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Thread: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    It's no different then shooting different offerings of bullets from the same manufacturer. If you plan on hunting with the luminocks then you should site your cross bow with the luminox, and practice with then as well. I practice with the same bolt and broad head that I hunt with that way there is no surprises or justifying required. the money you pay for 3 practice bolts and heads will pay off in the end if you practice lots, they should last you a hell of a long time as long as you don't do a robin hood on them.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    Factory Arrows?

    I shoot Custom Black Eagle Executioners from my Matrix 380, with Luminoks. The Maker strongly suggested I go with heavier front Brass Inserts to maintain FOC due to the Luminoks being heavier than the standard aluminum nocks.
    These things shoot 1.5" groups at 40 yards, and less than 2" at 60 all day long.

    Are the front inserts aluminum in those you got??

    Yes, both the standard and lumenok bolts are the "factory" Firebolt bolts made for/by Excalibur. The front inserts on both are the same (aluminum). Interesting point Nog. I emailed Excalibur today, I'll post the response if I hear back.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Prince George

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc View Post
    It's no different then shooting different offerings of bullets from the same manufacturer. If you plan on hunting with the luminocks then you should site your cross bow with the luminox, and practice with then as well. I practice with the same bolt and broad head that I hunt with that way there is no surprises or justifying required. the money you pay for 3 practice bolts and heads will pay off in the end if you practice lots, they should last you a hell of a long time as long as you don't do a robin hood on them.

    I find it amazing that when it comes to rifles and load development people will spend 100s or 1000s of hours on pre-work and then those same people will figure they would go get a Crossbow shoot it a few times and they seem to think that all bolts are the exact same as every other bolt

    I guess i just dont get it ... why wouldnt anyone put in the time to at least weigh each new projectile let alone see how they fly

    even in a batch of a dozen arrows ... they could all weigh within 1 grain(rather rare occurance unless you buy real nice) yet the differances in flight are apparent
    A true Archery Nut

    Willing to help and answer archery related questions to the best of my ability ...all you gotta do is ask

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    Got a good quick reply from Excalibur;
    Illuminated inserts always add weight to an arrow and therefore will fly differently. Anytime you change arrow type you need to check how they compare and sight in accordingly. We will consider adding extra information to alert people about the difference in weight but so far we have not had many complaints.

    As for the A** holes on here who are so quick to judge because theyre so much better than everyone else, keep in mind that I did actually shoot these bolts to make sure I knew where they were shooting before hunting with them. Fact of the matter is, the difference in weights should be clearly marked on the packages. Would it be acceptable if ammunition manufacturers didn't put bullet weights on the packaging? Instead "It is the responsibility of the user to weigh each round before firing" to ensure it is the same as what they sighted in with??? I think not. At the expense of my own ego, I posted my own near mistake to possibly help someone else from making the same assumption I nearly did, and maybe missing the trophy of a lifetime or worse yet wounding something. Kudos to you who have never made an assumption that led to (or nearly led to) a screw up.
    Last edited by Jim Prawn; 10-31-2013 at 07:06 PM.

  5. #15
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    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Prawn View Post
    Got a good quick reply from Excalibur;
    Illuminated inserts always add weight to an arrow and therefore will fly differently. Anytime you change arrow type you need to check how they compare and sight in accordingly. We will consider adding extra information to alert people about the difference in weight but so far we have not had many complaints.

    As for the A** holes on here who are so quick to judge because theyre so much better than everyone else, keep in mind that I did actually shoot these bolts to make sure I knew where they were shooting before hunting with them. Fact of the matter is, the difference in weights should be clearly marked on the packages. Would it be acceptable if ammunition manufacturers didn't put bullet weights on the packaging? Instead "It is the responsibility of the user to weigh each round before firing" to ensure it is the same as what they sighted in with??? I think not. At the expense of my own ego, I posted my own near mistake to possibly help someone else from making the same assumption I nearly did, and maybe missing the trophy of a lifetime or worse yet wounding something. Kudos to you who have never made an assumption that led to (or nearly led to) a screw up.
    Thanks for your post Jim. Because of this thread I went out and tested my new Luminocs as well. Good thing as they all shot low and I needed to retune the bow.
    caddisguy "I worry about predators wanting to eat me or bucks trying to take my manhood. "How was your hunting trip honey" ... "wahh I don't want to talk about it... sob ""

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    I use Firebolt Arrows with and without Luminock and always sight in a practice with the arrows I am going to use. That is a good practice. I have an Equinox. Cheers good luck and just sight in with those arrows if need be and then you will slay them it looks awesome in daylight and low light when you get a kill and for finding your arrows after a shot!

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    That's what this site is about....fellow members like you posting 'heads up' on a problem or personal observance that could potentially effect others. A difference in weight, length, and/or FOC, can make a significant difference at longer range.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Golden B.C.

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    took my 380 bulldog out today . of course i shot the bag a bit in the summer, but as we all know , out in the field is a differnt ball game . long story short . 3 missed does and 4 arrows lost in the snow . That bow snaps WAY faster than my old Horton . i didnt even see the bolt in the air !. i am definatly going to get some lumenok on monday and retry and get it perfect . also i need a RF with a angle finder what are you guys using if you have one and YES any more advice please.. FELLOW MEMEBERS. For those of you have been on here a while and are always looking to help with good reviews and advice .. I SALUTE YOU ..Much Respect . and if any one of you ever needs anything from the Golden top sniper. My house and time are always open to you .
    " Never tell me the Odds "

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Lumby BC

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    I'm glad I stumbled across this I bought some illumenok's for my bulldog 400 but haven't shot them yet when I get a chance I will fire them and get back with how they fly on mine.
    as far as range finder goes I run a Bushnell g force 1300 arc rangefinder it seems to work pretty good for me, (doubles for my rifle hunting as well) I love the vivid display except when it's extremely bright out it can be difficult to see but very rare I've come across an animal when it's to bright to range it

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Excalibur Lumenok WARNING

    I have noticed that depending on which cockvane you used ,each arrow will fly differently , very frustrating that the bolts are not matked with cockvane

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