View Full Version : Raven Lake Quads stolen

Black Lab
09-22-2013, 06:32 PM
I just got home and wanted to warn everyone traveling in the Chilcotin to be extra careful about your gear. Anywhere actually. I believe it was Thursday night our neighbor had his quad stolen right from under his tarp behind his truck. About 3:00 am these Scum Bags broke the steering lock on their quad and pushed it through their camp 5 feet from their back door through his Dad's camp next to his and on the way out to the main road stole the second quad. Another camper told us that there was a another quad stolen from Fletcher Lake lately. Someone else mentioned something about a Chop Shop been busted awhile back in Farwell Canyon somewhere but nothing was done about it. Wonder Why :mad:

Sofa King
09-22-2013, 06:36 PM
quads and sleds aren't safe anywhere, even in your own yard.
they'll take the trailer and all if it's handy.
chop-shop or shipped to alberta.

09-22-2013, 06:38 PM
Wow, stealing from folks who are almost certainly armed, that's some balls!

09-22-2013, 07:35 PM
That's a bad area for theft and vandalism and has been for years.

Gr8 white hunter
09-22-2013, 07:37 PM
Armed not like you can shoot them.

09-22-2013, 07:58 PM
ide fire in their general direction and it would be a shame if they got hit ,it has been going on for years around fletcher lake and bigcreek i know of many local ranchers who have lost atvs and other equiptment ,there was a few bad seeds living in that area that the locals suspected but nothing was ever done.

09-22-2013, 08:06 PM
Not shocking considering the locals.

09-22-2013, 09:42 PM
Set up a sting with a few bear traps!!

09-23-2013, 09:22 AM
yes well known issue to help themselves out..and ruin your "enjoyable : hunt and tell everyone you shouldnt go there to hunt....hmmmm there are chains and locks designed to be especially diificult to break/cut/defeat....these issues once crossing the bridge are long standing having said that Williams Lake Honda was broken into and 3 bikes stolen one was a $14,000 racing bike..my wife saw the fancy bike while she was walking in the creek valley and the owners were out looking...she pointed them to the area the bike and rider went...they recovered allo 3 bikes..theft happens everywhere...

09-23-2013, 12:24 PM
My inlaws live up near Alexis Creek and in the middle of the night (Thursday) had all of their out building broken into and they made off with a custom made saddle. They tried to steal a car but had no luck and ended up wrecking the steering column. Their neighbours had one of their quads taken as well.

Make sure everything is under lock and key!!

Black Lab
09-23-2013, 06:58 PM
About a year or so back someone posted a security system that you could put up around your camp. It looked very simple and quite reasonably priced. Anyone remember that thread ?

09-23-2013, 07:02 PM
Do you mean the Pack Alarm?


09-23-2013, 07:53 PM
^^^ They work great! I bust myself for wobbling to far away from my beer cooler all the time!

09-23-2013, 07:58 PM
That area is Bad!! not safe!!

Johnny G1
09-23-2013, 08:55 PM
About a year or so back someone posted a security system that you could put up around your camp. It looked very simple and quite reasonably priced. Anyone remember that thread ? Yes, its called an 870 with buckshot, usually get rid of camp stealer's?????

Gr8 white hunter
09-24-2013, 07:34 AM
Are they the local Indians?

09-24-2013, 09:11 AM
It comes as no suprise. If a vehicle is stolen in Williams Lake, it can be found an hour later in Alexis Creek, burnt of course. Hell, if it was stolen in Quesnel or 100 Mile House, it probably can be found on the reserve at Alexis Creek.
I suggested once to the RCMP that they should charge the Chief and band council with possession of stolen property if purloined items surface on any reserve since those in charge are reluctant to pony up the thieves.
In the meantime, you can avoid the area which is what the indians want in the first place. Mission accomplished so to speak.

09-24-2013, 09:56 AM
Are they the local Indians?

OK. This is where all the Racist/Bigots chime in with all of their narrow minded remarks in one.......two.......three................?

09-24-2013, 10:15 AM
OK. This is where all the Racist/Bigots chime in with all of their narrow minded remarks in one.......two.......three................?

