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View Full Version : Still no trophies, but my freezer is FULL again!

10-08-2013, 08:37 PM
I have now been hunting for 4 years. The first year I went on one hunt to the Clinton area and bagged my first animal, a three-point mule deer. The next year I went out twice and got a spiker white-tail. Last year I hit it hard. I got a big bull moose to come to my call, but lost out on him when a grizzly bear decided to enter the situation. The bull had come within 30 yards, but the thick bush made it impossible to get a shot. Then I put myself in position at 275 yards on a bull elk, but while I felt I could count the sixth point I couldn't be sure so I let him walk instead of becoming one of the unmentionables. In the end I went out for around 24 days, saw lots of animals and ended the season with one small mulie. This year I decided to dedicate a full 10 days to my moose draw. For the first seven days it rained without ceasing. I tried to hunt, but realized as I sat under a tree one day that it was way dryer under there than it was walking around and figured the animals probably see it that way too. I called every day. I called patiently. I called until I was sure I didn't know what I was doing. By the evening of day eight I had not heard a cow call or seen a moose and figured I was out of luck, so I headed up a mountain outside of my draw area to see if I could find a black bear instead of going home empty handed. For fun I gave a moose call. Sure enough I heard the faintest response. 30 minutes later a beautiful bull was weaving his way through the trees below. He even gave me a perfect broadside shot, but as tempting as it was to pull the trigger I simply watched the trophy meander away looking for a cow. The next day I hiked the mountain on my side of the draw figuring it was my best bet, but nothing. I was going home the next day, and due to the rain my partners had begged to go home, but I wouldn't let them. I went back to the same location as I had called the bull in last year, and I started calling at around 4:00. By 6:15 nothing had made a peep, so I prayed a little prayer and told the Lord that, "I need a miracle, there's only about 45 minutes left for me". I got up and began to call every 5 minutes. I looked at my partner at one point and said, "Well, this is it, I'm going to head back and pick up the moose I called down. Believe it or not we turned the corner not 3 minutes later and there stood a bull! He dropped out of sight, but a little stalk and I saw him facing away, but slightly quartering to me. One shot through the heart with my .45-70 was all she wrote. Now came the crazy part! I had no idea really how insanely BIG a moose is. Wow! He was laying at the bottom of a 75 foot drop in thick bush at last light. After starting the gutting process I couldn't see by a good 20 minutes in, so into camp to get lanterns and such. The wolves circled us, but never came into sight and after a lot of hard work we got back to camp with the bull around 1:00 AM. No trophy for sure, I'm told he is around 4 1/2 years old, but I am very grateful for the meat! My phone and camera batteries were dead by the time I got him, so I got no shots until all I had left was a head. Next week I get to take my wife out hunting for the first time! Sorry can't figure out how to upload the one photo I have.

Whonnock Boy
10-08-2013, 08:44 PM
Jee wiz, it seems them bulls like to come in right at the curtain call. It goes to show that you are just as likely to knock something down the first morning, the last night, or somewhere in between. Good job on sticking it out. Thanks for sharing.

10-08-2013, 08:49 PM
Nicely done. Perseverance, and prayer, paid off. :-)

10-08-2013, 11:53 PM
Thanks for this post.
Educational and inspiring.

rides bike to work
10-09-2013, 07:31 AM
Praying works for me everytime. Congradulations on a nice bull. Trophies aren't what the are cracked up to be. The memories are what you will always apreciate no matter what size of animal.

10-09-2013, 08:54 AM
Here are a couple photos:
http://s852.photobucket.com/user/pastor_in_future/media/1372594_10151619640532100_583866194_o_zpsf6352568. jpg.html

10-09-2013, 09:03 AM
Congrats! (You don' need no steeenkeeeng trophies!)

10-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Can someone tell me how to get the photos directly on the site?

10-09-2013, 04:50 PM
http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab87/pastor_in_future/1372594_10151619640532100_583866194_o_zpsf6352568. jpg (http://s852.photobucket.com/user/pastor_in_future/media/1372594_10151619640532100_583866194_o_zpsf6352568. jpg.html)

10-09-2013, 04:51 PM
http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab87/pastor_in_future/20131003_181459_zpsf005d11c.jpg (http://s852.photobucket.com/user/pastor_in_future/media/20131003_181459_zpsf005d11c.jpg.html)

10-09-2013, 04:53 PM
any moose is a good moose in my books, great job!!