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View Full Version : first ever mountain sheep hunt!

09-04-2013, 06:20 PM
Hello everyone! my name is Christian Pazura. Im 21 years old and won my first ever mountain sheep draw!
So since i have zero experience with hunting mountain sheep i am coming to you guys for some help!
My draw is only from Sept 8th to the 14th, I know sorry im giving you guys such short notice!
My Draw is in MU 8-03 B and D, the problem im having is that im looking at my map of the area and its all mostly provincial park or native reserve! so right now im clueless of where i should go for the hunt.
can anyone give me a suggestion of what roads to go up or what mountain in the area that i would have a good chance at a ram?
since i cant take more then a day or two off of work my plan is to find a mountain on Saturday morning and hike to the very top and stay the night so im at the very top for the season opener. since i don't know much about Rams, Im planning on just glassing all the ridges until i locate a herd and put the stalk on hoping there's a legal ram in the group.

Again im really sorry guys that its such short notice but any information that someone can give me would do wonders for me!
if its a suggestion on what mountain in the area that i should focus on to changing my hunting strategy. One more thing should i bring my quad? I was thinking i should leave it at home since ill be trying to hike to the top of one of the mountains -and don't feel good about leaving it on the pickup for a couple days when im up there.

thank you everyone so much, and good luck to all of you in this seasons hunts!!
P.S if anyone would like to come join me on the hunt and big hike this weekend i would have no problem with making more hunting friends!

-Christian Pazura

09-04-2013, 06:47 PM
Lots of info in the search engines here. Tough weekend hunt ya got there. Glass the timber carefully.

09-04-2013, 07:30 PM
Is that in Cathedral Park? If so, you probably have to hike in from some of the access trails.

09-04-2013, 07:53 PM
Hunt high i had first week got a 7/8s ram, pm me i can help ya out with some info

09-04-2013, 08:15 PM
Hunt high i had first week got a 7/8s ram, pm me i can help ya out with some info

Let's see some pics of the ram, sounds like a beaut.

To the original poster leave the quad at home. You can drive the main road up the ashnola river and hike from there. You can hunt in the park, snowy mountain and I think Joe lake are the places most guys go. That being said some guys have seen rams within a couple hundred yards of the main road.