Or people will chime in with true stories, you be the judge.

09-24-2013, 10:25 AM
Are they the local Indians?
Dirtbags come in all colours!!!!!

09-24-2013, 10:32 AM
Dirtbags come in all colours!!!!!

Yup. Been ripped off by whities more than any other color, but xenophobia etc...

09-24-2013, 10:43 AM
OK. This is where all the Racist/Bigots chime in with all of their narrow minded remarks in one.......two.......three................?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

09-24-2013, 10:49 AM
Yup. Been ripped off by whities more than any other color, but xenophobia etc...

I did not know such a thing existed(xenophobia ). I work in the criminal justice system and I know for a fact criminals come in ALL different colors.

09-24-2013, 11:03 AM
OK. This is where all the Racist/Bigots chime in with all of their narrow minded remarks in one.......two.......three................?

There is nothing racist about saying some of the local Natives are stealing stuff. Every one knows thieves come in all colors. In this case apparently it looks like it might be some natives and it looks like they are doing a lot of it in the area. It pisses me off every time someone says Native or Indian on here there called a racist.

I personally have never read any actual racist comments on this site, not saying it never happened but I never seen it. If the natives feel like they are facing a lot of racism, then they should start to be proactive to help stop it. First step IMHO would be to get rid of the Indian act so all race's in this country can live equally with the same rights and rules.

I'm sure I will be called a racist for these comments because I have before on here. Who new I was a racist for wanting equal rights for everyone

09-24-2013, 11:09 AM
Xenophobia is the irrational or unreasoned fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. Yes criminals come in all the glorious forms of humanity.

I have also had people of all kinds help me out, including native people. Including while hunting, with a deer in back, pulled me out when I was stuck.

I disagree with laws based on race for the same reason I choose not to believe in racial stereotyping.

As a kid, a white man put a molatov cocktail in our car which was in the carport below my bedroom. His race is irrelevant to his crime.

I disagree with some native people's politics, as I also disagree with our own government, but that is not race based, it is based on a difference of opinion. I have also met natives who disagree with their own band, with roadblocks, with interfering in legal hunts.

I think it is the height of ignorance to paint all people with one brush, as I take EACH person as the individual they are. You make all kinds of assumptions that may or may not be true. No one wants to be treated that way. I don't want people assuming shit about me just because of my skin or hair or socioeconomic situation. Some of the stereo types may or may not be true, why not find out?

09-24-2013, 11:36 AM
hmmm a personal opinion..based on 30 years of living here..not once has it been reported that someone from say the local golf course community has hitched a ride or walked to Alexis Creek to "borrow " a vehicle off a reserve to ride back into town . hasn't happened.dont expect it in my lifetime.I have personaly seen 15 "borrowed vehicles " over the years... that were later reported stolen they were on the hillside behind the reserve burned out.many more numerous along hwy 20.However its not just locals affected...a friend from the reserve recently had 2 tvs and a ATV stolen from her residence...the atv was locked, the victim first nation..the culprits who owned up to it first nations...just presenting the facts....our home was broken into... rifles shotgun etc etc etc were stolen...the 4 were caught...first nation individual was incarcerated for 4 years..he had to be put in "special lockup" BECAUSE...and I quote the prision information passed on to me because I was the victim of his crime..." he was a bad influence on the other inmates....seriously.....;certain issues in certain localities seem to have their Genesis in well known locations...just doesn't add up someone from town stealing ATVS and driving them EAST along the only rd...don't buy it.....it is not about color of skin but the crime itself and the location.....

09-24-2013, 11:55 AM
So, because some Natives steal, some have bad attitudes, it's worth mentioning their race in things like this? How do you think the bad ones got that way?

Is it a genetic thing? They are genetically bad? Or do you think that they may, just perhaps, have environmental factors at play here?

How was the system set up? Who set it up? Ever hear you shall reap what you sow?

It's like saying all Germans are Nazis, it's freaking ******ed.

We are all products of our environments. Some of us are able to rise above, others are not able.

I disagree with illegal acts sanctioned by race, or a justice system that has a racial bias. Despite making up only 4 per cent of the general Canadian population, aboriginals make up 23 per cent of the prison population. The reoffender rate is much higher for aboriginal people. Something is NOT working here.

