely you won't be able to travel around the prov. with the oil taps shut off and no gas coming in! Unless you have a solar powered 4x4 it could make it tuff. Don't get me wrong, good luck.
The only advantage to a light rifle is it's weight, all other advantages go to the heavier rifle..
Well we went and visited her parents and grand parents over may-long and I talked to her opa and he says hes never had an issue with natives blocking access for hunting or giving him trouble so I'm gonna start looking into getting my non resident and hopefully go on an October hunt. I'm guessing I'll have a decent chance at WT, mulie, black bear.
So her Opa is having a heck of a time getting into his account. He can't remember his forget password answer lol hes not computer literate. What steps can he take next to get his permit to host a non resident hunter? All of my documents are uploaded and approved so we just need his hunter host permit to move forward.
Got the application in, now to wait............
Good Luck !! good on ya for planning this trip with Opa.