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Thread: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Can we have this stickied please?

    Antler restrictions are harvest restrictions that limit buck
    harvest to animals that meet specific antler criteria. The
    most common type of antler restriction is a point restriction.
    Antler point restrictions have been used as a harvest strategy
    with the hope they will increase the number of large-antlered
    bucks in a mule deer population. Experience of many states
    and provinces with antler point restrictions suggest this
    harvest strategy has very limited potential to produce more
    trophy bucks and could result in other unintended challenges.

    Increasing the number of big-antlered bucks is typically the
    basis for hunter demands to implement antler point restrictions.
    The idea seems straightforward and promising; if we just don’t
    allow hunters to harvest young bucks, they will grow older and
    bigger and be available for harvest later. Most western states
    and provinces have, at one point in time, employed some type
    of antler point restriction attempting to increase the number of
    “trophy” bucks in their herds.

    • Decreases hunter pressure and total buck harvest by discouraging some hunters who do not want to be
    restricted to a particular antler-sized buck. This can be beneficial when harvest is heavy in relation to the
    number of available bucks, but not heavy enough to warrant changing to limited quota seasons.
    • In some cases, antler point restrictions have increased the proportion of bucks in the population, but this
    effect may not be long-lasting.
    • In remote areas with limited access, antler point restrictions have been used in combination with general
    seasons to maintain hunter opportunity
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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions


    • Antler point restrictions focus all the hunting pressure on the oldest age classes of bucks, gradually decrease the
    average age of the buck segment of the population, and make it more difficult for bucks to reach the older age
    classes due to the displaced harvest pressure.

    • Antler point restrictions have been shown to reduce the number of trophy bucks over time by protecting only the

    smaller-antlered young bucks.
    • Antler point restrictions do not increase fawn production or population size. Even in herds with very low
    buck:doe ratios (<10:100), pregnancy rates are well over 90%. Large increases in buck ratios result in relatively
    few, or no, additional fawns.


    • Antler point restrictions dramatically reduce hunter participation, harvest success, and total harvest.

    • Antler point restrictions increase the number of deer shot and illegally left in the field; this can be significant,

    and has been documented in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, and Montana.
    • Antler point restrictions can cheapen the value of young bucks by changing the threshold for success from
    “a buck” to a quest where only a big buck will do.
    • Antler point restrictions may discourage hunters (especially beginning and young hunters) by increasing the

    difficulty of locating and identifying legal deer.


    After decades of use and many evaluations reporting disappointing results, most western states and provinces

    have discontinued statewide antler point restrictions. The two main reasons for abandoning widespread antler

    point restrictions are (1) unacceptable accidental-illegal kill, and (2) harvest mortality was increased (focused) on

    the very age classes they intended to promote. Available data and experience suggest antler point restrictions result

    in no long-term increase in either the proportion or number of mature bucks, or the total deer population. A few

    jurisdictions still have limited areas with antler point restrictions, due to hunter preference. The use of antler point

    restrictions in a combined strategy with general seasons is used in at least one case to maximize hunting opportunity.

    There are additional reasons why the widespread use of antler point restrictions has not been successful. Research

    has shown buck fawns born to does in poor body condition have difficulty outgrowing the effects of poor body

    condition at birth, and may never reach their genetic potential for antler growth. Regulations protecting these

    bucks from harvest are counterproductive to the intended benefit.

    Most western states and provinces have concluded that sustainable improvements in buck:doe ratios and the number

    of mature bucks can only be realized by reducing harvest through 1) a limited-quota license system that decreases

    overall total buck harvest while allowing some level of doe harvest, or 2) setting a very short hunting season in early

    fall when more mature bucks are less vulnerable.

    It has been suggested while antler point restrictions may increase the proportion of bucks in certain populations with

    low buck:doe ratios, there is no evidence they substantially increase the total number of adult (mature) bucks.

    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    charlie lake, bc

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    The results of many years of antler restrictive seasons in the peace confirm these conclusions. A classic case study
    Resident hunter and proud of it!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The mighty peace

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    I believe it, but I also believe that the harvest in the kootenays at this time needs to be limited in some way, shape or form.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Small font sizes give me a headache. Must be getting old.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Ya I think it's through my thick skull now lol

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    I believe it, but I also believe that the harvest in the kootenays at this time needs to be limited in some way, shape or form.
    Do you want more deer or do you want to limit the hunting season and harvest?

    These are two very separate issues. One is about wildlife, the other is about you.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Long any buck bow seasons. Lots of hunting, very little mortality.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    Ya I think it's through my thick skull now lol
    Cheers, Harry! What a difference a year makes.
    Resident Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by coach View Post
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  11. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by emerson View Post
    Long any buck bow seasons. Lots of hunting, very little mortality.
    Read the post above yours
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