09-24-2013, 12:21 PM
I've got a heavy duty cable lock called the Fahgedabouttit that I run through my quad's frame and attach to my truck...it's the only cable lock that wasn't defeated overnight in Harlem in a test some 8 years ago...they used it and several other types to attach mountain bikes to light posts in Harlem, NY. All the bikes were gone the next morning, but the bare frame of the one with the cable lock that I have was still there...the wheels and everything attached to the frame was gone, but they couldn't beat the lock. Get one and lock your machine to something solid...and maybe get one of those motion sensor alarms or perimeter tripwire alarms. For those of you bleeding hearts that dare not offend coloureds by mentioning the probable factual truth, please note that no race was mentioned in my post about how this cable lock worked against the thieving trash of Harlem, NY! :-D Just the facts...just the facts! :-D

09-24-2013, 12:27 PM
I read the post and it just p___s me off when this sh_t happens. I had rifles and cameras stolen etc. then I moved.

I sent an email out of curiosity to the people that make the boot to immobilize cars, this is their response, it may or may not be the answer, maybe what we need is a claymore mine or two.

Hello Jim,

Actually many of our products do fit on ATV's and it's a very common use for our products

You can spend as little as $99 (the miniboot) or you can go all the way to our ultra high security products, depends on your level of risk and budget.

Give me a call any time and we can discuss your requirement


Oliver Dumoulin
Universal Boot Inc.

P.S. If you want to place an order, I suggest you call as my website sometimes screws up the shipping rate in Canada.

09-24-2013, 12:35 PM
I've heard of people that have almost completely deflated their tires so they could take the Denver boot off, then driven slowly to the nearest gas station to reinflate...or they carried a 12 volt air pump with them. I thought that was clever, my answer would've been to change the tire and deal with the boot at home in my garage. Could thieves not do the same with a booted atv, let the air out and then slide the boot off?

09-24-2013, 04:12 PM
I did not know such a thing existed(xenophobia ). I work in the criminal justice system and I know for a fact criminals come in ALL different colors.Then you would know that there is a greatly disproportionate number of First Nation felons compared to other ethic felons. The reason Canada has special laws and sentences concerning the incarceration of First Nations. Can you say mollycoddling? Verb - Treat (someone) very indulgently or protectively.

09-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Then you would know that there is a greatly disproportionate number of First Nation felons compared to other ethic felons. The reason Canada has special laws and sentences concerning the incarceration of First Nations. Can you say mollycoddling? Verb - Treat (someone) very indulgently or protectively.

And what do you feel is the cause of this disproportionate prison population? What causes the same thing in US prisons with black men?

09-24-2013, 04:20 PM
I've heard of people that have almost completely deflated their tires so they could take the Denver boot off, then driven slowly to the nearest gas station to reinflate...or they carried a 12 volt air pump with them. I thought that was clever, my answer would've been to change the tire and deal with the boot at home in my garage. Could thieves not do the same with a booted atv, let the air out and then slide the boot off?

I think the boot locks to the rim not the tire. You wouldn't get a boot off my ATV due to the offset of the rim without cutting it off, if I choose that...alarm and immobilizer is just better. You roll my ride in the night, everyone gets woken up, and we have guns!

09-26-2013, 08:56 PM
why has this become a racial dispute ,the facts are there ,these crimes are being commited by bad seeds from the local reserves ,why most of us are pissed off and frustrated and point out the fact they are native is that the government are scared to stand up to them and the rcmp do little to stop and prevent these crimes .if they did enter the reserve and interogate and arrest the guilty they would be deemed racist ,so the rcmp is in a no win situation its crap ,it shouldnt matter what colour they are but it does because natives get away with way to much ,and the decent people on the reserves who refuse to help the rcmp are just as guilty .

