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09-30-2013, 08:11 AM
Is it time?? HELL YA IT IS !!!:twisted: This IS THE YEAR !!!!!!:mrgreen:


09-30-2013, 08:32 AM
Good luck in your quest;-). As always great video & thanks for taking us along on your adventure.

09-30-2013, 08:34 AM
Great video! I really appreciate your efforts and attention to detail!! Better than anything on TV!! Looking forward to getting out there this fall myself even more!!

09-30-2013, 09:00 AM
Outstanding video! Looking forward to followimg this thread throughout the season. Its been fun applying similar techniques to WT's in our local area. Thanks for sharing yout knowledge, Proguide.

09-30-2013, 09:02 AM
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing your years of knowledge with the rest of us. Good luck this season.:-D

09-30-2013, 09:09 AM
Great work Steve !

The only problem ......... I couldn't leave the computer with the chain of Vid's you've done. Can't get ready to go if I just keep watchin ....... looking forward to it all this fall.


09-30-2013, 09:19 AM
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us! What elevation range are you at in those videos?

09-30-2013, 09:48 AM
This is always good!!...right on!! Just a question you found the sheds and the rub and mentioned I think not to go back and pressure the area...so will you go in Oct or wait till Nov...and what will be the deciding factor...waiting for a storm... before / after full moon...rain/ snow.. sorry to ask...the reason is I too have found an area just full of rubs. on the same size trees...never did find any sheds...but I did take notes on how to approach the area... and thermals..should I leave it alone till Nov... did what you said the year before and went straight up into some nasty crap with mossy covered rock openings the blacktail that made the rubs never got taken I know this for sure!..never seen so many rubs found this area after the end of Dec of last year....and again good video !!!! Time for a book !! get em!!!!

09-30-2013, 10:16 AM
First off 'sharing' the elevation in 'my spot' will not help anyone in their spot . BIG Blacktail bucks are at ocean side to wayy above tree line . If 'elevation' had anything to do with it , hunting them would be too easy and way too predictable . You have to what I do in 'your spot' . I have 'years' of looking basically 'everywhere' . Once you find similar 'signs' as I have , you then begin the LONG journey of learning 'how to hunt' your spot . It's VERY time consuming . This particular spot, I have hunted for 6 or 7 years . I have 'physically' seen 'eye to eye maybe 4 LRGE bucks and have killed 1 there , that's IT !!( my 'version of lrg might be different than most) I have two other spots I will alternate with as the hunt goes . It isn't 'easy'. And that's my 'thing' , love it !!! This spot has kicked my ass more than not but I can't stand loosing to it !!!! The buck I am after is absolutely rare and I'm thinking might have learned to climb trees and sleep in them . The hunt goes on !!!

09-30-2013, 10:21 AM
Look who just got a new sig line! :-D Great stuff, Proguide.

09-30-2013, 10:32 AM
Nice bunch of videos

09-30-2013, 10:32 AM
Hi Proguide, i look forward to your posts everyear. I have tried to apply your tips and techniques to my own hunting tool box. I have found a "spot" this summer and hope to harvest a cranker this Nov. I dont know the area as well as i would like, should i leave it until the rut, or do some recon during october??
thanks for the posts, and the great videos.

09-30-2013, 11:04 AM
Great video Steve. Lots of knowledge for the blacktail hunter.

09-30-2013, 11:26 AM
Hi Proguide, i look forward to your posts everyear. I have tried to apply your tips and techniques to my own hunting tool box. I have found a "spot" this summer and hope to harvest a cranker this Nov. I dont know the area as well as i would like, should i leave it until the rut, or do some recon during october??
thanks for the posts, and the great videos.
GB. You need to go there and learn everything about the wind in your spot . Mtn hunting success is 95% knowing what and when the thermals are doing , wich way , and what time . 'IF' its a huge buck you are after and you blow your scent up to him at the start of your hike. It's 'over' , ain't gonna happen -ever-.
'IF' you think you can cover or 'conceal' your scent from anything and ignore the wind , STOP NOW , sell your shit and take up golfing !!!! Lol

bushpig slayer
09-30-2013, 11:44 AM
freakn sweet pg you know how to get us pumped for blacktails this year will be awesome good luck!

09-30-2013, 12:32 PM
Great videos. Always enjoy watching them

09-30-2013, 01:25 PM
Great as always Steve.
Members should feel very fortunate over your willingness to share your wealth of experience and knowledge on trophy Blacktail.

I know for a fact just how much time you put in to Blacktail.
It's a year round program for you.

I am very much looking forward to see how this season will play out for you.
Most cannot relate to hunting just "one" particular animal day in and day out for years.
It's an obsession.

There will be no greater satisfaction for you as a hunter if you do close on "him" this year.

Been a hell of a ride to date!

09-30-2013, 01:34 PM
Go get him PG ... along for the ride.

09-30-2013, 01:35 PM
Was just thinkin the same for that sig line! lol ! Those True Coastal Blacktail really are like Ghosts out there! Mystical and Intriguing! You get sucked into their world and can't get out! The insatiable quest keeps you wanting more! Alot like Proguides threads!!

09-30-2013, 01:53 PM
Great as always Steve.
Members should feel very fortunate over your willingness to share your wealth of experience and knowledge on trophy Blacktail.

I know for a fact just how much time you put in to Blacktail.
It's a year round program for you.

I am very much looking forward to see how this season will play out for you.
Most cannot relate to hunting just "one" particular animal day in and day out for years.
It's an obsession.

There will be no greater satisfaction for you as a hunter if you do close on "him" this year.

Been a hell of a ride to date! Thanks Man !!! You are one of the 'very few' who 'get it' when it comes to this shit !! Hope you connect as well !!!

09-30-2013, 01:55 PM
Ok , here's a pic of a 'buck' . Lets get all to chime in on what he can tell you from his pic. I'll write what he can tell me later on . There is a lot to learn here.
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btail_Snapshot_zpsf318c719.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btail_Snapshot_zpsf318c719.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btail_Snapshot4_zps46ce6b8e.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btail_Snapshot4_zps46ce6b8e.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btail_Snapshot3_zpse215c355.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btail_Snapshot3_zpse215c355.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btail_Snapshot2_zps9eab0fb5.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btail_Snapshot2_zps9eab0fb5.jpg.html)

09-30-2013, 02:09 PM
A side note , I video taped this guy and his buddy smack dab in the middle of my best spot last April where there's 4 solid 130 plus inch bucks. I haven't a clue 'who' he is , but check out his right ear !!!! I will take note of it and look for it on my cams this fall , should be interesting !!! Hope he shows!!

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/shedslivewinterbucks5_Snapshot_zpsb8031a85.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/shedslivewinterbucks5_Snapshot_zpsb8031a85.jpg.htm l)

09-30-2013, 02:21 PM
The big buck in the picture has his ears going different directions listening all around. He is observing after having his head down. Also he doesn't just run off like the smaller buck but first surveys the situation.

09-30-2013, 02:26 PM
Popcorn is ready.......

bushpig slayer
09-30-2013, 02:32 PM
one thing for sure he doesn't look like he moves to far he is fat looks like hes got the ladies food and a good place to sleep right there also a darker fur which may mean always in the timber no time to be sun bleached

bushpig slayer
09-30-2013, 02:44 PM
the fork in the trail cam has the same ear split or am i seeing things could be the same guy?i really had it blown up and it looks torn

09-30-2013, 06:53 PM
Love this stuff, you really know how to get a guy fired up about bt hunting good luck this season and looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

09-30-2013, 06:57 PM
Was meaning to ask when this was about to start. I see I have been neglecting HBC.

09-30-2013, 07:08 PM
daylight pic, white face, roman nose, good mass. older buck, big bodie. dominant. Awesome buck for one tag for sure!!! looking forward to hear what you have to say.

09-30-2013, 07:14 PM
Looks like an older buck. He might slip up this year. ;)

09-30-2013, 07:55 PM
i say that buck is in his prime. ZERO sway in his back, big bases, shallow forks. mature, but will be bigger next year, not regressing yet. looks to have plently of reserves (fat) for the rut. and hes out in the middle of the afternoon, in deep timber? i would imagine that smaller buck will play sentry for him right into the rut,

what about the other (smaller rack) buck, figure he is older or younger? i cant really tell. he is exiting photo before the 5x5

09-30-2013, 07:59 PM
that other buck is a rather large two point, has good curvature in his main beams for a 2x2 and looks to have a more aged coat. im gonna say the bigger buck is the younger of the two

09-30-2013, 08:57 PM
OK , this is what I 'strongly' believe ( my own opinion , never 'dictate' ).
First off , I'd bet everything in the safe the larger buck is regressing in antler. The clues to mature are the lrg knurling on the lower main beams above the forehead. The bases are huge. In my area this is a key indicator of 'mature' no matter what the point count.
The main beams are stunting , clearly seen on the head on view.
'IF' a buck has ' 4 up top with brows' in his genes , he WILL have those points by yr two , three latest but a 'small version' Their points will grow in depth and circumference as they age. The combo of XL bases , deep knurling shows that the look of the front forks ' budding' is actually a clear ' regress feature'. '
'IF' he was 'prime' , he would have it all - 'completed' front forks , BIG bases and knurling, the package deal. ' Fork depth comes way before base girth/knurling' in age, so 'if' a buck has huge bases , deep knurling , big frame and a set of 'budding looking forks , hes 'past' in antler 'peak' , hes loosing it.
The side picture of his face shows an 'old dog' look to his eye. This 'look' will be easier to recognise once his fall/winter coat pushes through and the summer drops out.

The orange coat is not 'sun faded' . They all get the same color. They all drop it and grow a drk coat in Sept.

ALL mature bucks grow their rack 'complete' sooner than young. ALL mature bucks loose their velvet before younger bucks ( same in all ungulates).
ALL mature bucks drop the summer coat sooner than other bucks and show their fall coats first ( this is very handy while glassing a batch group in the distance).
The lrg bucks coat seems 'different' due to his fall coat starting to push out ( look close , you can see it on his sides more clearly than the rest of him, he has already started to push it out. Look at the date) .
He does NOT have a 'white face' yet , its coming after his muzzle sheds along with his summer coat.
His body is monstrous.He will retain this feature longer than he will a 'peak sized rack'. I have shot many buck with regressing racks that still had Godzilla bodies. LARGE bodies go hand in hand with high mtn 'anything' , ( google 'Bergmans' law).
My shed hunting tells me this buck ISNT who I am after. This buck has shallow tines both front and rear for what 'is' growing in the area.Believe it er not , his genes kinda 'suck' compared to whats growing around him.
I really hope NOT to run into this back as he will more than likely eat my tag ( unless I have one). This buck will look amazing in full early rut with his body and drk antlers .VERRY mature , his bases all drk , HUGE , with bark in the knurling - something that would make any of our knees kinda wobble !!
He has spent his spring/summer high in the alpine. This pic was taken in a small patch of alpine spruce with a trail through it. I took a 'gamble' and dumped 10 lbs of table salt and a small blue block on the trail and left the cam for 3 months.It took one month for them to hit it.
He ran with 3 bucks and is dominant in this group.The other a 5X as well. There is a BIG pile of mtn left un 'looked' in this area. My hike proved to find shit loads of sign at all levels , but my body/time wouldn't allow my brain to place more salt/cams...just too much !
I'll post the pic of the up coming 5 , he will show you his coat color catching up to the big bucks coat/color.

For the tape measure , I would put money on this buck having 135 to 139" of bone on his noggin. The buck I am after has around 165 plus hanging off him !!!....' This' is why I say this bucks genetics in antler is kinda weak( for the area) . Lets hope 'someone' nails him this fall or we at least get a clear pic of him in full proud struttin colors !!!

09-30-2013, 09:06 PM
Now check this out. 'Young' buck , later time in season( same group). He has dumped his velvet and his coat is now catching up to what the big bucks was a week or more before.' Drk orange' look as the furis dyeing and grey is pushing through.

