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Thread: Trouble shooting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Trouble shooting

    Being new the bowhunting I realize how little I know when things go wrong.

    Here's the poop.

    All of a sudden my bow is shooting 8-10" low at 20yds. I had the bow in my backpack while riding my motorbike so I first thought I had banged my sight. I tried moving the sight down but soon ran out of room.

    One thing that I did different when I waxed my string the last time I put the bow away was that I removed the cables from the slider for easier asccess. Previously I just pulled on the string to access the areas near the slider. I noticed that my Trophy Ridge drop away was not at the max height when at full draw. I never noticed where it was previously. Are fall aways designed to be at the max height when at full draw??
    I swapped cable positions in the slider thinking that this may be the problem and sure enough the rest went to the max height when @ full draw. I'm just a little leary to shoot the bow incase I may damage the bow or string.

    Here's a pic where the rest would stop the first way I had the cables(I'm just pulling on the return string of the rest to simulate what happenned)

    pic of rest at max height when I swapped the cables

    Bow when I swapped the cables

    Close up of the same

    I thought I was careful when I waxed the string to ensure I put the cables back to where they were but maybe I swapped them??



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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Trouble shooting

    If you draw your bow back and the strings look like they are moving freely and not chaifing on your cable slide then everything is probably just fine, you probably just mixed up your cables when you put it back together, I'd just draw it back a few times while watching the cables and make sure that they are moving as they should, also do a search on the computer in regards to your brand and model of bow and see if you can find a picture of one to verify the position of the cables on the slide.

    Last edited by Brambles; 06-10-2007 at 10:12 PM.

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Trouble shooting

    I have never taken my string and cables off unless I was changing them. IMO, it is better to back off the limb bolts a few turns to slack the tension a bit. Anyhow, shoot the bow and see if you have comeback to the original sight point.
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  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Trouble shooting

    Taking a look on Ebay at other AR 34", it appears that I DID NOT switch the cable positions.

    They pop off the slide very easy. Don't really need to back off any tension.

    Maybe the knot on my string return for the rest has slipped back a bit when I pulled it out of my pack?
    I guess I should do a quick paper tune.


  6. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Trouble shooting

    Yup I looked at the AR website and it looks like all their bows the cables cross below the cable slide, I'd change it back and just re adjust the rest so that it comes all the way up at full draw, you want it to fall as soon as the string moves forward for maximum fletch clearance. So don't make the string too tight, might take 1 person to verify the correct timing and height while the other person draws back.

    Now that it has happened to you, it might be a good idea to figure out a way to prevent it from happening again, tie a different knot or burn the end , something to give you a little piece of mind, it would suck for that to happen when your shooting on game.

    Not sure about the way you have the Drop away string tied to your cable slide, some rests you can get away with it but some are designed to be sliced into the cable itself causing a downward pull, providing better leverage, I looked at the trophy ridge website and the only picture they show of the rest installed on the bow shows it pulling down and anchored in the cable itself, do you have the installation instructions still?

    As far as taking the cables off the slide under full weight, I've seen it done before and hasn't caused any problems, all depends on the type of cable slide and how much tension is on the cables to start with, SSS your cable slide looks like its easy to work with I don't think you have anything to worry about.
    Last edited by Brambles; 06-11-2007 at 08:00 AM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Trouble shooting

    The drop away string passes through a small hole in the slider and there's a knot tied in it. I believe the string looks the same as before(knot is in the end and there is a little slack). When I pulled bow out of my pack I remember a string hanging up on something but I thought it was the string on my raingear. Maybe it wasn't and the knot moved a bit?

    I'll do a quick paper tune on it this afternoon. If my rest is that far out it should be pretty obvious.

    I bought the bow used off EBAY so I don't have any instructions for the rest installation. Had a new bowstring put on a few months ago. Haven't had any issues at all until now.


  8. #7
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Trouble shooting

    Brambles is right - the cables should cross underneath the cable guard bar, but they should definitely NOT touch each other.

    Have you checked your peep sight? Most likely you nudged the peep upwards when you were bouncing around on the "trike".

    This is a great example of why a person should write all the measurements down somewhere - tiller, peep height, brace height, A2A length, etc. Then you know if anything goes out of true.

    Since you have no more room to move your sight, I'd put it back where it was and try moving your peep.

    Good luck and let us know how it works out for you.

  9. #8
    Join Date
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    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Trouble shooting

    Running a few arrows through paper showed something is waaaay out. Just looking at an arrow knocked and the rest raised you can see it's at least a quarter inch low in the front. Paper showed it's tearing high in the rear end.
    If it was the peep that was out the arrow should still fly true. Aimpoint would be the only thing out.

    I've shortened the string on the rest so that it raises all the way up. I'll go give it a whirl and see how things fly.

    Damn! My wife told me to go chase bears tonight but I'm only interested in using my bow for the rest of the season.


  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    N. Okanagan

    Re: Trouble shooting

    My wife told me to go chase bears tonight
    Funny..?....she told me to come on by and visit.......thought you would be there too.......??

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Trouble shooting

    Maybe your string loop got snagged and slid up? Doubtfut since they usually tighten up real well and are difficult to move but something to look at.

    Good Luck

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