09-26-2013, 09:25 PM
This is why I never walk off and leave my quad. When I bought it I thought I would, but I am just all too aware that there are f***king thieves among us and worked too damn hard to get it to let some piece of s**t take it. Mine stays in an alarmed garage with a cable lock through the frame. Camping, I cable lock to the truck and motion sensor alarm. Keep your valuables on lock down people. There are thieves every color of the rainbow

09-26-2013, 10:16 PM
why has this become a racial dispute ,the facts are there ,these crimes are being commited by bad seeds from the local reserves ,why most of us are pissed off and frustrated and point out the fact they are native is that the government are scared to stand up to them and the rcmp do little to stop and prevent these crimes .if they did enter the reserve and interogate and arrest the guilty they would be deemed racist ,so the rcmp is in a no win situation its crap ,it shouldnt matter what colour they are but it does because natives get away with way to much ,and the decent people on the reserves who refuse to help the rcmp are just as guilty .
And what do you feel is the cause of this disproportionate prison population? What causes the same thing in US prisons with black men? There you go Rackem, Remington666 answered it for you. As for the blackmen, easier to prey than to work.

09-26-2013, 10:51 PM
Been going there for years and never had a problem. Knock on wood. We chain everything down, and lock stuff up,

Black Lab
09-27-2013, 12:07 AM
Ya that's it. Thanks. I looked for it but couldn't find anything.
Do you mean the Pack Alarm?


09-27-2013, 01:04 AM
You can also get a motion sensor alarm that detects motion for 40 feet and sounds a siren...$30 at Amazon, works off batteries. Darksith, if the boot locks onto the rim that's great...the main thing is everyone should have a serious anti theft device and a gun.

09-27-2013, 06:48 AM
Another attempt at Fir Lake a couple of days ago, which I suspect is the same group as there is a shortcut from Fir to Raven.

09-27-2013, 07:04 AM
There you go Rackem, Remington666 answered it for you. As for the blackmen, easier to prey than to work.

Race is still irrelevant. There is a pack of thieves that live out there, and others that shelter those thieves. Still has NOTHING to do with race. If you lived in a trailer park full of white people and a group of thieves lived there, and other people in the park were their buddies, would you like to be lumped in with that crowd?????

The Law is absolutely flawed and racist and the RCMP should treat this group the same as it treats any Canadians. There are BAD SEEDS in ALL races.

The government started this whole shitshow, and now they don't know how to fix it. The PROBLEM is that the law is NOT enforced equally which in my mind = Racism.

The problem is NOT resolved by incarceration, as the reoffender rates for FN is higher than for other groups and the FN prison population is way way higher than it should be. FIND SOMETHING THAT WORKS.

I have no idea what you are meaning by the black men comment. Don't you think that it's likely that there is a bias against black men in the US Justice system? That black men come from disproportionately poorer demographics than whites? That the whole shitshow down there was started by the slavery situation?

Ours was started by the "reserve" system and the Indian Act and Residential Schools.

South Africa's was started by Aparthied.

Racism=poverty=crime Cause and effect people, we are reaping what our government sowed many years ago.

09-27-2013, 07:09 PM
sorry Rackem..I disagree..worked with the RCMP for 38 years..some flaws yes..but racist?no they arrest those who do the crimes..and the residential system is getting very tiresome...that was decades ago...if you steal a vehicel you are a car thief and a crimminal I dont care where you came from or live.If you just knew some of the Statements thrown at all resource workers....sheesh youd have a better appreciation of the pot calling the kettle..whatever...
A lot of very good livlihoods are still being made keeping the fires simmering...recently in our paper...advertising for the next round of final setlements for residential school.....it just keeps going.....

Someone steals my car I dont care who they are or what planet..= jail. yes Im prepared to pay... while the 4 individuals were in jail after breaking into my home and terrorizing my wife..they never stole anything for the next 4 years...yes Im sure..I knew where they were...every single day....


and now back to the regular scheduled program..


09-27-2013, 08:55 PM
Race is still irrelevant. There is a pack of thieves that live out there, and others that shelter those thieves. Still has NOTHING to do with race. If you lived in a trailer park full of white people and a group of thieves lived there, and other people in the park were their buddies, would you like to be lumped in with that crowd?????

The Law is absolutely flawed and racist and the RCMP should treat this group the same as it treats any Canadians. There are BAD SEEDS in ALL races.