Also , check out the size he has in antler compared to the same genetics in a distant uncle or grandfather within 3 miles ( along a migration route from the same alpine). Also note the difference in mature and immature with same genes. The young buck already has a clear 5X rack , but look what it will grow into if he doesn't get wacked before 'prime'. He will have same 'clear' 5 later, only heavier and probably max 'depth' in forks before regressing.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/bucks_Snapshot_zps1f118e7c.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/bucks_Snapshot_zps1f118e7c.jpg.html) http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/bucks2_Snapshot_zps532f3c3d.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/bucks2_Snapshot_zps532f3c3d.jpg.html)http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/bucks2_Snapshot2_zps8ce9d15d.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/bucks2_Snapshot2_zps8ce9d15d.jpg.html) These pics also clearly show the summer shots have no white face. The black forehead/white muzzle come with the fall colors !!!

bushpig slayer
09-30-2013, 09:19 PM
Great info lots to soak in thanks for your time and knowledge this is so cool,great way to do this

Wood butcher
09-30-2013, 10:21 PM
Sweet, here we go again.
I always look forward to your threads. I really like how this ones starting out and can't wait to see where it leads.

09-30-2013, 11:01 PM
great video, can't wait for november. Good luck

09-30-2013, 11:30 PM
What a fantastic, well thought out video. Thanks!

Sleep Robber
09-30-2013, 11:58 PM
This thread is just effin cool, best ever hands down !!!!!!!!!!


The fact that you "can" and "do" help people understand the "knowledge" NEEDED to hunt the particular game their after is a true testament to how you view the sport and what it gives back to you.....i believe you "are" a true sportsman , first class bud, first class !

The tenacity you have towards seeking out these deer is friggin awesome man, I'm totally hooked on this shit, even more than I already was.........thanks !!!!!


Sleep Robber

10-01-2013, 07:06 AM
Thanks for posting. This is the first year I've spent any time hunting blacktail. I have had so much fun sneaking and scouting them in the pissing, pouring unforgiving rain. I have never been soggy-er from my consecutive day hikes. thanks for the info.


10-01-2013, 08:02 AM
Sweet video as usual! Can't wait to see what is to come!

10-01-2013, 10:19 AM
Thanks for all the positive feed back people !!! Appreciated. Again , I encourage ALL to chime in with good stuff as this isn't meant to be about 'me' , its about the task at hand and everyone !!!!

Side note , I feel quite confident this IS THE YEAR as I have a 'dirty little trick' up my sleeve to nail this guy, ( he's got it comin !!!:twisted:) I'll share it much later in the thread - maybe- lol:mrgreen:

Sleep Robber
10-01-2013, 02:22 PM
Do yall ever find that the big bucks that dwell in their usual haunts ever move away for a time {may it be a few days or even a few months} for dietary needs etc etc then come back ?/ If so do the does and smaller bucks follow ?? Do they move to a totally different hill/valley/ altogether or ????????

I ask this as I have a pretty good spot higher up that has had fresh sign for the last few months that I have been scouting and just last week I went to have a boo and found no new sign At ALL !! It's like the whole bloody works of them just packed up and left town and left me stumped, I had to worry as I thought I was going bonkers in the head and was in the wrong area but I can assure you I'm still somewhat sane and was in the usual spot I have been to on previous occasions.:mrgreen: !!

The first though was wolves but like I said, there was no sign anywhere that was fresh or even a few days old, they seem to just vanish. I can't see them just vacating the premises as it's too good a spot for them, they have basically everything they need up there in the way of shelter, protection, food, escape routes etc etc. I'm somewhat puzzled as I thought this was/is indeed "the spot'. BTW, there is no other human sign in the area, I have to work my butt off to get into the area and would have obviously seen "some" human sign if there was.

any help would be appreciated,

One puzzled mofo :?

10-01-2013, 03:45 PM
First off 'sharing' the elevation in 'my spot' will not help anyone in their spot . BIG Blacktail bucks are at ocean side to wayy above tree line . If 'elevation' had anything to do with it , hunting them would be too easy and way too predictable . You have to what I do in 'your spot' . I have 'years' of looking basically 'everywhere' . Once you find similar 'signs' as I have , you then begin the LONG journey of learning 'how to hunt' your spot . It's VERY time consuming . This particular spot, I have hunted for 6 or 7 years . I have 'physically' seen 'eye to eye maybe 4 LRGE bucks and have killed 1 there , that's IT !!( my 'version of lrg might be different than most) I have two other spots I will alternate with as the hunt goes . It isn't 'easy'. And that's my 'thing' , love it !!! This spot has kicked my ass more than not but I can't stand loosing to it !!!! The buck I am after is absolutely rare and I'm thinking might have learned to climb trees and sleep in them . The hunt goes on !!!

YUP !!!

Thanks for sharing Proguide , Your vids always give me motivation to go hit my spots and I appreciate that you are willing to share your knowledge with the up and coming Blacktail hunters. I remember when I broke in Blacktail hunting I didn't have anyone to teach me these things to look for. I had to research and grind it out on my own. It took me 5 seasons to even get confident in what I was doing and another 5 seasons to get good at it.

To the new guys , Blacktail's are one of the most rewarding species to hunt , IMO it is the most rewarding. Good luck all , and keep the vids coming pro guide , I email them to my friends

10-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Do yall ever find that the big bucks that dwell in their usual haunts ever move away for a time {may it be a few days or even a few months} for dietary needs etc etc then come back ?/ If so do the does and smaller bucks follow ?? Do they move to a totally different hill/valley/ altogether or ????????

I ask this as I have a pretty good spot higher up that has had fresh sign for the last few months that I have been scouting and just last week I went to have a boo and found no new sign At ALL !! It's like the whole bloody works of them just packed up and left town and left me stumped, I had to worry as I thought I was going bonkers in the head and was in the wrong area but I can assure you I'm still somewhat sane and was in the usual spot I have been to on previous occasions.:mrgreen: !!

The first though was wolves but like I said, there was no sign anywhere that was fresh or even a few days old, they seem to just vanish. I can't see them just vacating the premises as it's too good a spot for them, they have basically everything they need up there in the way of shelter, protection, food, escape routes etc etc. I'm somewhat puzzled as I thought this was/is indeed "the spot'. BTW, there is no other human sign in the area, I have to work my butt off to get into the area and would have obviously seen "some" human sign if there was.

any help would be appreciated,

One puzzled mofo :?
All of my spots have migrators going through them as well residents. While I am hunting them they seem to disappear non stop ! I have a 'special bench' WAY up that 'should be' my 'go to'. Sometimes its hot - sometimes not. The gang seems to move all over the entire mtn ( big one) and 'hole up' and frolic around like they were in a care free world. Then 'somethig' happens ( probably me) and they disappear. Then I 'try' and become a psychic and 'guess' where on the mtn they went. ....NON STOP.... enough to create insanity. Now I have basically completed my puzzle buy laying out basically 5 different main routes the big boys take while patrolling the two mtns. I am just going to stick to paralleling those trails all fall no matter what the sign as I KNOW he's going to be using them....just have to keep my fingers crossed he's on it when I am...or the trail leads smack dab to the middle of the gang. ( very small gang) . Mever give up , never stop.
I would normally 'kill myself' getting up to my spot. There would be maybe 1 track to see as I climbed , then nothing , just snow. I was goin nuts not knowing where the eff they were....climbed 75 yrds higher , here's a frikkin barnyard of tracks , all rut hell going loose...passed on a 5X3,140's buck laying with a doe. I would normally just drop off the bench again after finding zero - again. They are there , they are just out of your 'hike distance' to date. Go a little further.....

10-01-2013, 03:50 PM
PG you need to write a book on 'hunting blacktails in beautifull bc'.

10-01-2013, 04:10 PM
recently pulled a cam from where my BIG buck hangs in the fall. I left the cam as a 'hail marry' early summer as I haven't a clue where he is growing that shit !!! And BINGO !! couldn't believe my luck - BONE !!! This might sound lame but to me and how long I have tried to find bucks growing is years there. This is my first success at finding antler growing. NOW , the VERY CRAPPPY PART. The cam was 'just' getting going , the deer hitting it ( I didn't think deer would even be there this time of year) , have just about 'everything' on the cam...then a bear came...then cam went straight up in air---FACK !!!!!......still battery juice left , here's the results. Who knows who was growing with him !!! AAAARRRRGGGHHHH

Here's what I had 'in order' as it came....then missed out on a couple months AARRGGHH

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes8_zpsaea73b04.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes8_zpsaea73b04.jpg.html) http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes11_zps94b70b14.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes11_zps94b70b14.jpg.html) URL=http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes12_zps8fd2dea2.jpg.html]

[IMG]http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes23_zps9a4094f2.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes23_zps9a4094f2.jpg.html)
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes28_zps32867cdc.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes28_zps32867cdc.jpg.html)

10-01-2013, 04:12 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes33_zps0aa36307.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes33_zps0aa36307.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes41_zpsd5f5a44a.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes41_zpsd5f5a44a.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes47_zpsac8d7f79.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes47_zpsac8d7f79.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes48_zpsd2bc357c.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes48_zpsd2bc357c.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes59_zps5739f07c.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes59_zps5739f07c.jpg.html)

10-01-2013, 04:15 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/squrel_zps491e6abd.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/squrel_zps491e6abd.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/fly_zps86f175a1.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/fly_zps86f175a1.jpg.html)

Never been soo frustrated......you see , my big bruiser could be there RIGHT NOW and I could fairly easily find and wack him. I have to get some cams up asap.Normally I'd wait a couple months. Maybe this is why I couldn't find them in summer - they never left !!!!!!!!!! I looked all over the surrounding mtn tops , up to 5 miles away - nothing. This is 'first summer bone' EVER for me to find there in 5 er so years !!!

10-01-2013, 04:18 PM
forgot one........http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/yes12_zps8fd2dea2.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/yes12_zps8fd2dea2.jpg.html)

10-01-2013, 05:07 PM
haha, I had the same thing happen to me this year. super frustrating!! when you go five hours to check cams and there short a month of pics cause of a bear. now my cams get put in a box and locked to the tree!!

10-03-2013, 06:13 AM
Up at 430 am yesterday , two if us slugged it in thigh deep drifts into an alpine basin - TOO late ! It's never a waste of time though as we now know how go get up there 'fairly easy' and already know there is a group of bucks that grow and stay till the snow dumps . No shortage of grizzlies around here !!.... Funny , it's early Oct and I can't wait for next Sept to try for my first alpine Blacktail !!

10-03-2013, 07:36 AM
@&$*$* bears... Primos is selling cam mounts that articulate to point down from high up - perfect for bear country. Supposed to fit any cam, not just theirs.


10-03-2013, 08:37 AM
good to see the BT tread started proguide.Im off work now for the next 2 months to resume my BT addiction and have added a full yr of cardio\hikeing to be in better shape to get up into those zones that hold big bucks.My partner {ruger no1] and I will be going hard in our area's to anchor a good buck or two forsure!note; received my mature 4 by 4 with tines from Wiens taxidermy a few weeks back and lookin at that beauty buck every morning definitely motivates....Good luck to all BT hunters this season!!!

10-05-2013, 09:34 AM
Here's some scouting pics from last spring. Looks to be a possible 'big boy'. Look at his features compared to others. His eye spread , forhead spread , muzzle is XL. His hind quarter seems XL to the others . Fact it was late spring and he looked real good is also a bonus. No tore ears but a couple of the largest bucks I have never had a scar.http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/blacktailwinterlivesheds9_Snapshot_zps82b8ed78.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/blacktailwinterlivesheds9_Snapshot_zps82b8ed78.jpg .html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot_zpsbc63ea86.jp g (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot_zpsbc63ea86.jp g.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot2_zps68c463e4.j pg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot2_zps68c463e4.j pg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot3_zps424ed859.j pg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/blacktailwinterlivesheds10_Snapshot3_zps424ed859.j pg.html)

Sleep Robber
10-05-2013, 10:38 AM
Roughly what age do you think those two are Steve ?? They look quite young to me but Idunno ?

10-05-2013, 11:02 AM
Roughly what age do you think those two are Steve ?? They look quite young to me but Idunno ?
Dunno. One on left definitely young , middle one could be a mature doe. Buck is 'possibly' prime . There was 9 deer total . They were migrating 'back'. There was a few other bucks but this guy had my attention as he was real xl compared to the rest .

10-05-2013, 11:07 AM
Takla maybe I missed it but have you posted a pic of the buck you harvested last year, after the mount that is? If not it would be awesome to see to get people jacked for the season, he was definitely a hog!

