From this day on ALL new members will NOT be allowed to buy or sell unless the following conditions have been met.
1. The deal is done in the flesh, hands on, cash in hand! You get the idea. Then the long standing member please pipe in and start a thread telling all that want to look, the deal was a good one and start a good rep with the NewB!!
2. Until the first day of the third full month of membership is passed you will not be allowed to do any "online" transactions. So if you join Jan 2nd you cannot do deals until, May 1st. For this We are going to need help from all members in good standing. If a person enters into a transaction with you and they are short of the above 2 requirements send the mods a message.
1st time will be considered an oops, second one will cause a membership decline of 1 newb!!
PS, remember that in the end ALL deals are BUYER beware, we mods can only do so much to protect you from yourselves !!