The government started this whole shitshow, and now they don't know how to fix it. The PROBLEM is that the law is NOT enforced equally which in my mind = Racism.

The problem is NOT resolved by incarceration, as the reoffender rates for FN is higher than for other groups and the FN prison population is way way higher than it should be. FIND SOMETHING THAT WORKS.

I have no idea what you are meaning by the black men comment. Don't you think that it's likely that there is a bias against black men in the US Justice system? That black men come from disproportionately poorer demographics than whites? That the whole shitshow down there was started by the slavery situation?

Ours was started by the "reserve" system and the Indian Act and Residential Schools.

South Africa's was started by Aparthied.

Racism=poverty=crime Cause and effect people, we are reaping what our government sowed many years ago.
There is no answer short of making major changes to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Those changes would be to strike from the Charter all references to items, conditions and stipulations that give preferential treatment to special interest groups. Include the exclusion of cultural conditions too.
As for the people in the US, African American, Hispanic, Asian or those of European ancestry incarcerated. Do the crime, do the time. The disparity in ethnic populations hinges on internal control by those who have the sphere of influence on a particular group, i.e. gang affiliations and their demand for "loyalty".

09-28-2013, 06:40 AM
sorry Rackem..I disagree..worked with the RCMP for 38 years..some flaws yes..but racist?no they arrest those who do the crimes..and the residential system is getting very tiresome...that was decades ago...if you steal a vehicel you are a car thief and a crimminal I dont care where you came from or live.If you just knew some of the Statements thrown at all resource workers....sheesh youd have a better appreciation of the pot calling the kettle..whatever...
A lot of very good livlihoods are still being made keeping the fires simmering...recently in our paper...advertising for the next round of final setlements for residential school.....it just keeps going.....

Someone steals my car I dont care who they are or what planet..= jail. yes Im prepared to pay... while the 4 individuals were in jail after breaking into my home and terrorizing my wife..they never stole anything for the next 4 years...yes Im sure..I knew where they were...every single day....


and now back to the regular scheduled program..


Steven, I think I know you...I lived at 150 Mile house and there can't be two people with that story...so I'm pretty sure I know you.

I am not saying the RCMP per se is racist, I am saying that our laws and justice system are. All laws should be enforced equally no matter your race. The fact is that something is broken. Why is jail not an effective deterrent for re-offending? Those fellas who served the four years, did they become good citizens after they were released? Or was it "Come again, bring a friend"?

I think they deserved a hellova lot more than four years btw. Damn they deserve more than jail...

09-28-2013, 06:56 AM
hmmm probably do know me....I do agree same laws for everyone...yes the laws and the system looks at ethnic background and special considerations are given..shouldnt be...the leader of the B/E tried to kill his mother....and later died...my wife still suffers from the effects of that B/E and me having to work some nights and her alone....


09-28-2013, 07:00 AM
I guess I am a little uneducated when it comes to ATV theft, so I have a question. I have an electric shift foreman 450. If I shift it into reverse and shut it off and remove the key, isn't it a little difficult to move? It's locked in gear and won't roll. I assume thieves just cut a few ignition wires and simulate turning on the key I suppose. Fire it up and drive away? The wires on these quads are awfully easy to access and manipulate. When I am in the bush and want to walk a bit, I guess taking the key out and carrying it with me is not enough.

09-28-2013, 07:00 AM
hmmm probably do know me....I do agree same laws for everyone...yes the laws and the system looks at ethnic background and special considerations are given..shouldnt be...the leader of the B/E tried to kill his mother....and later died...my wife still suffers from the effects of that B/E and me having to work some nights and her alone....


I feel for her, and for you. That is an experience no one needs in life. I am glad that the leader is no longer a threat.

09-28-2013, 07:10 AM
Keith..yes unfortunatley you are correct about the wiring..also it does have a shift lever? 2 screws and a pliars to lift the pin ta da...hide it AND big chain and lock perhaps in a treed gully that is not accessable by truck...even @ night I chain mine to my RVunder a open window I also hang a fishhing cow bell under the machine any movement ring a ding..K-A -BOOM...

cheers Steven

09-28-2013, 08:00 AM
I leave my quad on the side of logging roads all the time, I have atv insurance and peace of mind.