10-05-2013, 12:01 PM

10-05-2013, 12:06 PM
skywalker ruger will post my 2012 blacktail buck mounted by R. Wiens tax. shot early nov. rainy windy day at 700ft level area 2-8,buck had 4 does bedded with him... ruger will post the pic

10-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Thanks takla, love the rutting pose and open mouth, nothing like a well done blacktail mount to add to the trophy collection. Congrats again that is a true trophy, I myself will not get out as much this year as we just had a baby 2 days ago, little Orion is his name and hopefully one day he will become a great hunter. To Proguide and the rest of the blacktail fanatics there will be many guys and gals like myself living vicariously through your hunting experiences this season, shoot to kill, can't wait for the hogs to start dropping!

10-05-2013, 03:20 PM
thanks Skywalker.the pose is called a full sneak and that's how I remember him looking back at me when I pulled the trigger.Good luck with the little feller teach him to shoot straight!!

10-05-2013, 03:59 PM
BTW we spent the morning {6 am}hikeing 5-700 ft level of local mnt with zero sightings,couple fresh sets of tracks[Doe's], no scapes{to early}last yr we nailed a 2-pnt around the 12 of oct nice young meat buck

10-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Here I am, hoping to get a BT this year, me who has never killed any deer yet, and who hunts with a bow!

I did find a spot where there is signs of "deer", not necessarily bucks. Looks like a travel lane, lots of droppings, nicely beaten path. Would a tree stand work?

I was considering getting a guide to help me iron the kinks. . . sigh $1000+.

10-05-2013, 09:21 PM
Drop the idea of a guide and pay close attention to this thread and the threads from year past.

10-05-2013, 09:22 PM
tree stand will work but there are lots of variables and you have to know there travelling from feeding area's to bedding areas along that particular trail daily then set up treestand,also you have a very short range with a bow,whereas a rifle will reach out couple hundred yrds.get to know your area and save the grand.

10-05-2013, 09:25 PM
$1000. Pr what ?? Lol

10-05-2013, 10:03 PM
tree stand will work but there are lots of variables and you have to know there travelling from feeding area's to bedding areas along that particular trail daily then set up treestand,also you have a very short range with a bow,whereas a rifle will reach out couple hundred yrds.get to know your area and save the grand.
Thanks, takla. Bow only where I hunt. No riffle allowed. Where I want to set up, 3 game trails converged there. I found a nice tree that would put me within 30 yards of 3 shooting lane - only to find out the tree might not be as healthy as I first thought (leaves on, but dry trunk). And should the wind work against me, I can go on the other side of these trails and set up a ground blind.
What I am not sure is if they travel during the time I of daylight. I hope to spend some time there soon. And yes, I am reading all the treads. . . Freaks me out!

10-08-2013, 10:05 PM
Thanks Proguide - really enjoyed the video. Got me stoked.

10-09-2013, 02:06 PM
I look forward Immensely to these threads each and every year!
While I have learned a lot from my own boots on the ground, I have learned damn near as much or more from ProGuide's most generous readings. Can't thank you enough for that Big Fella! :wink:

Timing on this year's thread is damn near impeccable! Just returned from a successful moose run, and now turning my mind to chasing our Island version of Blacktails. Be a couple more days before the "chores" are caught up (and my bloody legs get back to the point I can trust them!) and it's once again time to hit the trails to verify their presence in a few carefully selected (and scouted) areas...

I'll be watching this one Closely Steve! Hope you tag that Big Boy that haunts your dreams!
Already know I'll be in for some more Education regarding pursuing the Ghosts of the Mountain!!

And of course Hoping I can put your sage advice to good use, and take one with the new bow this fall!

Safe & Successful Hunting Buddy! :mrgreen:


10-11-2013, 09:08 PM
spent some time prepping one of our hunting area's today for access and comfort.had a good look around and noted total of for sets of doe tracks travelling down to lower elevation.last weekend we had a couple does and one large hoofed buck track comeing down so some of the local B-T are slowly moving down into our area.After the wind and rain from earlier this week the trees have shed loads of leaves making it easier to see into the fringes along the edges of openings.Still no scraps but with the big guy comeing down he will start soon.Will be up early looking for a young meat buck at dawn.......

10-17-2013, 08:15 AM
The suspense is killing me...maybe 3 weeks to go till 'its on' in my spot. I have 7 cams out now , 4 of which are sending me pics to my email/phone instantly. Its pretty wild 'being there' 24-7' as its such a bugger hiking up. I'll post before/after pics of my cam spots later. I can guarantee %100 I WILL have absolute MONSTER buck pics on all of them but I'm guessing prob not until earliest Nov 5 to 7'ish. snow or no snow.
Here's what we got up to last week , right now I am up to my chin in getting all my jobs done so I can finally have Nov for ME ! I'll maybe get out this weekend for some snooping.

10-17-2013, 09:11 AM
The elk teaser: Awesome! Absolutely awesome! I want to see more. :-D

ru rancher
10-17-2013, 09:17 AM
those videos are there ever full lenghth ones?

10-17-2013, 09:25 AM
Looking forward to the upcoming stories and pics. Awesome vid!

10-17-2013, 10:02 AM
Can't wait to see the "How to Hunt" when it is finished...really looking forward to the series as it unfolds...Great music and cinematography...love the added drama
very cool stuff you are putting on film

10-17-2013, 10:41 AM
Yes there is miles of stocked up footage. We will have it available on our web site when completed . We are building a monster site geared up to teach people 'how to hunt ' with no selling or 'BS' , going to be a very cool place to learn . ZERO celebrity crap , only real answers from proven experts on EVERY hut related topic . Until then , we'll just keep the buzz goin at a steady pace .

10-17-2013, 11:12 AM
How long out do you estimate before the site is up?
After the season wraps up?

10-17-2013, 11:54 AM
Yes there is miles of stocked up footage. We will have it available on our web site when completed . We are building a monster site geared up to teach people 'how to hunt ' with no selling or 'BS' , going to be a very cool place to learn . ZERO celebrity crap , only real answers from proven experts on EVERY hut related topic . Until then , we'll just keep the buzz goin at a steady pace .

I will become the biggest fan of that sight as I'm still looking to tag my first one. Will there be nything on bowhunting at all? Or just general BT stuff?

10-17-2013, 12:23 PM
It will cover every North American species ' to start ' , every question you can come up with will be clearly answered . It's all about the knowledge and helping people . NO selling , no sensationalizing any one person or what they have 'accomplished' , it's all about the true fact knowledge . It is a monsterous undertaking which is a real 'time eater' as well as $$ , but very worth it for the outcome . No real 'date' for the unleashing , but it is picking up speed and coming !

10-21-2013, 07:16 PM
I have a few cams out that send pics instantly to my phone/email. A bear sent over 40 pics to me from first light -on the other day while I was across the valley from him , kinda cool to know what was going on up there as I hiked along. Anyway , today 'something' moved the cam !! weird!! Guess I'll have to hike back up there to reposition. I thought maybe a branch fell but zero wind..wierd!!

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/PICT0046_zpsa99d8382.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/PICT0046_zpsa99d8382.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/PICT0051_zps197e9b7d.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/PICT0051_zps197e9b7d.jpg.html)

'before' was with bear , 'after' was second pic. Cant wait for bucks to start hitting the cams!!!

10-21-2013, 08:17 PM
It will cover every North American species ' to start ' , every question you can come up with will be clearly answered . It's all about the knowledge and helping people . NO selling , no sensationalizing any one person or what they have 'accomplished' , it's all about the true fact knowledge . It is a monsterous undertaking which is a real 'time eater' as well as $$ , but very worth it for the outcome . No real 'date' for the unleashing , but it is picking up speed and coming !

Lookin good Steve.
Teasers are great.

Much respect as I know you are knee deep with ur business yet you still always find time to share your passion and efforts with the hunting community.
All benefit.

Speaking of "helping people"........
Think u need to go pull the goat cam.
No one else wants to.

10-21-2013, 08:27 PM
Lookin good Steve.
Teasers are great.

Much respect as I know you are knee deep with ur business yet you still always find time to share your passion and efforts with the hunting community.
All benefit.

Speaking of "helping people"........
Think u need to go pull the goat cam.
No one else wants to.
Aaah haha ! Ok , I'll try and split myself in two quick here and 'lead the charge ' !!! Lmao , just can't say when exactly yet !

10-21-2013, 09:33 PM
Good video Proguide, knowledgable. Thanks for sharing that

10-21-2013, 10:10 PM
Good stuff Steve, some very inspiring video.........keep up the hard work!

10-22-2013, 06:36 PM
I understand the trophy BT's tend to stay up high. I read somewhere that BT's tend to migrate down "eastern slopes" in general ... is this true and if so, does that mean "east facing" slopes, thus traveling east, or slopes "east of a valley", thus heading west?

Camp Cook
10-23-2013, 11:15 AM
I need to get one of those trail cams that send pics to my phone that is very kool.

10-23-2013, 12:28 PM
I understand the trophy BT's tend to stay up high. I read somewhere that BT's tend to migrate down "eastern slopes" in general ... is this true and if so, does that mean "east facing" slopes, thus traveling east, or slopes "east of a valley", thus heading west?
I agree with this info on eastern faceing slopes.That primarily applys to at least two of my most productive area's in 2-8.I was always of the opinion that since the sun rises in the east the east faceing slopes are first to sun-up so any bucks/does that are feeding /moving at night tend to bed on the east/south-east sides to warm up before heading back up into their daytime bedding areas.both my bt bucks I shot last yr were first thing in the morning on east faceing mnt area's.

10-27-2013, 05:59 PM
I need to get one of those trail cams that send pics to my phone that is very kool.

Get it with the gun mount and you can shoot your deer from your couch.

10-30-2013, 08:29 AM
Work is beating the snot out of me , but the 'end' is in sight. I'll be hitting it 'full time' very soon.
I have had cameras out for 3 weeks now to ensure I have all the 'wrinkles' out before its 'TIME'. Note to take is 3 different cams in 3 VERY different places picked up 'first action' on the same day. The 'bait' is moving in place to my 'BIG BUCK' hangouts. Snow 'may' play a bit of a role but previous years has proven its the time of year , not snow level. My cams will prove this again shortly.
Here is a couple shots of the girls. These two cams WILL have a different B&C blacktail buck on them in maybe two weeks - guaranteed! - cant wait.
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo_zps3eedd1f6.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo_zps3eedd1f6.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/deer2_zps910bf378.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/deer2_zps910bf378.jpg.html)

Seems to be a pile of monster bucks dropping south of the border this past week , cant wait for you guys to start posting them !! - back to the grind........( top cam hasn't had date set correctly , does showed same day)

10-30-2013, 09:06 AM
good pics proguide.the lady's are starting to show up in our area's as well.Was up yesterday after leaving it alone since last sat and have a few more fresh doe tracks in the gravel slide area's as well as found our first rub of the yr .With the cold ,high easterly winds of the last few days im sure the testicles on those bt bucks are starting to tingle.lets see,weathers degadeing... check,doe's moving around our area...check,fresh buck tracks comeing down from higher elevation...check,and now the first rub along their one of their main rub lines....starting to heat up!!

10-30-2013, 09:28 AM
Yup, my fav spot had nothing two weeks ago. This last weekend, lower on the mountain now, fresh rubs and broke off willows. A bit of weather coming in this weekend hopefully will change the odds yet again.

10-30-2013, 01:20 PM
Top quality in everyway PG, video's content and clarity beyond expectations, solid usable knowledge transfer to the masses without hesitation and an inner drive to do what you love doing .......your at the TOP of the heap IMHO!! My hats off to you! Keep it comin!

10-30-2013, 05:06 PM
Thanks for words of encouragement !!!! lots to come!

10-30-2013, 07:17 PM
This thread is about to go from 10pages to 200 real quick in the next coming weeks! Looking forward to it. Nasty weather is on its way. No more hunting in a tshirt I am pumped. Time for some monsters to fall!!

10-30-2013, 07:36 PM
Now the torcher starts! First buck to hit a cam for 2013. Looks like possible deep fronts , for sure too young for the 'my area'. Funny , I was expecting the first buck to come from the opposite direction.This pic just came to me 10 min ago...going to be a sleepless fall.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/IMG_0063_zpsa0f247c1.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/IMG_0063_zpsa0f247c1.jpg.html)

the cam spot in daylight

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/deer2_zps910bf378.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/deer2_zps910bf378.jpg.html)

Funny how only the branched antler bucks seem to have leaving a blurred pic down to a fine art!

