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Thread: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    About time this was "Stickied".....

    Thanks for the brief, concise explanation GoatGuy, hopefully a few more people will get it now.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    GODS COUNTRY region 8

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    Do you want more deer or do you want to limit the hunting season and harvest?

    These are two very separate issues. One is about wildlife, the other is about you.
    Can someone explain why lower mortality rates and INCREASED days of hunting is not better for hunters and wildlife?
    Make Your Own Luck

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The mighty peace

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    Do you want more deer or do you want to limit the hunting season and harvest?

    These are two very separate issues. One is about wildlife, the other is about you.
    Way to high a demand for what little amount of Mule Deer there is.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, could someone please explain how the 6 point bull elk antler restriction is any different than the 4 point Muley restriction when it comes to the article that Goatguy posted. Wouldnt the same be happening with the elk as well?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by knockturnal View Post
    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, could someone please explain how the 6 point bull elk antler restriction is any different than the 4 point Muley restriction when it comes to the article that Goatguy posted. Wouldnt the same be happening with the elk as well?

    The 6 pts elk season is a fail safe season. It was introduced as part of the recovery strategy in the EKs after a bad winter. It was never intended to be a long-term season. There are several MUs that could easily sustain a 3 pts or any bull GOS for that matter. There are of course a few that would likely remain 6 pts due to extremely high access.

    The reason there isn't one is due to political and social reasons- it has nothing to do with managing healthy elk populations.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  6. #16
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    Toon town

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    Way to high a demand for what little amount of Mule Deer there is.
    Science when it's convenient, beliefs when it isn't.

    Definitrly a history of that and you can see the effects. Failing wildlife populations.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Toon town

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by spear View Post
    Can someone explain why lower mortality rates and INCREASED days of hunting is not better for hunters and wildlife?
    I think the ball's in your court on this one. The facts start the thread- if you feel like disproving or contesting them feel free. Remember to support them ...... with science and data. On the wildlife side demonstrate how your concept will either increase mule deer recruitment or reduce mortality. On the hunter side demonstrate how you will increase hunter participation, harvest or satisfaction.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    South Vancouver Island

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    I have always wondered how it could be beneficial to genetics to kill only the largest breeder bucks in September in the high country well ahead of the rut.

    The tri-palm requirement for moose has the potential to remove the tri-palms from the breeding stalk.

    A couple of examples of the Law of Unintended Consequences manifesting itself.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    If I'm not wrong the 4 point seasons were implemented to give hunters hunting opportunities not killing opportunity. Personally I like and enjoy 3 months of deer hunting 2 of witch are largely unimpeded by hunting pressure. Its way more enjoyable than a anythingthatmooves season that lasts for 1 week.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    The 6 pts elk season is a fail safe season. It was introduced as part of the recovery strategy in the EKs after a bad winter. It was never intended to be a long-term season. There are several MUs that could easily sustain a 3 pts or any bull GOS for that matter. There are of course a few that would likely remain 6 pts due to extremely high access.

    The reason there isn't one is due to political and social reasons- it has nothing to do with managing healthy elk populations.
    So, if im understanding your properly, the mule deer population is starting to wane and people think that implementing a 4 point only season is the way to fix it, when in reality, it will only hurt the population even more. The reason that this is not such a big deal with the elk is that their population is healthy and in check.

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