For extravagance, how about some rainbow trout eyeballs to compliment the trout itself (similar consistency to oysters actually, and not bad, and highly nutritious)?
Tried a lot of varying things in my life, but going to have to pass on those methinks...
Lol now that looks tasty... seriously, the eyeballs ain't bad and it's a great way to utilize more of the fish son always wants to fry em up anytime we bring home fish now..
Yesterday a good friend informed me that today is the last day for commercial prawn fishing here, and that one of the local boats would be offering caught-that-day spot prawns for 12 clams a pound!!
So, I was there around an hour before they were expected in.
HUGE buggers, still kicking!
Collected ten pounds.
On the way out, another Buddy (fishes for cod & rockfish) called me over for a BS.
When I went to depart, he said Hold that bucket out!
Then tossed in a nice sized yellow Eye (Red Snapper)!
Great day to be at the docks!!
So of course tonight's din-din will be massive prawns & Yelloweye with a cold salad of some sort!