10-30-2013, 07:44 PM
I understand the trophy BT's tend to stay up high. I read somewhere that BT's tend to migrate down "eastern slopes" in general ... is this true and if so, does that mean "east facing" slopes, thus traveling east, or slopes "east of a valley", thus heading west?
'Trophy' blacktails are from ocean edge to alpine. Early season /alpine just ups your chances of seeing one. Right now we have a probable 'close to' 150" buck living his life right on our valley bottom floor. All deer migrate down the trails of least resistance. 'Most' popular spots are facing the day sun , but blacktails are everywhere there is timber. One of the largest sets of sheds I have came from a north face. I am not detouring you in any way , but more making you informed that you find BIG blacktails 'where you find them'. The compass wont help you as much as lookin 'everywhere' .
I look EVERYWHERE for them. I have zero 'rules' as it goes , I just look EVERY place I can possibly access. If its a big one you are after , finding that special place he has found takes some hiking , and NEVER give up.

10-30-2013, 07:44 PM
He didn't walk slowly through the creek did he. Does appear to be deeper forks.

10-31-2013, 08:02 PM
Pg66 you ever set your cams to videos?

10-31-2013, 09:09 PM
Pg66 you ever set your cams to videos?
yes , I prefer videos. The only cams I have on photo are the ones which text me the pics.

10-31-2013, 10:12 PM
yes , I prefer videos. The only cams I have on photo are the ones which text me the pics.

What cams are you using ? and what cams do you think are the best as far as sending pics ? I have a patch of alpine right now that I think id like to put a cam on

Iron Sighted
10-31-2013, 10:33 PM
PG, you have some awesome videos! Clearly you spend a ton of time working to get your footage, thanks for putting in the effort and sharing with the rest of us, can't wait till your website is up, looks like it'll be incredible.

11-01-2013, 07:27 AM
What cams are you using ? and what cams do you think are the best as far as sending pics ? I have a patch of alpine right now that I think id like to put a cam on
I have moultree,bushnel and Uway. The uway are the cell cams. They are with Rogers , you can get on Rogers online and check to see if your 'spot' is in range.

11-01-2013, 07:28 AM
PG, you have some awesome videos! Clearly you spend a ton of time working to get your footage, thanks for putting in the effort and sharing with the rest of us, can't wait till your website is up, looks like it'll be incredible.
Thanks for encouragement!!!!

11-01-2013, 08:11 AM
Here's some pics that were txt to me as I set a new cam the other day. I switched cam location to look up trail instead of down. The photos of the bucks are from the exact location last year.I had numerous deer on the video's last fall but they really seemed to be booking it down hill and never gave me any real good shots. The tree on the left of the pic with me in it was the cam location last year.
This is one of my more exciting locations. I can 'bet the farm' with %100 confidence there WILL BE one or more absolute MONSTER bucks on this cam in the following ' couple days or couple weeeks'....cant wait.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo111111_zps3aaca81a.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo111111_zps3aaca81a.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/PICT000111_zps011a6cf5.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/PICT000111_zps011a6cf5.jpg.html)

I doubled up cams with one cell cam and another regular one set on 'video' in this location.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btailtrailcams20_Snapshot_zps5424922c.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btailtrailcams20_Snapshot_zps5424922c.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/btailtrailcams10_Snapshot_zpsaf510428.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/btailtrailcams10_Snapshot_zpsaf510428.jpg.html)

Total blacktail cams out now - 16. This gonna be a cool 'looking' fall if nothing else!!!

11-01-2013, 05:12 PM
god I hope your sponsored by Duracell or energizer haha

11-01-2013, 05:38 PM
Side note , for all you guys who 'think' the snow makes or breaks a successful fall , here's something interesting. Two of my spots have now had 2 different BIG bucks show this last week. One was ( and may still be) a real cruising mission. He traveled at night around 12 to 3 am. He missed 2 cams by mere feet en route. I picked up his track again maybe 2 miles further along , he misses cam #4 by a 'decision' on one damned willow bush , but then NAILED a cam....but too damned close. All I got was a monster body/neck/face/legs and no rack....WTF!!!....hilarious......if it was a small buck or does everything woulda bin crystal clear.
Anyway , these guys are very mature , haven't been in the areas 'yet' ( after starting monitoring 3 wees ago) and are now 'in place'. There is ZERO snow or ice to drive em...its all just 'timing'/ testosterone levels creeping up and they 'possibly' want to be 'first' in their familiar rut zones. ( who the heck knows , its ALL speculation in fishing and hunting anyway, lol).

anyway - ITS TIME !!!

11-01-2013, 06:26 PM
Morning can't come soon enough!!

11-01-2013, 06:46 PM

I wish call out your "mostly speculation" comment.

This coming from a guy that lives and breathes BT and hunting!!!?
.....who is out year round..
.....who has a lot of resources at his disposal.
.....who is consistently onto giant BT, that most only dream of seeing once in their life.

.....you quantify your findings....learn a bit more....recalibrate, adjust, reapply.

Despite all this you still make the statement that it is "mostly speculation"!?

It is a total contradiction based on your knowledge and experience.
AND it makes total SENSE.

To me this is why.

What you obsess about, well, they simply do what they do, when and how they want to do it.
Sure there is a scientific understanding of the process, timing etc, but how the actual "game' gets played is fluid from a hunters perspective.
It's under their terms, not ours.
It's a language we will never decode.

What I respect is you get that dynamic loud and clear.
You do everything you can, based on your wealth of endless growing knowledge, to put yourself in the best possible situation.....use more and more tools .....at the best time...in the best area...... yet you still understand and respect that despite your preparation and knowledge that you are still playing a losing hand.
Yet your passion and understanding gives you the hope and endless determination that you will beat the "house"......the reality is you will merely win a hand finally.
And a hell of hand it will be!!
We all play the game, just some elect to play at high stakes tables where the odds are low.

For a hunter that carries such a wealth of field knowledge and success it is refreshing that you don't beat on your chest about it.
You tip your hat to your opponent.
You wear a normal size hat.

I admire how you share your experience with the hunting community, the "how" and "why".
All benefit.


11-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Happy nov PG...:D

11-01-2013, 10:05 PM

I wish call out your "mostly speculation" comment.

This coming from a guy that lives and breathes BT and hunting!!!?
.....who is out year round..
.....who has a lot of resources at his disposal.
.....who is consistently onto giant BT, that most only dream of seeing once in their life.

.....you quantify your findings....learn a bit more....recalibrate, adjust, reapply.

Despite all this you still make the statement that it is "mostly speculation"!?

It is a total contradiction based on your knowledge and experience.
AND it makes total SENSE.

To me this is why.

What you obsess about, well, they simply do what they do, when and how they want to do it.
Sure there is a scientific understanding of the process, timing etc, but how the actual "game' gets played is fluid from a hunters perspective.
It's under their terms, not ours.
It's a language we will never decode.

What I respect is you get that dynamic loud and clear.
You do everything you can, based on your wealth of endless growing knowledge, to put yourself in the best possible situation.....use more and more tools .....at the best time...in the best area...... yet you still understand and respect that despite your preparation and knowledge that you are still playing a losing hand.
Yet your passion and understanding gives you the hope and endless determination that you will beat the "house"......the reality is you will merely win a hand finally.
And a hell of hand it will be!!
We all play the game, just some elect to play at high stakes tables where the odds are low.

For a hunter that carries such a wealth of field knowledge and success it is refreshing that you don't beat on your chest about it.
You tip your hat to your opponent.
You wear a normal size hat.

I admire how you share your experience with the hunting community, the "how" and "why".
All benefit.


That was enough to make me gag

11-01-2013, 11:43 PM
That was enough to make me gag

Feel free to flesh out ur point......based on ur endless contributions to the hunting community.

If ur gagging....what's stuck in ur throat?

11-02-2013, 05:31 AM
Encouraging words people!! We all need em , all good is good!!

Its a 'fresh deck' this am Brownie! hope your hittin it!

Anyone else thinking about a snorkel this am?? holy shit its pissin down......onward!!!

11-02-2013, 06:39 AM
Great Thread

Just a quick gear question..
What do you use for boots?
I am out daily. Be it in the mountains or hunting farm land in the valley floor.
Just got a new pair of Danner pronghorns comfortable but they leak!!!!!!
What would you suggest?
My budget is under $ 300
Or is it possible to get a good boot in that price range?

11-02-2013, 08:20 AM
Just a quick gear question..
What do you use for boots?
I am out daily. Be it in the mountains or hunting farm land in the valley floor.
Just got a new pair of Danner pronghorns comfortable but they leak!!!!!!
What would you suggest?
My budget is under $ 300
Or is it possible to get a good boot in that price range?

What waterproofing goo have you tried on your boots?

11-02-2013, 12:35 PM
Slowest morning in my blacktail hunting career. Couldn't find the does in one of my honey spots. Normally 5-6 in a group plus an older loner doe. 3.5hrs to finally find a couple rubs once I dropped lower into the "moss flats". Think I'll leave it alone for the rest of the year.

11-02-2013, 12:52 PM
What waterproofing goo have you tried on your boots?

Probably ziplock bags :mrgreen:. Snows down half way this morning, should be getting those BT's moving..

11-02-2013, 12:57 PM
snow, lots of rubs, three does hanging in my spot. seen the ass end of a BIG deer, couldn't make out what it was and he didnt want to stick around..grrr. next couple weeks things should get good. yeeeeee haww.

11-02-2013, 03:55 PM
Great Thread

Just a quick gear question..
What do you use for boots?
I am out daily. Be it in the mountains or hunting farm land in the valley floor.
Just got a new pair of Danner pronghorns comfortable but they leak!!!!!!
What would you suggest?
My budget is under $ 300
Or is it possible to get a good boot in that price range?

I do a fair amount of mtn hunting. I have used 'Diotto's ' , meindels and at present are beating up a pair of new kenetrek...they ran me around 425$. Anything with ankle support , %100 waterproof. I used the kenetrek 'goo' on em , lol.

I got onto a mature buck and doe first light. Not 'The Buck' so I carried on. 8 deer on one cam , 3 bucks , all young. I was in a blizzard the whole time. I forgot my rattle antlers and call , oops...

11-02-2013, 06:24 PM
Proguide, is it possible the buck you are after isn't really into chasing does and that's why he has the energy to grow such big antlers. Also making him harder to hunt?

11-02-2013, 07:44 PM
Put some cams out today on my "doe hill", poked around in some snow, saw just one lone doe today. Over 18" up top last night... They had moved at bit last night but the big push is still another 18" of snow away... Supposed to clear up and warm up, shitty recipe. Gonna go kill a goat and come back to hammer down for the last (and better) half of november. Good luck boys.

11-03-2013, 12:34 PM
Proguide, is it possible the buck you are after isn't really into chasing does and that's why he has the energy to grow such big antlers. Also making him harder to hunt?
I have explored everything else but this!!! MUST be the case!!!

Side note , I 'wonder' if some VERY large and dominant bucks actually DO race to their familiar 'rut holes' wether there is snow or not?? After my findings this year I'm kinda thinking it may be the case with a few bucks.

Its easily confirmed that the older the buck , the earlier his rack develops , looses velvet , fall fur pushes summer coat out.All this well before younger bucks. The older bucks as well rut first and more aggressively. I am starting to think more of these buggers than not 'bee line it' to their rutting areas.
The few places I basically monitor year round have shown this recently. This particular season I have really put a BIG effort into learning more. I was VERY surprised to see that mature 'XL' bucks were the first to show in a couple of my best spots. Both these spots held a 'few does' year round and the resident pop will really climb in the next week.

Maybe some of you guys out chasing these buggers and 'maybe' waiting for snow should go have a look for some 'XL' sign now in your fav spot! seems to be working for me anyway!!

11-03-2013, 01:13 PM
Interesting theory for fellow hunters to pay attention. I imagine another factor is predators. The more deer in the area the more attractant for predators. Two years ago in a honey hole. Rut is in full swing. See does each time out as well a younger bucks plus hammer tracks. Start seeing the odd cougar and coyote track. Then getting cougars on trail cam and seeing more and more tracks. Rut is still on but starting to wind down. Hammer tracks vacate area while the does and younger bucks remain. Predators will always follow the larger population. Old warrior buck get to the area first to get start breeding asap to get out before more predators come in???

Also an old warrior buck will probably have to fight less if he is already hanging out with the ladies when the younger bucks show up. Easier to run off the new kid on the block than to run the mayor outta town.

