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View Full Version : Out for a little chicken hunting tonite, and made a new friend!

09-12-2013, 08:59 PM
After an un-eventful walk, heard something behind me when i got back to the truck, and this little feller was on my heels!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7Kpj1vcpJ8&feature=share&list=UUEJuVp2ODd KaZX-dqwx5HRg

09-12-2013, 09:03 PM
Ha,ha I don't think you will shake him off easy.
Obviously it's an orphan. You should have taken him to some animal rescue.
His prospects otherwise are not good.

09-12-2013, 09:13 PM
Wasnt about to try and stuff a deer in the cab of my truck, just let the big circle of life go round and round.

Was pretty cool tho, and he smelled awesome!

09-12-2013, 09:14 PM
Wasnt about to try and stuff a deer in the cab of my truck, just let the big circle of life go round and round.

Was pretty cool tho, and he smelled awesome!



09-12-2013, 09:22 PM
That is very cool. Good for you letting nature take its course.

Funny how we see the little ones as cute and the older ones as prey. We are an unusual species.

09-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Funny how we see the little ones as cute and the older ones as prey. We are an unusual species.

Probably because there is no open season on fawns.

09-12-2013, 09:58 PM
had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago, was driving along and the car ahead was stopped so got out to see what was up and a baby deer had its nose right against the bumper absolutly terrified. i pushed it out of the way then went back to my truck with the little guy right on my heels, it kept following me around and being friendly

a lady pulled up who worked for some sort of animal rescue and said there was a dead deer ahead, probably its mother. we discussed what to do and i have an old dog run in the back yard so she said for me to take it home and keep it there and she would have someone deal with it the next day. so i picked it up and put it in the back(had a canopy on) and brought it home.

got a call the next day and she said to put it free as there was nothing they could do, it hung around hiding under the deck for a few weeks before following another deer with a pair of fawns away.

09-12-2013, 10:04 PM
Probably because there is no open season on fawns.

I love me some lamb, veal, squab, kid goat, calf moose - theyre all delicious and cute as shit!

Hypothetically, if there was 'antlerless' GOS right now he would have been fair game, no? He's not wearing fawn colors? Small yes.

I dont really understand how a hunter would get all morose over this. Im sure whatever life he has left will be better spent than at some 'farm' where he depends on us for his survival. I would think a fellow hunter would appreciate this, rather than take the stance that I should have packed him up and delivered him into a human controlled 'facility' where he could live out his days sleeping and walking in a circle, eating prepackaged pellets that the local vet has deemed appropriate for his well being. until he dies without having the chance to mate, or out smart one of us. Instead I did the best thing for him, I left him where I found him. He may have been killed a few moments later by a passing vehicle, pack of wolves, or merely bounded off into the bush to dream little deer dreams. Why was it my responsibility to 'save' him?

I have yet to take an animal, but i know what i am responsible for, and know that sometimes life is very cruel. It is also not my place to interfere or place my own feelings onto or into a situation inappropriately.

I didnt think a video of a chance encounter could turn into a debate about ethics, but you seem to have a feeling of great responsibility for whatever creatures who cross your path. I applaud that but do not share it. If you feel bad enough PM me and i'll tell you exactly where i saw him so you can go pick him up and deliver him to whatever preserve you had in mind.

09-12-2013, 10:05 PM
Cool story there wm

09-12-2013, 10:08 PM
had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago, was driving along and the car ahead was stopped so got out to see what was up and a baby deer had its nose right against the bumper absolutly terrified. i pushed it out of the way then went back to my truck with the little guy right on my heels, it kept following me around and being friendly

a lady pulled up who worked for some sort of animal rescue and said there was a dead deer ahead, probably its mother. we discussed what to do and i have an old dog run in the back yard so she said for me to take it home and keep it there and she would have someone deal with it the next day. so i picked it up and put it in the back(had a canopy on) and brought it home.

got a call the next day and she said to put it free as there was nothing they could do, it hung around hiding under the deck for a few weeks before following another deer with a pair of fawns away.

I cant say that I am so cruel that the thought of picking him up didnt cross my mind. But no canopy and no friggrn clue where the hell i would take him(i got dogs, so no going home), just not the appropriate time or place. And honestly, i truly do think he is better off where i left him!

09-12-2013, 10:41 PM
I love me some lamb, veal, squab, kid goat, calf moose - theyre all delicious and cute as shit!

Hypothetically, if there was 'antlerless' GOS right now he would have been fair game, no? He's not wearing fawn colors? Small yes.

I dont really understand how a hunter would get all morose over this. Im sure whatever life he has left will be better spent than at some 'farm' where he depends on us for his survival. I would think a fellow hunter would appreciate this, rather than take the stance that I should have packed him up and delivered him into a human controlled 'facility' where he could live out his days sleeping and walking in a circle, eating prepackaged pellets that the local vet has deemed appropriate for his well being. until he dies without having the chance to mate, or out smart one of us. Instead I did the best thing for him, I left him where I found him. He may have been killed a few moments later by a passing vehicle, pack of wolves, or merely bounded off into the bush to dream little deer dreams. Why was it my responsibility to 'save' him?

I have yet to take an animal, but i know what i am responsible for, and know that sometimes life is very cruel. It is also not my place to interfere or place my own feelings onto or into a situation inappropriately.

I didnt think a video of a chance encounter could turn into a debate about ethics, but you seem to have a feeling of great responsibility for whatever creatures who cross your path. I applaud that but do not share it. If you feel bad enough PM me and i'll tell you exactly where i saw him so you can go pick him up and deliver him to whatever preserve you had in mind.

