View Full Version : Missed a good Chance Today!

Redneck Rocket
10-07-2013, 10:09 PM
I'm new to hunting this year. Have bagged some Hares, Quail and Grouse but still looking for my first ungulate. I'm envious of some of you guys getting away on longer trips. I am a full-time care giver for my wife who has a chronic illness, as well as working full time from home to provide for us. So my excursions are limited to 2-3 hours at a time, and close to home. I have done some scouting in my local area during the summer while out fishing, and been shown a couple of good spots. I have been out at dusk 4 or 5 times now in an area that has lots of good, fresh Elk & deer activity.

So far the closest I've come was a flash of white through the trees at some distance away. Tonight I popped out for a quick couple of hours and had my best opportunity to date. I was moving quietly through some broken woodland, periodically calling & waiting. Crested a brow up to a clearing and called. Waited for a few minutes and heard nothing. Stood up and took a few steps and spooked a pair of white-tails perhaps 80 yards to my right. I tried to call them back in but no luck. Followed the tracks and found some VERY fresh Buck Mud, steaming....

Couldn't find them, but my blood was running knowing I had managed to get that close to a buck. I can't wait to bag the first one. Feel like I'm learning more each time I'm out and it is only a matter of time.

Hank Hunter
10-07-2013, 10:14 PM
Keep at it, you are right. It is only a matter of time. Each time you go out you are learning something new.

10-07-2013, 10:18 PM
Where do you live?
As some may offer help

10-07-2013, 10:21 PM
Good luck! If you live close to kamloops, send me a pm, I'd like to see you get a buck!

Redneck Rocket
10-07-2013, 10:23 PM
I live in the South Okanagan. I know I'm in the right areas because there is a lot of fresh sign. Not the easiest area to hunt, if they were all in a big-ass cutblock it would be simpler!!! I also have access to some private land down in the valley, there are easily 50+ muleys on any given day but all are does!

I know there are elk in the area, and have seen moose as well. I'm trying to be quiet, watch the wind and just be patient. I have a call, I'm sure I'm not the best with it, but I try to make a couple of quiet calls and then listen and watch.

10-07-2013, 10:26 PM
Good luck next time!

Redneck Rocket
10-07-2013, 10:27 PM
Keep at it, you are right. It is only a matter of time. Each time you go out you are learning something new.

Thanks Hank. I'm a big believer in putting in the time. You can read and read but there's no substitute for experience. That's what I found with fishing anyway. I'm no stranger to the outdoors, just new to hunting so I'm comfortable out there, and I feel like I have good observations skills but just a matter of putting in the time.

Redneck Rocket
10-07-2013, 10:28 PM
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

10-07-2013, 10:39 PM
I live in the South Okanagan. I know I'm in the right areas because there is a lot of fresh sign. Not the easiest area to hunt, if they were all in a big-ass cutblock it would be simpler!!! I also have access to some private land down in the valley, there are easily 50+ muleys on any given day but all are does!

I know there are elk in the area, and have seen moose as well. I'm trying to be quiet, watch the wind and just be patient. I have a call, I'm sure I'm not the best with it, but I try to make a couple of quiet calls and then listen and watch.

Being that you are new to hunting this year, how good are your binoculars. One of the mistakes me and my buddies made when we were new is when we thought that we were constantly seeing does, but we had really shitty binos. If there are 50 + mulies in there, take a good long hard look and I would bet that there has to be a couple of small bucks. Sometimes the antlers can be hard to see.

ru rancher
10-07-2013, 10:43 PM
Being that you are new to hunting this year, how good are your binoculars. One of the mistakes me and my buddies made when we were new is when we thought that we were constantly seeing does, but we had really shitty binos. If there are 50 + mulies in there, take a good long hard look and I would bet that there has to be a couple of small bucks. Sometimes the antlers can be hard to see.
i second this sometimes it is real hard to see those antlers even on a decent sized buck when the light is low

Redneck Rocket
10-07-2013, 11:14 PM
In that area, they are pretty tame, I'm getting 100 feet away at times. In the bush, where I'm looking for WT I'm not even getting the chance to raised them.

Some nice wildlife in the area though.




10-07-2013, 11:19 PM
I would suggest finding a good vantage point to observe the area, build yourself a simple blind that blends in with the surroundings and sit in it for a while.... You will be surprised at how much more you will see moving about when you are sitting still.... Good luck :-D