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Thread: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    North Shore

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    I think it should be based on area. I volunteer to collect and tag any heads in and around Lower Mainland. Keep them in a chest freezer and figure out a way to get them to you guys once there's a shippable amount?

    Contact me via PM OP and we can put something together. I agree, we should be doing this, we want research to be sustainable and we want our harvest to be justified scientifically as well. Willing to help if needed.

    Let me know.
    Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it.

    Ayn Rand

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenomorph View Post
    I think it should be based on area. I volunteer to collect and tag any heads in and around Lower Mainland. Keep them in a chest freezer and figure out a way to get them to you guys once there's a shippable amount?

    Contact me via PM OP and we can put something together. I agree, we should be doing this, we want research to be sustainable and we want our harvest to be justified scientifically as well. Willing to help if needed.

    Let me know.
    That would be great, and I appreciate the offer for help. As far as areas go, the primary focus is on the Peace and Kootenay regions, due to their close proximity to Alberta (which has tested positively for CWD). So we're not too interested in testing deer from the Lower Mainland area at this time, but if you were able to secure heads from hunters who may be traveling back from the Peace or Kootenays, that would be very valuable.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Just wondering ,how much enforcement has there been up till now on the sale of natural game lures that are still being sold in all the sporting good stores?
    Deer farms that are producing these lures seem to be where the core areas of CWB originated.
    Who do we ask that question to?

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by bownut View Post
    Just wondering ,how much enforcement has there been up till now on the sale of natural game lures that are still being sold in all the sporting good stores?
    Deer farms that are producing these lures seem to be where the core areas of CWB originated.
    Who do we ask that question to?
    I have heard of CWD being linked to ungulate farms and how baiting helping spread CWD by bringing deer into close quarters with each other

    I have never heard the sale of natural game lure causing an out break. I have never heard of the CWD being present in a commercially sold natural game lure

    Is this something you view as a possibility or is there a documented case of a commercially sold game lure being contaminated with CWD?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    I have heard of CWD being linked to ungulate farms and how baiting helping spread CWD by bringing deer into close quarters with each other

    I have never heard the sale of natural game lure causing an out break. I have never heard of the CWD being present in a commercially sold natural game lure

    Is this something you view as a possibility or is there a documented case of a commercially sold game lure being contaminated with CWD?

    There was a confirmed case where a deer piss farm became CWD positive.

    Many pee farms are in jurisdictions where No CWD testing is required.

    No CWD infected wild deer has been attributed to Bottled pee, but how would you test for that?
    There are a couple of infection sites where the originating source is unknown.
    Could CWD be transferred by infected Deer pee in a bottle? Absolutely!

    Just another note on Deer pee. The condition these poor animals live in and the trials they endure so hunters can have a bottle of stink is disgusting.
    I really can't understand hunters, most of whom claim to care about deer and wildlife, would actually support this industry.

  6. #26
    guest Guest

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by bownut View Post
    Just wondering ,how much enforcement has there been up till now on the sale of natural game lures that are still being sold in all the sporting good stores?
    Deer farms that are producing these lures seem to be where the core areas of CWB originated.
    Who do we ask that question to?
    just wondering, are most blind or tree stand Bow Hunters using scent? Piss rags or bottles, rut scents, doe in estrous, etc etc .

    I purchased a bottle once years ago, never seen any reaction to them, still have 3/4 of it left. Not much ch of a believer, mind you have don't use scent blockers or sprays as cover up. I just don't wear my man cologne either lol.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Have tried the "stuff" and so far, the odd young deer seems to be slightly interested, but most don't even acknowledge the stuff,
    according to cams

    I "think" that the buck I killed this year "might" have been attracted to some doe in heat stuff, but he could also have been just walking that trail.......

    And the doe in heat stuff was the synthetic stuff.....

    I forgot all about dropping the head off this year. Damn



    Quote Originally Posted by 358mag View Post
    "In spite of what some members of this site choose to BELIEVE, None of our opinions are any more important than Dog Shit"!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    I have heard of CWD being linked to ungulate farms and how baiting helping spread CWD by bringing deer into close quarters with each other

    I have never heard the sale of natural game lure causing an out break. I have never heard of the CWD being present in a commercially sold natural game lure

    Is this something you view as a possibility or is there a documented case of a commercially sold game lure being contaminated with CWD?
    A few years back it was a big concern and that's when all the Synthetic Lures started showing up. I don't know of any solid regulation on the sale of such
    natural products, but they seem to still be on the racks. I used many natural lures in past years and as of now stopped that routine. Look at where they
    are produced.
    As far as baiting goes, any time you concentrate wildlife things start showing up. Sickness, Predators knock at the door,

    Years back I used small amounts of lure to tuck a deers head behind a log or brush so I could draw my bow and make a clean shot, but after seeing what shows up on
    other hunters trail cams, I don't bother anymore.

    Baiting was never big on my list, but as long as it's legal, it will continue to grow, especially when hunters don't see many critters.

    With all the wolf sign in the backcountry, the last thing I want to do is concentrate game with lures and feed.
    Thats my own opinion, and I am sure I will get shit on for saying it on this site, but oh well.

    Like the old saying "A wise man changes his mind often, A fool never "

    The trend lately in the states is to put CWD front and center, they are also watching how much impact the wolves are having. Alberta east is on the look out also.
    We need to be more proactive for sure, nows the time for change. We may be one bad winter from a major decline.
    Last edited by bownut; 12-10-2017 at 07:15 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by bownut View Post
    A few years back it was a big concern and that's when all the Synthetic Lures started showing up. I don't know of any solid regulation on the sale of such
    natural products, but they seem to still be on the racks. I used many natural lures in past years and as of now stopped that routine. Look at where they
    are produced.
    As far as baiting goes, any time you concentrate wildlife things start showing up. Sickness, Predators knock at the door,

    Years back I used small amounts of lure to tuck a deers head behind a log or brush so I could draw my bow and make a clean shot, but after seeing what shows up on
    other hunters trail cams, I don't bother anymore.

    Baiting was never big on my list, but as long as it's legal, it will continue to grow, especially when hunters don't see many critters.

    With all the wolf sign in the backcountry, the last thing I want to do is concentrate game with lures and feed.
    Thats my own opinion, and I am sure I will get shit on for saying it on this site, but oh well.

    Like the old saying "A wise man changes his mind often, A fool never "

    The trend lately in the states is to put CWD front and center, they are also watching how much impact the wolves are having. Alberta east is on the look out also.
    We need to be more proactive for sure, nows the time for change. We may be one bad winter from a major decline.
    There's a time and place for voicing your concerns, Bownut. A thread like this is the perfect place for a debate on the subject.

    Site rules state no calling down a legal harvest of any kind of game, but starting a new thread or posting on this one will be better received.

    I Give my Heart to my Family....
    My Mind to my Work.......
    But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by Stone Sheep Steve View Post
    There's a time and place for voicing your concerns, Bownut. A thread like this is the perfect place for a debate on the subject.

    Site rules state no calling down a legal harvest of any kind of game, but starting a new thread or posting on this one will be better received.
    Don't see how I was calling down any hunting methods, just talking about the core concerns on CWD. Theres lots of funded studies that will confirm the comments.
    Branching out and learning has always been a driving force for me, it saves on trying to reinvent the wheel.

    If individuals want to take what I say as a personal attack, then they can take it as deep as they want to.
    Thanks for the reminder and remember it works both ways.......

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