No I don't feel bad that you didnt take him but thats what i would have done. He is worth more grown up than as a fawn. I dont know if its legal for someone to take him and raise him for meat. I would probably inquire about that as well. Maybe if you have a farm u can get away with it. You did what you thought was right and thats ok with me.
Whether he dies and rots away or gets eaten by me is all nature. Id just like him a little bigger. Or if you took him to a rescue they would raise him and release him. He would end up on someone's plate anyway. Mine or the bear's. Better mine.

09-12-2013, 10:52 PM
I find a couple like that every year, normally a couple months younger though. I always leave them where I found them. IMO you did the right thing.

09-12-2013, 11:23 PM
No I don't feel bad that you didnt take him but thats what i would have done. He is worth more grown up than as a fawn. I dont know if its legal for someone to take him and raise him for meat. I would probably inquire about that as well. Maybe if you have a farm u can get away with it. You did what you thought was right and thats ok with me.
Whether he dies and rots away or gets eaten by me is all nature. Id just like him a little bigger. Or if you took him to a rescue they would raise him and release him. He would end up on someone's plate anyway. Mine or the bear's. Better mine.

COs are always telling people to leave wildlife alone. Do not get them accustomed to humans. Why do people keep messing with mother nature?

09-12-2013, 11:27 PM
No I don't feel bad that you didnt take him but thats what i would have done. He is worth more grown up than as a fawn. I dont know if its legal for someone to take him and raise him for meat. I would probably inquire about that as well. Maybe if you have a farm u can get away with it. You did what you thought was right and thats ok with me.
Whether he dies and rots away or gets eaten by me is all nature. Id just like him a little bigger. Or if you took him to a rescue they would raise him and release him. He would end up on someone's plate anyway. Mine or the bear's. Better mine.

I totally get this, and had it been a spotted fawn with a dead doe near by, i wouldnt have hesitated to get it appropriate care.

09-13-2013, 06:08 AM
"Appropriate care", would be letting nature take its course.....

09-13-2013, 06:48 AM
Cool video thanks for posting it.

Dirty Steve
09-13-2013, 06:58 AM
Yup, right move..... Don't let the internet dictate.

09-13-2013, 07:01 AM
with all the garbage on the ground I'm guessing this is from chilliwack lake area?

09-13-2013, 07:04 AM
]"Appropriate care",[/B] would be letting nature take its course.....

Totally agree, Who are we (humans) to dictate what is appropriate care. Nature looks after it's self!!!

09-13-2013, 07:51 AM
Cool video and I agree, you did the right thing.

09-13-2013, 07:54 AM
I think you did the right thing. Personally, as cool as it is I don't want to have a similar experience. It would bother me quite a bit to leave him, even though that's what I would do. I think it's because there's a sense of helplessness to the animal. I think most people can relate to the urge to help the helpless. Doesn't always mean you should though.

Thanks for posting btw.

09-13-2013, 09:23 AM
with all the garbage on the ground I'm guessing this is from chilliwack lake area?

Chehalis; just as bad.

09-13-2013, 10:13 AM
Probably because there is no open season on fawns.
there is on the island. Evidently to some lower mainland people call it antlerless season.
Always blew me away when i saw vans withe 3 dear on the roof and 2 of them should have spots on
not much meat on those little buggers,and yes i know they are from the lower mainland because
i was at a game check and the co said most were from the white rock area.

09-13-2013, 10:24 AM
I think he did the right thing.

We once had a MD fawn brought in with a shattered leg. It had been hit by a logging truck and the logger brought it in. We pinned and plated the leg, and she was named "Precious". She was kept on my bosses sister in laws hobby farm with fainting goats, sheep, regular goats, chickens, donkeys etc.

When she came into season a nice big buck hopped the fence and bred her. However, that spring, while delivering her fawn, coyotes got her.

My boss took me out to the kill, and made me look for the pins and plates LMAO! He wanted to recover them because they are expensive....

09-13-2013, 10:57 AM
Let nature take it's course. It is possible that the fawn will meet up with a doe/fawn group that will accept it. Cute as heck though! You could get into trouble with the CO's as well around capturing wildlife. Remeber the guy up north who 'rescued' cubs?

oscar makonka
09-15-2013, 09:06 AM
Betting somebody found it as an 'abandoned' fawn, raised it until it got to be too much trouble, took it out there and dumped it off.

Slinky Pickle
09-15-2013, 09:44 AM
Awesome video... but on slightly less controversial topic, those are some mighty, whitey grouse huntin' shoes!

09-15-2013, 10:18 AM
Probably because there is no open season on fawns.

Yes there is. Ever heard of a antlerless season? Maybe not in every region.

It would be hard to do but you did the right thing by leaving it there. If anything you should have done something to scare it away. Teach it a fear of humans will only help it survive.

09-15-2013, 10:51 AM
You definately did the right thing. I had a buddy who was logging up Harrison east a couple years ago. Had the same thing happen to him. So he picked the little guy up and put it on the seat of his pick up. wrapped in a jacket. Left the door open all day so it could leave if it wanted and was ready to. Well at the end of the day it was still there so he brought it home to show his kids. Tried bottle feeding it cows milk and all the other caring crap that most people would try if they didn't know what else to do. After calling a couple of the animal rescue places he was basically told to put that deer back in the wild asap before someone shows up and charges him. So thats exactly what he did.
I'm sure the fawn died and mother nature took its course.