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Thread: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    I have been a mountaineer and fisherman for most of my adult life but 4 years ago I decided on mountain hunting. Before I had even shot a bullet I quickly became fascinated with goat and particularly sheep. I bought my first firearm a 308 kimber mountain ascent. I went to the range and pulled the trigger on a firearm for the first time in my life and I was awful. I practiced for a year got better but not sniper better. Then I got advice on bedding my rifle. I had a gunsmith do that then I paid an experienced shooter to reload for my rifle. I practiced some more with new ammo and bedded rifle. Now I was a sniper (haha). So 3years ago I go on my first ever hunt. I figured there are more opportunities for goat than sheep so I would start with that first. A goat hunt in the east kootenays based on very little intel. I just looked at goat surveys in the east kootenys got the tag and went. Im a good climber so I just climbed high and saw nannies and kids but no billies.

    But it was super exciting. The next year I went again solo but I went in November when the billies were horny. Now that trip will be for another story one day cause it was an epic goat hunt but I got my billy. .. I’ll jump to the pic of it on my wall

    But the tidbit from that story which was pretty funny when I think back to it was that the first time I EVER shot my rifle outside of the range was a 314 yard shot through that mountain goat. Scratch mountain goat off I want a stone sheep.
    Last edited by chinook7; 10-05-2018 at 09:58 AM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    around the way

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand den......................?

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Nice goat. Did he take a tumble and snap the tips off?

    You should do a goat story too!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Southern West Kootenays

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    This really got me hooked. I want the goat story now.
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Like where this is headed....bring it on!!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    You look like your a pro already at hunting, Hahahaha, good one. And you have ability and know the computer, which is great for sharing like your doing.
    --Your obviously in great shape to climb so good
    Jelly -- anyways thanx for the great thread and let's keep this going as well --> chinook7 folks Right here on HBC <--
    Last edited by Jelvis; 10-04-2018 at 07:03 PM. Reason: HBC sticks together and helps hunters

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Verynnice goat.....can't wait for the rest....

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    So then last year I go for stone sheep. Again I have very little intel except some “word of mouth” and this board and trying to sift through it. So I decide on a drainage off the Alaska highway. Google earth looked good I thought I was all ninja like finding this spot and I take a partner with me. So we show up and there are guide trucks parked there. Whatever we go in and see some game but no sheep. But in one trip we learned a lot. Based on sheep paths and droppings and what I’ve read we got an idea of what they do in that particular drainage. So the day we get back I already start thinking about the next year. However later that year I have terrible ankle injury during a down climb. I was trying to help my buddy get a goat but it didn’t work out. He injured himself too on that trip. So I was in constant rehab for my ankle while continually training the rest of my body in the hopes that my ankle is healed by the next year. I buy jack O’Connor book on sheep hunting I become obsessed. (Expensive book) more shooting practice more training. My ankle gets better by July of this year my buddy is still hurt so I decide to go solo. I like going with a partner but there is part of me that revels in the challenge of harvesting mountain game solo.. so I keep coming back to it. I get all my gear ready and make a plan.

    I decide to go a few weeks ago in mid September. All the guides will be out and pressure will be less. It takes me two days to hike in. My pack is almost 70lbs and I’m an ultralight gear nut.

    The problem is mid September in the northern rockies could have a wider range of temperature changes. I had to plan for ice conditions and soaking wet conditions. And I packed enough food for 12 days. So pack weight jumped up on me. I get to my base camp. It’s a surreal feeling being surrounded by the northern Rockies and completely alone. It’s such a mental game but keeping busy is best. Setting tasks and getting them done keeps your mind busy. So at my base camp I set up all my grizz protection. I have a trip wire with a 120 decibel alarm.

    Then I have second trip line on my food stash. A 12 gauge flash bang blank I screw into a branch.


  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Griz protection while hiking is my rifle with quick access off my kifaru gun bearer. And then I connect a handheld marine flare to my front shoulder strap pack that I can just grab pull a string on to release 16000 candlepower redlight and smoke as a possible last ditch effort. And I wear a full helmet with no vents

    The food bag is one of those thicker water proof bags. It’s heavier but it protects better from rodents too. Im happy the weather is dry and not too windy but just sooo cold. Constantly battling frozen water in my water bottle.

    I have to wrap it in a down jacket to keep it from freezing. My boots freeze too from creek crossings while still in the valley.
    The run offs at higher elevations are frozen waterfalls. On the third day I climb into a basin and start glassing and I see sheep for the first time in my life.


  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Langford, BC

    Re: A solo hunter quest for stone sheep (with back story and pics)

    Nice man... At first I thought it might be a pack alarm but thats a bit louder Im sure! lol

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