Big Lew
09-28-2013, 08:52 AM
hmmm a personal opinion..based on 30 years of living here..not once has it been reported that someone from say the local golf course community has hitched a ride or walked to Alexis Creek to "borrow " a vehicle off a reserve to ride back into town . hasn't happened.dont expect it in my lifetime.I have personaly seen 15 "borrowed vehicles " over the years... that were later reported stolen they were on the hillside behind the reserve burned out.many more numerous along hwy 20.However its not just locals affected...a friend from the reserve recently had 2 tvs and a ATV stolen from her residence...the atv was locked, the victim first nation..the culprits who owned up to it first nations...just presenting the facts....our home was broken into... rifles shotgun etc etc etc were stolen...the 4 were caught...first nation individual was incarcerated for 4 years..he had to be put in "special lockup" BECAUSE...and I quote the prision information passed on to me because I was the victim of his crime..." he was a bad influence on the other inmates....seriously.....;certain issues in certain localities seem to have their Genesis in well known locations...just doesn't add up someone from town stealing ATVS and driving them EAST along the only rd...don't buy it.....it is not about color of skin but the crime itself and the location.....

Have to agree, "Srupp".....but if that Reserve was a 'rent assisted' or 'low cost housing project' comprising of all races, including Caucasians, where the unemployment was very high, and many of the inhabitants, especially youth, had nothing, and could see no bright future, the same situation would exist. Years ago I used to travel frequently throughout your area and the Riske Creek-Alexis Lake-Redstone area and personally witnessed the vehicle stripping by young native groups. The RCMP were completely frustrated when trying to deal with those youths (who they knew from past issues) because whenever they entered the Reserves, nobody would co-operate, and would even participate in hiding the culprits. Apparently, even if the crime labs lifted many 'prints' from the stripped vehicles, it wasn't enough for successful prosecution.

09-28-2013, 09:46 AM
Here is how I'm taking this topic. Some quads were stolen at Raven lake. The suspects are believed to be First Nation which is a piece of information NOT a racist comment. Now if you decide to go to the raven lake area you will be better educated on who might be the thieves which give you a leg up on possibly not getting ripped off. If the culprits were believed to be Caucasian I want that info as well.
Calling a spade a spade does not constitute racism it constitutes realism. Completely different and some should get over with it.

09-28-2013, 09:52 AM
I agree as a descriptive, it is not racist. IE suspect was a caucasian man about six foot tall and 180lbs with a mustache..

09-28-2013, 11:20 AM
Have to agree, "Srupp".....but if that Reserve was a 'rent assisted' or 'low cost housing project' comprising of all races, including Caucasians, where the unemployment was very high, and many of the inhabitants, especially youth, had nothing, and could see no bright future, the same situation would exist. Years ago I used to travel frequently throughout your area and the Riske Creek-Alexis Lake-Redstone area and personally witnessed the vehicle stripping by young native groups. The RCMP were completely frustrated when trying to deal with those youths (who they knew from past issues) because whenever they entered the Reserves, nobody would co-operate, and would even participate in hiding the culprits. Apparently, even if the crime labs lifted many 'prints' from the stripped vehicles, it wasn't enough for successful prosecution.
This reminds me of an incident that happened a few years back in the general area. It was a case of murder and some of you might remember it.
A local rancher and his wife were horseback riding the range looking for cattle when they came upon an indian butchering out one of their cows. Words were exchanged and the rancher upon departing informed the indian that he was going to notify the RCMP.
As they started to ride away, the indian leveled his gun and shot the rancher in the back. The rancher, dying in the saddle, shouted for his wife to "ride like the wind". As she galloped off, she too was shot in the back, however she lived long enough to get to hospital in Williams Lake. She was able to relate the events and positively identify her assailant to the RCMP before she succumbed to her wounds. As it turned out, the indian had previously been employed as a ranch hand by the rancher.
The RCMP immediantly commenced a manhunt for the assailant. They soon pinned down Redstone as the hideout of the wanted man and surveilance commenced. It was not long before they had the whereabouts of the suspect pinned. However, by the time they got a search warrant, the subject would be moved to another residence. This cat and mouse game continued for about 9 months before the wanted man was arrested. In reality, nearly the entire settlement of Redstone were harbouring the fugative at one time or another. I don't know how he eventually got arrested, but I suspect that the Redstone population got tired of the RCMP hanging around up on the highway with high power binoculars peering down upon them and voluntarily gave him up.
This is a true story, but the irony is if you Google it, you get blanked.

