when do LEH's come out
when do LEH's come out
This makes 5...Originally Posted by rugeer
Mr. Dean,
HuntingBC. 'Minnie' Mod.
HUGE fan of taxidermy.
My HBC Photo Gallery: http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showg...sername=mrdean
I'm in for the draws coming out in may![]()
earlier draws would be nice...
Also any unused tags should be re-drawn if time permitted.
Let's say i got a tag and couldn't go, i could either transfer the tag or return it to be re-drawn?! Just an idea.
I'm sure many won't like this idea, but what about giving priority, or should i say, slightly better odds for residents of a particular management unit.
i.e. if you live in region 7, you have better odds of getting a draw for region 7.
nothing more frustrating than to live with all the moose, all year long, but have half the population of the lower mainland coming up to shoot your moose because they all get draws and the local residents don't!
Just a thought.
alright, kill me!![]()
Originally Posted by Gatehouse
To me this makes no sense. Alberta has some draws with very high odds. At least with a points based system like Alberta you would be sure to get the draw before a person who already had it and is just putting in to try and make sure a hunter doesn't. With the current system I have putting in for moose in 3-18 for 15 years and haven't been drawn, but a guy I know has had it 3 times and never got a moose.
Originally Posted by Sitkaspruce
Same here.
Si vis pacem para bellum
i'll echo the others and vote for earlier draws and online applications as well as online reporting. A ton more people would fill out harvest questionaires if they were available to do online. And if they are available to do online somewhere then they need to advertise the fact better
"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
How did we go from "the animals are for the residents of BC" to "the animals are for the residents of whichever town is closest". What a load of horse s**t.
Last edited by Elkhound; 03-20-2007 at 10:00 AM.
"The Rocky Mountains are the marrow of the world"
Their high odds stuff is LEH no different than ours (Goats and Grizz when they had 'em)Originally Posted by TRACKnTRAIL
The other problem with BC is the annual variability in game populations.
You could be putting in for an elk draw that's 5:1 and the year you're gonna go to 5 there's a massive winter kill. Your odds just went up to 20:1, doesn't sound all that great if your body is getting tired.
For some of our species a priority system would work but the high odds stuff just isn't practical.
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