If they are that close and responding quick after every call, rake and grunt all you want. I have actually run towards bulls that are close but won't...
Yay, I have always been on the end of you being having different opinions or as you say "being a Jerk". I try not to be but just can't help sometimes...
Wayner Hunter47, Rocksteady, buddyismyhorse, fisher dude, BCRAMS and even SSS when he was at Calona sniffing corks and snapped.Been here longer than...
God, was looking at this thread and see replys from dear old Jelvis, "Jelly Bean", ah, the good old days..Stoner Kamloops dude. And Dana, Toddler and...
Part of the management plan is to reduce multiple opportunities for multiple species and restrictions in a particular region. That is why species and...