11-03-2013, 01:44 PM
I have explored everything else but this!!! MUST be the case!!!

Side note , I 'wonder' if some VERY large and dominant bucks actually DO race to their familiar 'rut holes' wether there is snow or not?? After my findings this year I'm kinda thinking it may be the case with a few bucks.

Its easily confirmed that the older the buck , the earlier his rack develops , looses velvet , fall fur pushes summer coat out.All this well before younger bucks. The older bucks as well rut first and more aggressively. I am starting to think more of these buggers than not 'bee line it' to their rutting areas.
The few places I basically monitor year round have shown this recently. This particular season I have really put a BIG effort into learning more. I was VERY surprised to see that mature 'XL' bucks were the first to show in a couple of my best spots. Both these spots held a 'few does' year round and the resident pop will really climb in the next week.

Maybe some of you guys out chasing these buggers and 'maybe' waiting for snow should go have a look for some 'XL' sign now in your fav spot! seems to be working for me anyway!!My partner and I monitor our spots all yr long for resident deer populations and compare yearly activity.We have been doing this for 10 plus yrs.Our mnts we hunt have resident doe's cruising from low altitude on up thru our hunting elevations {500 to 900 ft level }and as the rut approachs they tend to focas on hanging near\along the established rub/scrap lines waiting for the bucks to collect them.The mature bucks establish the rub line with smaller satilite bucks cruseing the area "Hoping to get lucky".The bigger bucks on our mnt do come down with the cooling nights,advanceing snow levels and progressing rut,we have confirmed this on OUR mnts.We have only witness a couple smaller bucks below 500 ft over the yrs,ALL the 4 points we have harvested were right in peak rut at or very close to snow level and mid mnt{700-900 ft}.We have only harvested one four point at lower elevation{mid nov behind stave lake}blowing snow as he was on the back track of a mature doe with a fawn.Th is yr is shaping up as usual with now 2 sets of large tracked BT buckS travelling down[WE SEE THE TRACKS HEADED DOWN FROM HIGHER ELEVATIONS} and establishing a rub line now last few days.Prime time will be nov 10-15 th for our spots.GOOD LUCK ALL B-T FANATICS

Camp Cook
11-03-2013, 03:40 PM
I'm finally seeing more doe activity snuck up on 4 different does yesterday hadn't seen any for about 4 weeks in my spots.

Have not seen a single new rub yet this year.

11-03-2013, 08:30 PM
Really enjoying this thread so far Steve. Your videos just get bettor and bettor. This thread and others will be my BT hunting for the rest of the season as I am having shoulder surgery tommorow.
I hope you get the BIG ONE!
Keep up the good work.

11-03-2013, 08:52 PM
Bucks are starting to move in my hood,i,ve got two weeks off.Bring on the crappy weather.

11-03-2013, 09:23 PM
Really enjoying this thread so far Steve. Your videos just get bettor and bettor. This thread and others will be my BT hunting for the rest of the season as I am having shoulder surgery tommorow.
I hope you get the BIG ONE!
Keep up the good work.
Holy shit , there's some shit eatin timing for surgery . I'll try and ramp up the vids !! Lots of cool footage building up !!

11-04-2013, 08:40 AM
Holy shit , there's some shit eatin timing for surgery . I'll try and ramp up the vids !! Lots of cool footage building up !!

Tell me about it! Its killing me (not the shoulder). I'll be glued to HBC for a while.

11-04-2013, 05:57 PM
In one of my 'main spots' I have more buck action than does. 2 does on the cam to date , 5 different bucks .The snow has not dumped enough to move the typical migrators yet , these boys are showing up on their own schedule.

11-05-2013, 06:38 AM
its about time to start hitting our mnts 600-630 every morning from here on thru the rut,will have a good look around for sign and ANY BT buck we see will be harvested as we are primarily meat hunters,hopefully they start falling soon im missing my fresh bt steaks!

11-06-2013, 07:44 PM
pg66 any update?

11-07-2013, 06:34 AM
First morning of fresh snow in Pemberton this morning...

11-07-2013, 04:05 PM
Is there nobody scoring yet?! Gimme a photo of something, anything!

11-07-2013, 04:28 PM
not for lack of trying.ive left a fair amount of vibram on the mnt already this yr.will be hitting it hard starting tomorrow tho,with all the action started on the island the last few days its shapeing up as a normal yr.I would imagine by the end of the weekend we will see a few dead BT pics posted.

11-07-2013, 06:17 PM
This is all I got..havent done the 'rounds' yet. I am letting the big boys get settled into my spots and tend the does a bit. One of my spots only gets good from hunter pressure. I am patiently waitting for 'time'- its comin.

These pics were sent to me , cool to get new pics on the phone !!

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo41_zps1a49b24c.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo41_zps1a49b24c.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo40_zps1becf844.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo40_zps1becf844.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo39_zpsb2749f13.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo39_zpsb2749f13.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo37_zpse2417f64.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo37_zpse2417f64.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo36_zps2e16dd95.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo36_zps2e16dd95.jpg.html)

11-07-2013, 06:20 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo35_zps20dcb1af.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo35_zps20dcb1af.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo33_zps9f288d20.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo33_zps9f288d20.jpg.html)
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo32_zps63e3a837.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo32_zps63e3a837.jpg.html)

This with left over ram shoulder was great !

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo31_zps793305fd.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo31_zps793305fd.jpg.html)

11-07-2013, 06:24 PM
And this bugger cut a corner and rubbed behind a cam..never got a pic , 2nd year tryin for a pic of him.
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo38_zpsb706e770.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo38_zpsb706e770.jpg.html)

I will have a pic of him by mon.

The rub below was made last yr 10 ft from the new rub this week.
There will be a handfull of rubs made at this 'certain small spot' then they leave mid nov , its weird. BUT they are maybe 1/2 mile away givin er with does. Last fall he made 4 rubs here and left , not one new rub. We'll see if he hangs here much.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/photo13.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/photo13.jpg.html)

Cant wait to see who it is. The HUGE non typ from last year was very near here as well a mid 130's 5X5.

11-07-2013, 09:15 PM
Very cool cam set up. Nice pine. Sure a lot this year. The deer love those things.

11-07-2013, 09:36 PM
So pg what stage of the rut do you consider this activity? And I was talkin to my dad on the way to work one morning and the topic of puffed up neck came up. What do you think causes it? I would think it was from all the extra testosterone they produce combined with running around rubbing and rutting pumps them up. It's just my theory lol. Anyhow whats your theory ?

11-08-2013, 06:29 AM
So pg what stage of the rut do you consider this activity? And I was talkin to my dad on the way to work one morning and the topic of puffed up neck came up. What do you think causes it? I would think it was from all the extra testosterone they produce combined with running around rubbing and rutting pumps them up. It's just my theory lol. Anyhow whats your theory ?
Hmm , yo are prob bang on with the neck thing ! Whatever it is , it sure makes em look COOL !!!
I have never paid much attention to 'stages' myself.'moon phases ect , those charts that show deer/fish activity ect , I have never even had a glance.
'For me' , I stay absolutely focused on MY spot. I go when I can which makes any 'phases' not count much.
'Pre , post , peak' pfft , no time to worry about THAT. All want to know is where and when my spot is going to hold a BIG buck and as long as there is daylight , open season and he is on his four feet , I'm goin after him.
'For me' , figuring out where the hell he feels safe , sleeps , chases does and drops his antlers is all I am interested in-thats it ! I'm never worried about what stage of rut is goin on or what any 'chart' is sayin for today and neither is he.
Out of all the big game animals to learn about and chase down , these blacktail deer are tops as far as I am concerned. Check out the B.C. record books and see how many 150" plus bucks have been listed - not too many!! BUT , they are runnin around out there more often than most realise!
Finding one and beating him in his back yard is such a frikkin exciting adddiction. These buggers have been eluding cats , bears,yotes and wolves for maybe 6 to 8 years 24-7 .Thats day and NIGHT.
I cant imagine what it takes to survive like that when EVERY animal with teeth'claws and night vision pefer the taste of YOUR flesh over anything else. How the hell would you sleep??? when ??? What a skill to be able to live nd die of old age with all THAT against you.

I have found WAY more antlers from old age blacktals than have seen with my own eyes.It drives me nuts,lol. In say 33 years of chasing blacktails , I can count on both hands the amount of TRUE monsters I have seen , killed or helped people kill - thats IT !!! personally I have literally DOZENS of blacktails in the albums , but holy shit is finding a true monster rare.
I can go guide for a few months and basically TELL my outfitter I WILL kill a 200" moose , I'll fill every sheep tag , grizz tag ect ect , and DID.....come home and NEVER be able to 'say' " I'm GOING TO shoot a 150" plus blacktail this month".
Meanwhile , I'm standing in the tracks of a few bucks that are this big and much bigger....can I see them?? pfffttt....lol....the next pages will tell .

out the door I go !!!!

11-08-2013, 07:22 AM
Go get em PG! Thanks for the pics; we needed that. Now show us one without its breath!

11-08-2013, 11:14 AM
I just tracked down a CRANKER , oh man I'm glad I had the rifle cam on !!! Unreal footage !!!

11-08-2013, 11:19 AM
I just tracked down a CRANKER , oh man I'm glad I had the rifle cam on !!! Unreal footage !!!

Oh man, this is gettin' REAL GOOD!!! :-D

Camp Cook
11-08-2013, 12:38 PM
All I have been tracking down are does... :-?

Followed a set of tracks from a bruiser buck yesterday morning I must have been pushing him ahead of me tracks are appr 300 - 400 yards from where my does are hanging out.

Problem is I am not finding any of his rubs...

11-08-2013, 06:52 PM
Did you dump him PG? Let's see the footage

11-08-2013, 06:54 PM
I just tracked down a CRANKER , oh man I'm glad I had the rifle cam on !!! Unreal footage !!!

Just cruel leaving us hanging like this!

Love the thread Proguide, thanks for sharing all your hard earned knowledge, true show of character.

11-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Its a beauty deer. Big ass body on it.

11-08-2013, 07:47 PM
OK , here he comes ! I 'thought' I had shot the largest 'fork' blacktail I would ever see a few years ago.Then this guy shows up!! I video taped the hell out of him from maybe 100. Guess 250lbs on the toes.EVERYTHING about him was HUGE...just what a guy 's lookin for...but...I let him walk !!!:shock: I have shot a 'BIG' buck numerous times in the past and my FIRST comment is usally " oh well , maybe I'll get my BIG guy with my 2nd tag".......well I'm NOT doin that this year,( I hope) . I have two tags and two bucks much larger than this on the menue.....shall see how the next month pans out , enjoy:-D

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00012_Snapshot3_zpsdb3e63bc.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00012_Snapshot3_zpsdb3e63bc.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00012_Snapshot3_zpsdb3e63bc.jpghttp://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00012_Snapshot3_zpsdb3e63bc.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00012_Snapshot3_zpsdb3e63bc.jpg.html)

I'm loading the 'worst' pics first!

11-08-2013, 07:49 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00014_Snapshot_zps68fc6442.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00014_Snapshot_zps68fc6442.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 07:50 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00014_Snapshot_zps68fc6442.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00014_Snapshot_zps68fc6442.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 07:52 PM
photobucket isn't my friend right now

11-08-2013, 07:54 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00014_Snapshot3_zpsc4c74750.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00014_Snapshot3_zpsc4c74750.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 07:55 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00014_Snapshot4_zps0a0be0d2.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00014_Snapshot4_zps0a0be0d2.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 07:58 PM
I took the pics off the videos.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00001_Snapshot3_zpseff47797.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00001_Snapshot3_zpseff47797.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00001_Snapshot2_zpse0f96d0d.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00001_Snapshot2_zpse0f96d0d.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00001_Snapshot7_zpsf5e226ff.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00001_Snapshot7_zpsf5e226ff.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00001_Snapshot5_zps7aff7d19.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00001_Snapshot5_zps7aff7d19.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00012_Snapshot2_zpsbd3e745e.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00012_Snapshot2_zpsbd3e745e.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 08:01 PM
I then carried on. Couple hrs later got on another and it turned out to be him again ! I put the good cam on a tripod and filmed him lots...I 'almost' dusted him on film...soo close.