09-28-2013, 11:24 AM
Weird, the media is ****ed...

Big Lew
09-28-2013, 01:16 PM
I remember that incident, but don't recall the eventual outcome. Our history tells us that some of the Indigenous people of the area between Anahim and Riske Creek have harboured deep resentment toward European intruders, passing along that attitude to their younger generation. There have been fatal 'wars' and incidents. (I say 'some' because I have met, and read about many that don't hold onto that resentment and are trying to make the best of it.) It's easy to understand why some of the youth see nothing wrong with 'hassling' the 'enemy' which they believe is the root of their predicament today.

09-28-2013, 03:05 PM
locals in farwell robbed us 6yrs ago took rope ,coolers ,clothes ,food out of camper ,binos,generatos ,shells $5000 worth gear ,now have camera and alarm sad that being robbed is always a risk ,co and rcmp know who and where ,but just shake their heads ,

Sofa King
09-28-2013, 03:18 PM
OK. This is where all the Racist/Bigots chime in with all of their narrow minded remarks in one.......two.......three................?

explain how that is racist?
is stating facts racist/bigoted?

and it's bullshit how only Caucasians are deemed "racist".
Indians are some of the most racist people I know.
funny how "round-eye", "honkey", "whitey", and so many more are never viewed as hateful, racist terms.

09-28-2013, 03:21 PM
explain how that is racist?
is stating facts racist/bigoted?

and it's bullshit how only Caucasians are deemed "racist".
Indians are some of the most racist people I know.
funny how "round-eye", "honkey", "whitey", and so many more are never viewed as hateful, racist terms.

YUP...what he said.
Totally agree.

09-28-2013, 03:22 PM
explain how that is racist?
is stating facts racist/bigoted?

and it's bullshit how only Caucasians are deemed "racist".
Indians are some of the most racist people I know.
funny how "round-eye", "honkey", "whitey", and so many more are never viewed as hateful, racist terms.
Yes I totaly agree also.

09-28-2013, 03:41 PM
maybe a person should try picking up a few job application papers from a local business and placeing them on your stuff and around your camp... might keep them away? i hear some groups of people will do anything to avoid anything work related..

09-28-2013, 03:58 PM
maybe a person should try picking up a few job application papers from a local business and placeing them on your stuff and around your camp... might keep them away? i hear some groups of people will do anything to avoid anything work related..Outstanding idea!:-D

09-28-2013, 10:52 PM
Are they the local Indians?

Great white hunter made the above assumption, then the stories start after that. Usually the same suspects as well "chime in" their views on the subject. So it goes from a question to its common knowledge the Natives are no good and steal everything in that town and hide fugitives.

09-28-2013, 10:54 PM
maybe a person should try picking up a few job application papers from a local business and placeing them on your stuff and around your camp... might keep them away? i hear some groups of people will do anything to avoid anything work related..
Prime example right here! Sometimes it takes a while but it usually rears its ugly head somewhere. This is the first one I heard from "6Point" though.

09-28-2013, 10:58 PM
Great white hunter made the above assumption, then the stories start after that. Usually the same suspects as well "chime in" their views on the subject. So it goes from a question to its common knowledge the Natives are no good and steal everything in that town and hide fugitives.

Great white hunter is a racist comment Edgar11. Just like if I called First Nations something other than FN. Don't complain about it on one hand while you serve it with another. I think First Nations would call you a forked tongue.

09-28-2013, 11:12 PM
Then you would know that there is a greatly disproportionate number of First Nation felons compared to other ethic felons. The reason Canada has special laws and sentences concerning the incarceration of First Nations. Can you say mollycoddling? Verb - Treat (someone) very indulgently or protectively.

