View Full Version : Quartering large ungulates

09-13-2013, 08:51 PM
So, with any luck we will have to quarter a moose or elk in the next 3 weeks and I am a little fuzzy on what needs to be retained to satisfy the sex ID for the COs. We're plan on hunting in an area that allows 3 point or better elk as well as antlerless elk. What do I need to leave on to prove that the animal is what I claim it is? I've heard that I need to leave a patch of hide, leave the male organ on one quarter and/or retain the head if antlered. Any feedback is appreciated.

As an aside, I listened to my brother last year and tried to skin a muley buck with my truck and ended up tearing the head off (felt/looked like an idiot). I was stressed for 3 days until I got to the cutter and they laughed at my a$$.

09-13-2013, 08:56 PM
It is very clear in the synopsis...it is imperative and I mean no disrespect that you learn this for yourself in the written print and not do what you have "heard"...there is some great advice on here but the CO won't care about it...
So, with any luck we will have to quarter a moose or elk in the next 3 weeks and I am a little fuzzy on what needs to be retained to satisfy the sex ID for the COs. We're plan on hunting in an area that allows 3 point or better elk as well as antlerless elk. What do I need to leave on to prove that the animal is what I claim it is? I've heard that I need to leave a patch of hide, leave the male organ on one quarter and/or retain the head if antlered. Any feedback is appreciated.

As an aside, I listened to my brother last year and tried to skin a muley buck with my truck and ended up tearing the head off (felt/looked like an idiot). I was stressed for 3 days until I got to the cutter and they laughed at my a$$.

09-13-2013, 09:08 PM
For a male, leave the dick, and balls or balls. For a cow leave a part of the tit. Do this and you can chop off the head. Simple! Moosin

09-13-2013, 09:23 PM
For any animal, where there are antler restrictions,the antlers must be brought in with the animal.
Just leaving the nuts attached isn't enough.
How would any CO know if that Elk you shot wasn't a spike.Can't count antler points by the size of it's pecker or the size of it's balls

09-13-2013, 09:28 PM
All good points and exactly why I appreciate everyone's opinion/experience. I continue to read the regs and am acutely aware that it is on me to get it right but, as always, I also consider the experience, interpretation and insight available on this board.

09-13-2013, 09:31 PM
When quartering, is it sufficient to bring the head with antlers along with the sections, or is it necessary to keep it attached to a single section (as with the sex)? Assuming antler restrictions.

09-13-2013, 09:43 PM
Yes, the head can be detached from the body, but still leave a nut attached for the butcher. Sometimes CO's will pay a visit to the butchers

09-14-2013, 10:08 AM
... As an aside, I listened to my brother last year and tried to skin a muley buck with my truck and ended up tearing the head off (felt/looked like an idiot).

Didn't happen to video that did you? I'd pay to see it!! :twisted:


09-14-2013, 03:28 PM
me to lmAO

09-14-2013, 04:03 PM
Leave a patch of hair on each quarter and balls or tit on at least one of the rear quarters. And antlers if there is a antler restriction.

09-14-2013, 10:06 PM
Haha! Wasn't videoing it cause I was not expecting such a cluster f#*k. I am bringing my GoPro this year but hope to keep the head's on where necessary this time ;)