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00029_001_Snapshot6_zps523bad3f.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00029_001_Snapshot6_zps523bad3f.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00029_001_Snapshot2_zps7268a972.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00029_001_Snapshot2_zps7268a972.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00029_001_Snapshot4_zps4a1e54f6.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00029_001_Snapshot4_zps4a1e54f6.jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/00029_001_Snapshot_zpsc662cf88.jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/00029_001_Snapshot_zpsc662cf88.jpg.html)

I'll probably take someone up there and get him on video next week maybe !!

11-08-2013, 08:03 PM
Ok, ok, ok. You win. You are the best. Uncle! Now please shoot him!!!

11-08-2013, 08:24 PM
Post #155, second pic. Sure would look sweet mounted on the wall like that.

11-08-2013, 08:36 PM
I spent the day out today with . . . nothing. Sigh. Man, he's lucky it was you and not me. Mind you, 100 yards is about 70 to far for me to risk a shot.

Thanks for all the pictures. It keeps me motivated.

Tomorrow, i'll put an all day effort.

11-08-2013, 08:42 PM
oh I feel your pain! its hard holding off on those good deer but it will pay off in the end. at least that's what I keep telling myself. that's a pretty awesome blacktail!!

11-08-2013, 08:58 PM
A buddy just sent me these....I wonder what hes gonna be doing for the next few weeks??

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake1_zps78fd4f30.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake1_zps78fd4f30.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake2_zpsb41d053d.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake2_zpsb41d053d.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake3_zps5fb4ab93.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake3_zps5fb4ab93.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake4_zpsa39b7735.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake4_zpsa39b7735.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake5_zps7813dd43.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake5_zps7813dd43.jpg.html)

11-08-2013, 08:59 PM
That buck will now haunt the dreams of many a member on this site, look at those front forks, and his NECK???

11-08-2013, 09:04 PM
Crown G2??

11-08-2013, 09:09 PM
Wondering if you guys mind sharing your noise making secrets out there at this time of the BT hunt. TheCan, grunt, deer talk, ratteling those horns or nothing?

11-08-2013, 09:10 PM
Yep....and almost like he knew he was getting his picture taken! Once again trail cams prove to be one of the most important tools in locating the elusive trophy blacktail.

11-08-2013, 09:24 PM
Still boggles my mind when people don't use trail cams or shed hunt. Just more ways to learn more about your area.

Camp Cook
11-09-2013, 07:17 AM
I'm weak = I would have popped him then spend the rest of the season looking for his elusive big brother...

PG your buck looks like the big brother to this guy we took 2 years ago.


11-09-2013, 08:08 AM
Thats an awesome fork PG. Nice footage. Way to not shoot!

11-09-2013, 11:20 AM
yes that buck would have qualified for the meat buck im looking to use my first tag on.My partner RUGER #1 and I spent a LONG night on our mnt last night in the rain and we have fresh rubs where there were none juring yesterday evenings hunt.I could smell the buck last night in one area comeing into camp at last light and this morning at first light found his latest rubs in three spots along his rub line.He's really stinkin up the area,im thinking he's a 2-or3 point by the height and size of the rubs and track size .Im sure he was in hearing distance this morning as I was rattleing and using the doe bleat but he was a no-show,we will get him tho........More fresh track in there as well.Heading back up for another couple nights good luck all .......

11-09-2013, 09:46 PM
I have a question for proguide or any other seasoned blacktail hunter here. So you've got your spot picked out and you are confident it holds the deer that you are after. You make the long (or short) hike in and are standing on the edge of your rut hole (or where ever it is you have chosen to hunt) with the wind in your face, then what? What are your favorite or most common tactics to try to get an opportunity at that buck you are after?

Camp Cook
11-09-2013, 10:18 PM
Me = I put my right foot in then my right foot out do that a couple of times then shake it all about... :mrgreen:

11-09-2013, 11:26 PM
So the hokey pokey calls the deer out??? Genius. I gotta try that!

11-10-2013, 06:56 AM
I have a question for proguide or any other seasoned blacktail hunter here. So you've got your spot picked out and you are confident it holds the deer that you are after. You make the long (or short) hike in and are standing on the edge of your rut hole (or where ever it is you have chosen to hunt) with the wind in your face, then what? What are your favorite or most common tactics to try to get an opportunity at that buck you are after?

I 'uaually' try to sneek in and get an eye on a doe and stay with her as long as possible. Ive used grunts and can calls to help keep em with me a bit longer if they are moving out of site. If no sightings , I'll set up with rattle antlers for a shot.If nothing , I leave for 3 or 4 days , then try again from a new approach...then again.......and again..

11-10-2013, 01:17 PM

11-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Hey proguide,

my hats off to you for a great thread. Being a hunter with only a couple years under my belt, i really appreciate people like yourself who will share knowledge that they have spent years acquiring. This is the exact reason I joined this forum and I hope that I can pass knowledge like this onto younger/newer hunters in the future.

Your thread has inspired me to hunt more in my backyard this year than to keep going up to the interior. For those of us who havent scouted areas in the past 8 months but want to get out, see some country and try to learn a couple things about hunting blacktails. what would you recommend for finding spots on google earth to take a walk in? There is so much area to check out, how can i narrow it down on google earth before I actually get to the hunting area?

Thanks for a great entertaining thread, next time i drive through pemberton I will leave a pre-paid beer for you at the pub!

11-12-2013, 08:43 AM
Good encouragement !!!!

I have said numerous times before , EVERY big and timbered mtn on our coast has a BIG blacktail on it - period. As well , EVERY mtn has some deing of old age on it. The ruggedness of our area is NOT hunter friendly and the unpredictable nature of blacktails makes for challenging hunting.
I have never found a big buck on google earth ,lol , but who knows? lol

Seriously , pick a mtn , hide your vehicle , look for poop , find it- it begins. 98% of blacktail success is learning your spot. Once you learn your spot , you start filling tags. I am confident I could hit ANY big timbered mtn on our coast , put in TIME and kill a big breeder buck.Its all in the 'time' , hunting with wind in face and moving slow.
Pick a hill , find some poop - game on. EVERY place there is deer there IS or WILL BE a lrg breeder buck. It is impossible for an area to be 'over hunted' by humans ( blacktails that is) .

Side note , I am getting flooded with messages asking 'what to do' ? I don't have time to answer em all. Best thing is to go over all the last few blacktail threads I started and start reading , all the questions are answered!!!

( Funny , just heard a gun shot up behind the house as I'm typing)

Right now , find a doe you find a buck...........

Camp Cook
11-12-2013, 12:35 PM
I couldn't agree more other than I look for tracks/does before I look for poop.

Was out this morning again found 2 of my does there was a nice fat 2 point with them unlike PG I didn't pass on him had a desire to get some meat in the freezer and break in my 14" barreled T/C Contender carbine in 45-70 loaded with 325gr Hornady FTX @ 1750fps.

Due to this thread I did something I don't normally do usually I go as silent as possible when I see does only using my buck grunt and canned doe bleat occasionally today I used them far more than ever before the two does were watching most of the time but they got so relaxed after I started using the calls that one even bedded down.

They were max 50 - 60 yards away from me and of course they were down wind.

11-12-2013, 03:48 PM
Ok gather around its story time with Dustin...

You want to find a BT honey hole? Here's how I found my first one.

I had been hunting a high elevation spot that held a couple does and I always saw a rub or two so I figured a buck would show up soon. Well after a few times hunting it. We got snow and alot of it at low elevations. I was on my way to my spot when I got stuck. After an hour and the help from a couple forestry workers I was turned around. It was almost day light now. I knew another way around so I parked lower and started hiking. I knew the hike would take me over 2hrs just to get to my spot so I told myself if I crossed fresh tracks in the snow I was going to stick with it. About 45mins I crossed a big buck trail heading downhill? Seemed strange but I followed them. He led me into a small area filled with rock bluffs. Seen a couple does but I stayed on his tracks through the rock bluffs and once again up hill. Another 45mins of tracking him he led me to the honey hole. Does, rubs, sheds. It had everything. Decided to back out and hunt the sweet spot another day. 3rd visit into the area shot a big old 4x5.

Each time into the spot I was not just looking for deer but I was also stusying the terrain and getting to know it like the back of my hand.

Plenty of people on here ask me where to go shoot a BT. I tell them what most experienced bt hunters tell everyone. Pick a mountain and start hiking. Specially with snow on the ground. Those tracks will lead you to the honeyhole. Once there learn as much as you can each outting. Going slow is mandatory for still hunting bt's. It not only lets you see them before they see you It also gives you more time to learn the mountain. Proguide could tell anyone of you one of his honeyholes and I bet you 95% of you wouldnt connect on a buck within the first year. Knowing the mountain is the #1 way of shooting a mature bt. Each mountain is different thatscwhat makes it so much fun.

11-12-2013, 07:13 PM
Tons of good advice and tips for newer hunters and I couldn't agree more about the simply act of learning a spot, nothing in life comes easy why would hunting be any different? What I have found hunting blacktails has been explained to me in the last few posts. Blacktails seem to be terratorial, if you shoot the big dominant buck in the neighborhood the next biggest baddest buck will come on in and take over the territory, because the territory is key. As PG has said every mountain has a big buck because that is the optimal territory for the most dominant buck of the area, he is king of the castle. Want a honey hole, pick a mountain and learn it, we should all be smarter than a stupid deer after all... shouldn't we???

Camp Cook
11-12-2013, 07:40 PM
Here is another hint look for their food source at this time of year I look for this ground cover weed I have watched blacktail eating it more than any other food source.

I don't mean look for a few plants here and there look for a bank/knoll etc covered in it for you road hunters look for it on the side of the road.

When I find this weed I then start looking for does.


Camp Cook
11-12-2013, 07:43 PM
Now I have a question of the experts I've never thought about it before = at what age does a blacktail buck develop their white face.

11-12-2013, 08:45 PM
The first bullet that misses him turns his face white, from then on he is a ghost.

11-12-2013, 09:17 PM
question about rubs.
Would a buck do his rub on a tree that is lying down? Like a fallen cedar tree

11-12-2013, 09:21 PM
question about rubs.
Would a buck do his rub on a tree that is lying down? Like a fallen cedar tree

Not sure, but they definitely love to munch the lichen and "gorilla snot" off fresh deadfall.

11-12-2013, 09:23 PM
PG - What's your system once you've been busted by a doe, or a buck, do you ever make eye contact? Eye contact is predatory so I always turn my head away and keep the deer in the corner of my eye. Always. I also look at the ground, sort of timidly. Once I started with non-threatening behavior I was amazed how much longer they would stick around, or would even walk right over towards me. I've been lucky enough to have taken two big BT's. Both times, no eye contact. Both times they walked in closer. Just curious how you roll....

11-12-2013, 09:31 PM
Now I have a question of the experts I've never thought about it before = at what age does a blacktail buck develop their white face.

They will start to get white as early as 1 1/2 ... Grey face is not a good indicator of age ... at all

11-12-2013, 09:34 PM
PG - What's your system once you've been busted by a doe, or a buck, do you ever make eye contact? Eye contact is predatory so I always turn my head away and keep the deer in the corner of my eye. Always. I also look at the ground, sort of timidly. Once I started with non-threatening behavior I was amazed how much longer they would stick around, or would even walk right over towards me. I've been lucky enough to have taken two big BT's. Both times, no eye contact. Both times they walked in closer. Just curious how you roll....

I know this question is not for me but ... ive have heard deer can actually hear your heart beat up close. Is that true ? I don't know for sure ... but it would not surprise me. What I do know is when I keep my heart rate down and do not let my eyes widen with surprise , deer stay far calmer around me.

One thing I do know is body language is a universal language in the human and animal kingdom. If I was food for everything and something or someone that was close to me got the 1000 yard stare and became clearly ridged and focused I probably wouldn't be sticking around for to long ...

food for thought

11-12-2013, 09:36 PM
PG - What's your system once you've been busted by a doe, or a buck, do you ever make eye contact? Eye contact is predatory so I always turn my head away and keep the deer in the corner of my eye. Always. I also look at the ground, sort of timidly. Once I started with non-threatening behavior I was amazed how much longer they would stick around, or would even walk right over towards me. I've been lucky enough to have taken two big BT's. Both times, no eye contact. Both times they walked in closer. Just curious how you roll....
Totally correct and HUGE point for still hunting . I'm am covering this in an upcoming vid . If you want ANY species to be alarmed . Lock a stare, tense your body - game over. I have shown this to people by using it on a friendly dog or my horses ( even on a human ). You want 'anything' to KNOW you have bad intentions ? Lock a stare , slight crouch . I recently scratched my face like a bored cat while eye to eye with two bucks ( one huge) never looked at them. Result was 20 min if video close range .