Can you be more specific on these "special laws and sentences" you speak of? I am quite educated on the subject and would like to know what secrets you know. So if they are treated "special" then why is there a "disproportionate number of first nation's" in jail in the first place. Where can I be treated "special" and get thrown in jail? I don't think there is ANY MOLLYCODDLING going on in jail. What planet are you from?

09-28-2013, 11:17 PM
Great white hunter is a racist comment Edgar11. Just like if I called First Nations something other than FN. Don't complain about it on one hand while you serve it with another. I think First Nations would call you a forked tongue.

Are you on glue? gr8 white hunter............better? How come you always "chime in" when this subject comes up "Burger"?

Whonnock Boy
09-28-2013, 11:20 PM
Can you be more specific on these "special laws and sentences" you speak of? I am quite educated on the subject and would like to know what secrets you know. So if they are treated "special" then why is there a "disproportionate number of first nation's" in jail in the first place. Where can I be treated "special" and get thrown in jail? I don't think there is ANY MOLLYCODDLING going on in jail. What planet are you from?

It is called the Gladue Ruling.

Whonnock Boy
09-28-2013, 11:26 PM
To add, there is a higher percentage of aboriginals committing crimes than most, if not all other races in Canada. It's not rocket science.

09-28-2013, 11:30 PM
Can you be more specific on these "special laws and sentences" you speak of? I am quite educated on the subject and would like to know what secrets you know. So if they are treated "special" then why is there a "disproportionate number of first nation's" in jail in the first place. Where can I be treated "special" and get thrown in jail? I don't think there is ANY MOLLYCODDLING going on in jail. What planet are you from?

C'mon Edgar to play like you can't read between the lines makes you look silly. Here is a report that concludes that while there are proportionally more FN incarcerated as opposed to other races there sentences for the most part are more lenient. Great read that all in here should read. For someone so educated on the subject you should already know this though.


09-28-2013, 11:35 PM
Are you on glue? gr8 white hunter............better? How come you always "chime in" when this subject comes up "Burger"?

If I came on here and called First Nations redskins you would come at me claiming me to be a racist. We're Caucasian just like your First Nation.. Got it?

Don't you chime in just the same??

09-28-2013, 11:41 PM
To add, there is a higher percentage of aboriginals committing crimes than most, if not all other races in Canada. It's not rocket science.
Actually its a higher percentage getting "Convicted" not actually "commiting" the crimes unless you are there when it is committed. You should study the length of sentences of the same crime committed by first nation people and those from other ethnic backrounds. The Gladue decision only gives backround of the defendant according to his ethnic history the sentences are still the SAME as anyone else. There is no special treatment as a convict is a convict. Period. So no its not rocket science but it does take a basic level of knowledge of Canada's Criminal Justice System.

09-28-2013, 11:46 PM
If I came on here and called First Nations redskins you would come at me claiming me to be a racist. We're Caucasian just like your First Nation.. Got it?

Don't you chime in just the same??
Ummm........Actually Burger that is his name he calls himself just as you call yourself "Burger". You did know that didn't you?

09-28-2013, 11:56 PM
Missed that my wrong.

Still provided a study you should read that does give info on First Nation vs non FN sentencing duration.

09-29-2013, 12:02 AM
C'mon Edgar to play like you can't read between the lines makes you look silly. Here is a report that concludes that while there are proportionally more FN incarcerated as opposed to other races there sentences for the most part are more lenient. Great read that all in here should read. For someone so educated on the subject you should already know this though.

OK. Here's a quote from your report: Indigenous peoples are severely over-represented in
justice systems throughout the world . In Canada, provincial and federal government inquiries have concluded that the plight
of Aboriginal Canadians is a result of “systemic discrimination” by agents operating in the criminal justice system . Indeed, ample
data has been assembled displaying that Aboriginals are disproportionately charged and incarcerated, relative to
their numbers in the population. One intuitive explanation for higher incarceration rates is that Aboriginals receive harsher (longer) prison sentences than non-Aboriginals for similar crimes.
The Sample used 237 individuals from Alberta who were charged for ONE offense, DUI. Not quite definitive if you ask me. You should have read the report.

09-29-2013, 12:33 AM
Not thinking before posting today