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Thread: Abandonded docks of fuller lake

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Abandonded docks of fuller lake

    Trolling around the lake the other day I was astonished to see abandoned docks of homeowners that have been pushed into the trees and left to rot.

    Then on my next lap I took note of how many derelict docks are on that lake. Do unsightly premises laws not apply on water? Who do I contact to go about cleaning this mess up?
    Does any one recognize the dock in particular that has the metal pipes sticking vertically it has been out right abandoned.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Abandonded docks of fuller lake

    been seeing the same on the shuswap the last couple years.
    they break loose through the winter storms and float adrift on the lake until they beach themselves.
    same with boat bouys, they are all over the place.
    even worse with them, there are many that are still anchored, but just submerged right under the water level due to the high waters.
    definitely not good.
    I have also always wondered just what the rules are regarding these, can someone just put them anywhere in the lake?

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Abandonded docks of fuller lake

    Same with ocean waterfront. They often turn into hazards. I often find rusty nails sticking up out of boards washed up on the beach. Not a nice thing for anything to step on.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Abandonded docks of fuller lake

    i guess its not so much what people are/arent allowed to do, but, who is enforcing any of it?
    doing some reading, it even says on transport canada, they cant enforce many things due to lack of resources.
    shitty sign of the times.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Abandonded docks of fuller lake

    I emailed the North Cowichan regional district, they passed the buck and referred me to Timberwest. Timberwest replys they also have no jurisdiction on the lake surface (only the lake bed). But who ever took over the email said he would be bringing this back to North Cowichan and will be working something out. Ill post more when something happens.

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