YES bucks rub fallen trees . I have a pick of a 10" alder on its side with 4 rubs along it .

All bucks have white faces from their first yr . They get more white with age . Look at a spike with dows in fall colors, they always stand out, even button bucks .

New vid loading !

11-12-2013, 09:55 PM
Loving this thread. Three questions:

1. On a mountain BT hunt, if it seems perfectly still and calm, can you stalk in any direction? Its hard to walk in only one direction when following tracks.
2. When you come into an area with lots of tracks (and a couple bedding spots) do you hang out in that area or do you pick a big set of tracks and follow them as far as you can?
3. How do you pick which set of tracks to follow?

Thanks PG and all other contributors.

11-12-2013, 10:19 PM
Loving this thread. Three questions:

1. On a mountain BT hunt, if it seems perfectly still and calm, can you stalk in any direction? Its hard to walk in only one direction when following tracks.
2. When you come into an area with lots of tracks (and a couple bedding spots) do you hang out in that area or do you pick a big set of tracks and follow them as far as you can?
3. How do you pick which set of tracks to follow?

Thanks PG and all other contributors.

1. buy a wind puffer from a sporting goods store , your cent ALWAYS travels in a direction. Use cover scent as well , I like the Primos silver stuff. Primos has a cover sent that neutralizes your scent and smells like dirt. In the rut use doe estrus on top of that. If a buck that is rutting hard hears you and smells a stinking doe he will likely come to you , has happened to me more times than I can count.

2. During the rut , if you find a spot with lots of tracks ... especially when there are clearly buck tracks and the tracks look to be going in circles or back and forth ... definatly set up camp. Deer have " preferred rutting area's "

3. Big bucks are a far larger animal , they are heavier on there feet so there track will be deeper and on hard ground it will spread out much farther from there extra weight. Typically they will have sharper points at the end of there hoofs ad there dew claws will be spread out at the back much farther .. also from there weight

here are couple of pics of a Island BT Buck that I tracked for the better part of a season with no success. He was coming down at night early season and heading back to the top of the mountain well before sun up. The country was wretched , just couldn't out smart him. I found an area with far better genetics so I moved on but, would have like to have gotten a glimps of this guy...

I had named him ... "BUCK SQUATCH "

http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff482/pilot2001/SD530514_zpsc28bab39.jpg (http://s1238.photobucket.com/user/pilot2001/media/SD530514_zpsc28bab39.jpg.html)

http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff482/pilot2001/SD530515_zpscde97836.jpg (http://s1238.photobucket.com/user/pilot2001/media/SD530515_zpscde97836.jpg.html)

11-12-2013, 10:25 PM
Loving this thread. Three questions:

1. On a mountain BT hunt, if it seems perfectly still and calm, can you stalk in any direction? Its hard to walk in only one direction when following tracks.
2. When you come into an area with lots of tracks (and a couple bedding spots) do you hang out in that area or do you pick a big set of tracks and follow them as far as you can?
3. How do you pick which set of tracks to follow?

Thanks PG and all other contributors.
Every question you or others have like those can only be answered by learning your spot . You can find out and know what the thermals 'should' be doing which will control your route . Once you learn where they bed , where you can circle around , where the bucks like to hang , you can predict which way you should go to cut off , drop down on or wait for them . I've said it dozens of times , 'learn your area' , it really is 90% of the 'secret' .

Camp Cook
11-13-2013, 01:12 AM
My one spot from this morning drives me nutz one side of it the wind will blow one way and half way thru it the wind will completely change direction and blows the other way could be a gale force wind and it will still completely change directions.

Not trying to plug this book its just that it has all of the answers to all of your blacktail hunting questions = Blacktail Trophy Tactics 11 by Boyd Iverson here is the link to his web site www. blacktailtrophytactics.com

I have two of these books one never leaves my bedside table.

11-13-2013, 07:30 AM
First vid for 2013


11-13-2013, 07:32 AM
My one spot from this morning drives me nutz one side of it the wind will blow one way and half way thru it the wind will completely change direction and blows the other way could be a gale force wind and it will still completely change directions.

Not trying to plug this book its just that it has all of the answers to all of your blacktail hunting questions = Blacktail Trophy Tactics 11 by Boyd Iverson here is the link to his web site www. blacktailtrophytactics.com

I have two of these books one never leaves my bedside table.

Maybe forward Loyd the link to this thread and he can learn some more !!! lmao

11-13-2013, 07:42 AM
that was killer guy:cool: your almost getting me converted over.

11-13-2013, 07:49 AM
Lots of good info for inexperienced hunters especially guys like myself who have no mentor or hunters in family. My problem finding a #spot' is alot of the time I find it to be too thick for hiking in let alone getting a shot off

Camp Cook
11-13-2013, 07:58 AM
Good idea I will. :)

11-13-2013, 08:24 AM
Lots of good info for inexperienced hunters especially guys like myself who have no mentor or hunters in family. My problem finding a #spot' is alot of the time I find it to be too thick for hiking in let alone getting a shot off 99% of my spots are too thick. Once high enough sometimes they get clear like where I taped the buck in the video. But this bench is the most and only 'clear ' or 'open' spot on the mtn ! got lucky.
Few hundred lower is where most the action usually is and where his track came from. Keep at it !!!

11-13-2013, 08:30 AM
So where I find it to be to thick just keep at it till I get to a bench or clearing up higher in search for sub alpine or alpine

11-13-2013, 08:47 AM
My one spot from this morning drives me nutz one side of it the wind will blow one way and half way thru it the wind will completely change direction and blows the other way could be a gale force wind and it will still completely change directions.
true Meteorological wind direction can be difficult to determine when your in the forest. Even when you know the direction of the wind the effects of terrain in the mountains on the air movement is so dynamic you need expand what you think is causing the wind to blow a certain direction. Meaning the mountain your hunting could be in the lee of a larger obstruction or mountain, perhaps your walking up the lee side of a hill which is subject to lee side rotor and or at the same time the sideways flow as meteo winds wrap around a larger ridge. It`s something we all know but sometimes don't always think about, air a fluid and will rotor behind obstructions and slosh up once side of a valley then down the same slope further along depending on the aspect of the terrain to the meteo winds.

a basic animation of lee side rotor.
this web site is used by local paragliders where understanding lee side rotor is critical. The site uses data updated daily, notice how the wind funnels in valleys, increases as a venturi effect, washes around terrain and also the calm lee side areas. IF you click the time line you can see the forecast wind changes and the effect of increase air speed on wind direction.

The theme of the thread is applicable, knowing the terrain and how the wind moves through it is the key.

11-13-2013, 09:01 AM
My one spot from this morning drives me nutz one side of it the wind will blow one way and half way thru it the wind will completely change direction and blows the other way could be a gale force wind and it will still completely change directions.

I would bet you good money that wind was caused by a strong wind blowing over the mountain. Its really tough to hunt the lee side of a mountain because the wind will just seem swirl randomly. Wind is like water, it swirls and bubbles over obstacles (think wind tunnel tests), on mountain sides the effect is like a wind that is just flipping you the finger at key times.

Thanks for the tips proguide, I really appreciate the info!

opps nimrod and myself seem to have posted at the same time, his info is better.

11-13-2013, 09:17 AM
Great video. Pretty neat when you get that much time to watch a big buck AND get it on film. Can't wait to see the next one

11-13-2013, 09:18 AM
So some of these Lower Mainland bucks ain't got no mountain to climb, pure flatland, nuthin but blackberrys, alders, maples and swamp ........ swirling wind here too, man it's tough getting these guys into SSG range ! Getting closer though each time ....... never taken one with SSG sure would like too.


11-13-2013, 10:41 AM
Maybe forward Loyd the link to this thread and he can learn some more !!! lmao

Hahahahaha ... I passed on an identical buck on Sunday afternoon. Easy Island book 2 point , and I said all the exact same things to myself... " lots of time left " " is not even heating up yet " Walked right up to him , had his nose in a does butt. wouldn't even look at me. I had to leave , couldn't believe I wasn't shooting him " ooohhh the torture " so funny !

Great video ... Ive watched a lot of BT vids over the years PG, and IMO although a little shaky at time's which is totally acceptable under the circumstances ... You have shot the best BT vids ive ever seen !

I love waking up on a rest day and watching something like that in the morning to a coffee ... true west coaster !

11-13-2013, 10:56 AM
NICE VIDEO Sledge Hammer!!! Keep em coming; 3 kids 3 and under; so these days I gotta live thru you all!

11-13-2013, 12:04 PM
Hey PG, you have awesome videos and I love to watch them. It's amazing how these deer stick around so long without being spooked. I was just wondering what kind of camcorder you use. I had a JVC Everio for a few years until we got a huge rain storm here on the island just over a week ago. Camera was in my chest pocket of my Sitka jacket and didn't make it due to water damage....Also finding it hard to find areas we are aloud to hunt on the island that have some nice timber to still hunt, everywhere I am finding lots of deer and sign is so thick with ground cover you couldn't even try to sneak through it.

Thanks for any tips

11-13-2013, 12:32 PM
Good God Man that's a great video! Your production quality is better than anything I've ever seen. Thanks and keep it up!

11-13-2013, 02:25 PM
Hahahahaha ... I passed on an identical buck on Sunday afternoon. Easy Island book 2 point , and I said all the exact same things to myself... " lots of time left " " is not even heating up yet " Walked right up to him , had his nose in a does butt. wouldn't even look at me. I had to leave , couldn't believe I wasn't shooting him " ooohhh the torture " so funny !

Great video ... Ive watched a lot of BT vids over the years PG, and IMO although a little shaky at time's which is totally acceptable under the circumstances ... You have shot the best BT vids ive ever seen !

I love waking up on a rest day and watching something like that in the morning to a coffee ... true west coaster !

Island book BT? And he walked?
Theres only been a very small handful of those ever shot. What were you thinking?

11-13-2013, 02:35 PM
Island book BT? And he walked?
Theres only been a very small handful of those ever shot. What were you thinking?
Lets do a rough score of this buck for shitsngiggles! ( I'm prob takin a dude in there to kill it) . From my experience with the blood in there, he 'will be' at least 18" inside and minimum 5" girth below the brow . I'll do my guess after work .

11-13-2013, 02:36 PM
I'm going to 'guess' with no pencil 119. ( gross of course , deducts can bite me)

11-13-2013, 03:10 PM
I'm going to 'guess' with no pencil 119. ( gross of course , deducts can bite me)
I was talking about the post Chopper made about passing an easy book Island BT. Not so uncommon on the ML.

11-13-2013, 03:33 PM
Any hunter on VI that passes on a book buck is either a genius or a mad man
What are you waiting for something bigger?????

11-13-2013, 03:48 PM
I was talking about the post Chopper made about passing an easy book Island BT. Not so uncommon on the ML.
I know that . My post was unrelated to the island buck mention. I know you and others like to run a tape ( me too) . So I was serious about ' let's all do a guess on the one I filmed .'
He is seriously the largest blacktail fork I have ever seen . I gave the two #'s for guys to get a realistic start to the math . I'll sit down and go my official score after work , still rough guess 119" though !

11-13-2013, 04:30 PM
I am fan of old bucks. I dont care about deductions. A regressing buck is just as hard if not harder to shoot than a buck in his prime so why deduct. I am gonna throw a guess out there without relooking at him at 122" I'll even be badass and add 1/8" :D

11-13-2013, 04:31 PM
Of course to be a 100% someone is gonna have to wack him

11-13-2013, 06:20 PM
OK, these bucks have a lot bigger body that the ones I'm used to seeing.
But I see: 15'' mass per side, 20'' main beam, 10'' tine = 45'' per side + 17'' IS spread.
107'' net. One hell of a fork!
My guess. Go get him!

11-13-2013, 06:48 PM
K, I'm goin 115 ! Final answer !!!

11-13-2013, 07:10 PM
Are we playing "Price is Right" rules? IF so I just reviewed the footage and may want to change my answer

11-13-2013, 07:37 PM
I have been skunked every time i have gone out this year and after watching all of your videos on You tube you give me a lot of confidence and hope that one day i will get a buck. I just hope its this year. Hunting is not easy we all know that.

