I have been a mountaineer and fisherman for most of my adult life but 4 years ago I decided on mountain hunting. Before I had even shot a bullet I quickly became fascinated with goat and particularly sheep. I bought my first firearm a 308 kimber mountain ascent. I went to the range and pulled the trigger on a firearm for the first time in my life and I was awful. I practiced for a year got better but not sniper better. Then I got advice on bedding my rifle. I had a gunsmith do that then I paid an experienced shooter to reload for my rifle. I practiced some more with new ammo and bedded rifle. Now I was a sniper (haha). So 3years ago I go on my first ever hunt. I figured there are more opportunities for goat than sheep so I would start with that first. A goat hunt in the east kootenays based on very little intel. I just looked at goat surveys in the east kootenys got the tag and went. Im a good climber so I just climbed high and saw nannies and kids but no billies.
But it was super exciting. The next year I went again solo but I went in November when the billies were horny. Now that trip will be for another story one day cause it was an epic goat hunt but I got my billy. .. I’ll jump to the pic of it on my wall
But the tidbit from that story which was pretty funny when I think back to it was that the first time I EVER shot my rifle outside of the range was a 314 yard shot through that mountain goat. Scratch mountain goat off I want a stone sheep.