Wow what an accomplishment way to go. I bet you think about that hunt alot. It was a great story.
Wow what an accomplishment way to go. I bet you think about that hunt alot. It was a great story.
Nothing is like climbing a mountain, and then feeling like you are at the top of the world.
With a 308 Win to boot. Beautiful alway around. The Whizzmss must be puckering.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Collectivism is Slavery
Support a Woman's right to arm herself.
January 28th
Best story Ive read on here. Very inspirational, especially to a solo mountain hunter like myself. Have you had any interesting hunts since this one that you can share with us? I love to read some more!
Wow, great storey even though 6 years later! The weather would have been it for me at my age, but it’s awesome to see others determination and success!
I like drinking beer and whiskey, shooting guns, jetboating, love a nice rack and a tight line, I am simply a sophisticated redneck...
Is the OP still on here ?
Arctic Lake
Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !
Last activity 10 days yes. Awesome hbc used to be before the world changed.
"Our arrows will block out the sun!" "Then we shall fight in the dark!" K.L. Government is not the solution to our problem, it is the problem. R.R. “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” M.F.
Great story and grit!!! Just curious is the helmet for safety hunting alone in alpine against accidents :falls or slips. Or is cause of head injury in past ? Just confused mean no disrespect.. vortex
Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer
"Every time is a once-in-a-lifetime experience . . . all different" Glenn St. Charles
Life Member RMGA, Monarch WSSBC, Platinum BGRCBC, WSF