Thanks so much for posting all your hard work and passing on your information. I wish there were more guys like you out there.

11-13-2013, 08:06 PM
One thing with chasing blacktails is you will always have outtings that you don't see a single deer.

11-13-2013, 08:36 PM
The buck I passed was an easy 100+ inch VI BT, it was also the largest fork I had ever seen. Definitely not 115 inches. I went 117 last year and yes ... im trying to go Boon on the island this year. I wont shoot anything that I don't think has a crack at BC book until Dec ... 115 inches

I know a guy that has already gone 117 on the island this year, and in the past 3 years his bucks were ... 124 ,126,131 VI BT's. My hunting partner found a kill on one of our early season hikes that has been rough scored at 131 , its a perfect 4 up top with brows.

For me its a case of ... Go big or go home !

I havnt shared my deer online in the past but ... I will this year if the Deer Gods shine on me. My hunting partner will not even tell his own mother about the deer he shoots

PG66 has got me thinking of getting some electrical tape and a handy cam lol

11-13-2013, 10:59 PM
I have a question...if a doe has 2 young with her will she go into heat with them around or will a buck have to push the young away before this happens.

11-13-2013, 11:00 PM
I have been skunked every time i have gone out this year and after watching all of your videos on You tube you give me a lot of confidence and hope that one day i will get a buck. I just hope its this year. Hunting is not easy we all know that.

Thanks so much for posting all your hard work and passing on your information. I wish there were more guys like you out there.

Keep at it ! I have only 'seen' 2 deer this fall,thats IT !. And I have put on MILES and miles ! makes the reward soo much sweeter ! You will get one.

11-13-2013, 11:06 PM
Hey PG, you have awesome videos and I love to watch them. It's amazing how these deer stick around so long without being spooked. I was just wondering what kind of camcorder you use. I had a JVC Everio for a few years until we got a huge rain storm here on the island just over a week ago. Camera was in my chest pocket of my Sitka jacket and didn't make it due to water damage....Also finding it hard to find areas we are aloud to hunt on the island that have some nice timber to still hunt, everywhere I am finding lots of deer and sign is so thick with ground cover you couldn't even try to sneak through it.

Thanks for any tips

Runnin a few different cams. Sony handy cam on weapons , have gopros but they suck for hunting unless on a dog. A larger Cannon and a larger Sony NX5U. I taped the buck with two different cams. The shit I'm packing daily is a little over the top in 'pain in ass' factor to say the least !! But the 'real' project going on requires it ! making these 'side vids' for Youtube is fun !

11-14-2013, 11:59 AM
Want to know what 'frustration' is ??? Being on a buck for your 4th year , seeing him eye for first and only time on yr 3 and now 'finally' KNOWING where his feet are standing this very moment and not being able to get out of work to close the deal .... Not sure I ever felt this messed before !!!!! Holy shit .....

11-14-2013, 12:04 PM
I take it you just received a trail cam pic!

11-14-2013, 07:05 PM
Not to get to off topic but what are your guys favorite trail cams?
I got a couple bushnell ones lower end and their decent with good battery life but id like something that takes clearer images. I don't have to worry about anyone taking them were I hunt along rock bluffs because no one is crazy enough to pack out a deer that far, so im willing to spend fair cash for good pics and video. I know a buck or two has walked past my camera without it taking a pic because theres fresh tracks going both ways infront of the cam and a new rub just 15yrds down on the same trail.

11-14-2013, 07:11 PM
Go Uway or Spypoint

11-14-2013, 08:07 PM
Want to know what 'frustration' is ??? Being on a buck for your 4th year , seeing him eye for first and only time on yr 3 and now 'finally' KNOWING where his feet are standing this very moment and not being able to get out of work to close the deal .... Not sure I ever felt this messed before !!!!! Holy shit .....

Pics ! pics !

11-14-2013, 09:18 PM
PG66 has not responded I bet he went after that buck

11-14-2013, 10:26 PM
PG66 has not responded I bet he went after that buck
Couldn't escape work !! Did go on a night jaunt to get a couple cams though . Waste of time .
That big cat and yotes have messed up a clume spots real bad . Shall see what comes soon enough !

limit time
11-14-2013, 10:37 PM
Lets do a rough score of this buck for shitsngiggles! ( I'm prob takin a dude in there to kill it) . From my experience with the blood in there, he 'will be' at least 18" inside and minimum 5" girth below the brow . I'll do my guess after work .

A friend or client?

11-15-2013, 06:53 AM
Quit your job. Its easy enough finding another, big deer are a lot tougher to find! Kill that buck!

11-15-2013, 08:43 AM
just in off the phone......I kept getting blurred pics on a creek crossing.Moved the cam , bingo !

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/574570_10151727888120880_2094283120_n_zps94a76e41. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/574570_10151727888120880_2094283120_n_zps94a76e41. jpg.html)

11-15-2013, 08:47 AM
A friend or client?
'possibly' a friend. Usually I g tagged out myself before doin my usual 'Big Buck Giveaway' , lol , the 'bribes' aren't happening yet either.
I have been given the 'word' I can sell all the deer hunts I want here but I'm not 'done' for 'me' yet. I'm not eager to guide 'still hunts for blacktails'. I drove my past clients to brink of insanity 'physically' up north , would be tough to find suitable clients for this shit!!! lol.....would be nothing worse than a guy quitting on you when you were on the ass of a monster buck !!!

11-15-2013, 09:10 AM
Ain't that the truth, BT hunting is different, sure tests patience !
I have a buddy from PG comin here tomor just til Monday, wants a BT pretty bad, told him if he leaves realizing how lucky he is he's not stuck just hunting these things, he's winning lol.
Kill that cat.

11-15-2013, 09:53 AM
Haha I could only imagine guiding clients in BT country. The hike ups in the dark, the still hunting, the days of only chasing tracks and not seeing a deer. Finally seeing a deer but too small. Thats when its better to "pick" your clients than let them pick you. You would have alot more quiters and haters than happy hunters.

11-16-2013, 01:07 AM
Couldn't escape work !! Did go on a night jaunt to get a couple cams though . Waste of time .
That big cat and yotes have messed up a clume spots real bad . Shall see what comes soon enough !

This guy has made BT hunting slow in my spot for the past three days.... I did get some time with a two point and his girlfriends before they bailed out still looking for something good up top to take the shot at..

http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff364/raysmailbank/EK000036_zpsc1ffc07e.jpg (http://s1232.photobucket.com/user/raysmailbank/media/EK000036_zpsc1ffc07e.jpg.html)

http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff364/raysmailbank/EK000037_zps5af55652.jpg (http://s1232.photobucket.com/user/raysmailbank/media/EK000037_zps5af55652.jpg.html)


The Video

http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff364/raysmailbank/th_EK000039_zps83d8f042.jpg (http://s1232.photobucket.com/user/raysmailbank/media/EK000038_zps78d1baf0.jpg.html)

Camp Cook
11-16-2013, 09:46 AM
WOW PG that is an absolute beauty buck good luck on finding him.

I've only seen/shot one that even comes close to it way back in 1990 I haven't seen another like it since.

I've got friends always asking for me to take them in after blacktail only one of them is up to the still hunting style I do and I haven't taken him due to not having the time to take him.

Since I quit prospecting and started my new business I have no time to schedule hunting I basically go when I have a few hour window or can go in to work a few hours late.

11-16-2013, 06:11 PM
A buddy just sent me these....I wonder what hes gonna be doing for the next few weeks??

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake1_zps78fd4f30.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake1_zps78fd4f30.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake3_zps5fb4ab93.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake3_zps5fb4ab93.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake4_zpsa39b7735.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake4_zpsa39b7735.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s56/gilmore-c/Jake5_zps7813dd43.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/gilmore-c/media/Jake5_zps7813dd43.jpg.html)
The guy who nailed these pics nailed THIS yesterday !

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1396034_10152814094328840_1536223495_n_zpsf34bd789 .jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1396034_10152814094328840_1536223495_n_zpsf34bd789 .jpg.html)

11-16-2013, 06:15 PM
Today I found the 'NEW' 'heavyweight contender shed' . Heaviest one I have ever seen. 6" between base and first point , unreal mass on the old fart !!
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1453253_10151730275040880_1951398223_n_zpsd1a33248 .jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1453253_10151730275040880_1951398223_n_zpsd1a33248 .jpg.html)
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1470232_10151730322215880_750662771_n_zps4605ba54. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1470232_10151730322215880_750662771_n_zps4605ba54. jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1453467_10151730328050880_656586153_n_zpsc569e5b1. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1453467_10151730328050880_656586153_n_zpsc569e5b1. jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1422372_10151730993725880_1326142994_n_zpseb866d7d .jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1422372_10151730993725880_1326142994_n_zpseb866d7d .jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1393071_10151730991295880_239197095_n_zps635b79c7. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1393071_10151730991295880_239197095_n_zps635b79c7. jpg.html)

11-16-2013, 06:17 PM
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1471238_10151730602735880_901930515_n_zps8782bcab. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1471238_10151730602735880_901930515_n_zps8782bcab. jpg.html)
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/480342_10151730603795880_1262789795_n_zps9a680c04. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/480342_10151730603795880_1262789795_n_zps9a680c04. jpg.html)

And of course the 'token' 'too far away' big buck pic. I moved the cam so I should have a pic of him shortly. His neck is unreal , XXL body !

11-16-2013, 06:23 PM
please say that is in Chilliwack Valley!

11-16-2013, 06:38 PM
Nope all the big ones are dead

11-16-2013, 06:38 PM
please say that is in Chilliwack Valley!
Sorry man , we chase the pure bred 'Sea to Sky' side !! Lol

11-16-2013, 06:54 PM
I believe you when you say all the big ones are dead. Depressing thou.

11-16-2013, 07:06 PM
Tons of big boys left out there. Think of the thousands of miles of mountains around here. I think just by chance there might be one or two left ;)

11-16-2013, 07:19 PM
I believe you when you say all the big ones are dead. Depressing thou.

Was sarcasm lol... I've seen one gooder taken in one of my spots.. They're there.. Problem is locating them. Lots of places to hide!

That's a gager of a shed.. Thanks steve!

11-16-2013, 09:22 PM
The buck I passed was an easy 100+ inch VI BT, it was also the largest fork I had ever seen. Definitely not 115 inches. I went 117 last year and yes ... im trying to go Boon on the island this year. I wont shoot anything that I don't think has a crack at BC book until Dec ... 115 inches

I know a guy that has already gone 117 on the island this year, and in the past 3 years his bucks were ... 124 ,126,131 VI BT's. My hunting partner found a kill on one of our early season hikes that has been rough scored at 131 , its a perfect 4 up top with brows.

For me its a case of ... Go big or go home !

I havnt shared my deer online in the past but ... I will this year if the Deer Gods shine on me. My hunting partner will not even tell his own mother about the deer he shoots

PG66 has got me thinking of getting some electrical tape and a handy cam lol

124, 126, 131 three years in a row!!!!!! 3 life time bucks in a row. That guy is one of 3 things .....the best IBT hunter there is......... The luckiest man on the island......... Or a bullsh!ter

11-16-2013, 09:29 PM
Today I found the 'NEW' 'heavyweight contender shed' . Heaviest one I have ever seen. 6" between base and first point , unreal mass on the old fart !!
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1453253_10151730275040880_1951398223_n_zpsd1a33248 .jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1453253_10151730275040880_1951398223_n_zpsd1a33248 .jpg.html)
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1470232_10151730322215880_750662771_n_zps4605ba54. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1470232_10151730322215880_750662771_n_zps4605ba54. jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1453467_10151730328050880_656586153_n_zpsc569e5b1. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1453467_10151730328050880_656586153_n_zpsc569e5b1. jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1422372_10151730993725880_1326142994_n_zpseb866d7d .jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1422372_10151730993725880_1326142994_n_zpseb866d7d .jpg.html)

http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/1393071_10151730991295880_239197095_n_zps635b79c7. jpg (http://s443.photobucket.com/user/proguide66/media/1393071_10151730991295880_239197095_n_zps635b79c7. jpg.html)

Awesome find PG. Huge bases on that thing. How old do you figure that is? Think he is still kicking out there?

Having a great time following the thread again this year. Your past threads were a big inspiration to me starting out a few years ago for sure. Thanks for keeping it going.