View Full Version : Happy, Angry or Confused?

Mikey Rafiki
09-04-2013, 09:14 AM
(Edit: Seems like most people think I was angry about this. I guess I just wrote the opening post poorly. Honestly I thought it was funny and maybe they didn't know the camera was there initially. I spent a long time making there was nothing else set up in the area when I set up the camera and I have never seen any cameras, stands or bait in the area for the last 5 years. I moved my camera and salt block that day anyways. They are a couple older fellas and I hope they have some luck. I will head into the hills a little further.)

Spent yesterday morning in my ground blind above a lick. There were bull elk in there every day or two in the first half of August. Last two weeks I'm just getting pic's of black bears and the occasional mule deer. No action, oh well.

On the way down I stop by another area I had set up. I've had the camera and a salt block there since the first week of August. Somethings different this time. Checking my camera, it look like I've had some 2 legged visitors who decided to throw some feed in front of my camera and some apples behind the stump.

Would you feel:

a) Happy that these fine people put some bait down at your set up, plus they didn't mess with my camera. The cam was cable locked but the front door wasn't.

b) Angry that these fine people are hanging out at your set up (I'm assuming they aren't just there to feed the wildlife).

c) Confused. Why set up bait in front of someone else's camera? They came in on two separate occasions to top it up. It doesn't look like they noticed the camera until the second time, so maybe they won't be back, but they still baited in front of a salt block.

Sofa King
09-04-2013, 09:24 AM
it's a free world, they can do what they want.
there's a lot worse things they could have done.

I wouldn't be upset that they added to your baitpile.
but i'd probably move to a different area, simply because I hate hunting around others.

you say it's "your spot", but perhaps that guy has been hunting there for years.
unless it's private land, it's everybody's spot and encounters like this should be expected.

personally myself, if I had come upon that spot and someone else had already had their set-up there, i'd have moved on to a different locale.
if it seems like he never noticed the cam til the second time, he may not come back now that he's seen it.
I think it's pretty good that he never messed with your cam.
at least he seems like a decent feller.

09-04-2013, 09:25 AM
They probably also have a camera there. It's public land.

09-04-2013, 09:47 AM
You should feel happy they were a couple of nice guys and didn't damage any of your gear.
Coach wasn't so lucky.
Happiness is really the only thing you should be feeling.

09-04-2013, 09:50 AM
First off, its good they left your cam. But on public land it comes down to common courtesay. Some guys would have thought someone beat me to the spot and just moved on. Others just don't care. Chance we all when setting up stands, cameras, baits on public land.

09-04-2013, 09:50 AM
It's not "your spot" unless you're sitting there. A camera doesn't make it yours.

Mikey Rafiki
09-04-2013, 10:57 AM
Sorry fellas, I didn't intend to make it sound like it was "my" spot, I meant to say it was a spot I had set up. I have been in that area weekly during hunting season for the last 5 years and haven't seen any sign of another person, and I scoured the surrounding 500 yards or so to make sure there wasn't anyone else around. I am more than aware they have every right to be there and wish them luck.

I am grateful they didn't mess with anything, but either way I grabbed my camera and salt and moved on to more secluded pastures. I've had thousands of pictures there from the last month. Elk, whitey, muley's, black bear and a cougar. Unfortunately, judging by the last couple weeks this is the best thing they will find:

09-04-2013, 12:38 PM
The woods are getting crowded !

09-04-2013, 01:01 PM
LOL hey at least they didn't s**t on your cam..I'd be c) confused

09-04-2013, 04:29 PM
Im confused, but they look like decent old timers...you didn't notice a camera or anything around? Tree stand?

09-04-2013, 04:32 PM
It's public land, not YOUR land

09-04-2013, 05:40 PM
Ya I guess that sucks but hopefully you get there first when its go time. If your seeing lots of action on the cam I wouldn't give totally up on the area.

09-04-2013, 07:14 PM
I find it totally unacceptable that these "oldtimers" would top up your prefeed and not leave a bill. Pensioners must be paid too much.

09-05-2013, 07:03 AM
Wow! So if you guys are fishing down the banks of a river and come across a fishing rod propped in the bank with a line out, you would just walk right up and throw your line in right there? C'mon people, the guy had a salt block and game camera set up so you think it's alright to just walk up and start hunting his setup? I thought most hunters were decent and respectful of other people's rights. That means if someone has a setup already in place we should RESPECT his place and MOVE ON. There is no shortage of places to hunt. We don't need to move in on someone else's feed plot or salt lick! That's just WRONG !

Rob Chipman
09-05-2013, 03:22 PM
It's a weird situation. They added bait and didn't steal the camera. Lot's of trail cam guys here say it's not as if you get to shoot the animals coming to your trail cam/bait station, but more of a case of getting a good idea of what's in the area (I might be wrong on that).

So, they re-baited and didn't steal the camera. Maybe they read the card soon after it was put up in August and have come back to bait the camera as a way of helping out.

I mean, the crime, as I see it right now, is walking over public land and dropping some bait. It might not be what I would do, but it looks like they had good intentions rather than bad ones.

I'd be in the confused category.

1/2 slam
09-05-2013, 04:29 PM
(Edit: Seems like most people think I was angry about this. I guess I just wrote the opening post poorly. Honestly I thought it was funny and maybe they didn't know the camera was there initially. I spent a long time making there was nothing else set up in the area when I set up the camera and I have never seen any cameras, stands or bait in the area for the last 5 years. I moved my camera and salt block that day anyways. They are a couple older fellas and I hope they have some luck. I will head into the hills a little further.)

Spent yesterday morning in my ground blind above a lick. There were bull elk in there every day or two in the first half of August. Last two weeks I'm just getting pic's of black bears and the occasional mule deer. No action, oh well.

On the way down I stop by another area I had set up. I've had the camera and a salt block there since the first week of August. Somethings different this time. Checking my camera, it look like I've had some 2 legged visitors who decided to throw some feed in front of my camera and some apples behind the stump.

Would you feel:

a) Happy that these fine people put some bait down at your set up, plus they didn't mess with my camera. The cam was cable locked but the front door wasn't.

b) Angry that these fine people are hanging out at your set up (I'm assuming they aren't just there to feed the wildlife).

c) Confused. Why set up bait in front of someone else's camera? They came in on two separate occasions to top it up. It doesn't look like they noticed the camera until the second time, so maybe they won't be back, but they still baited in front of a salt block.

The bottom one reminds me of Wayne Hunter1947

09-05-2013, 07:01 PM
Maybe they are upstanding HBC members who are doing the equivalent of topping up your parking meter...

09-05-2013, 07:37 PM
Not confused, Not Angry:
The solution is simple, First come, first serve, Thats the rule in most cases in public land no such a thing that this is My spot and only mine!
A camera, or a tree stand or any other settlement in public land does not make anyone the rightful Owner unless they have the property title. Is like Your favourite bench in the park, anyone can use it, And if You leave an extra cushion somebody is going to use it and be comfy.
I personally never leave anything around, because I will be giving up My location, and secondly if You bait Your spot, another hunter will take advantage of Your hard work, And what can You say? Nothing, That said the situation would have been different if You where present hunting and somebody comes and try to take over, Well that is going to be interesting. But We don't hunt to kill each other right? We are a brotherhood, a very numerous one and is showing.
I still want to think they where two decent folks trying to help with Your bait, And the best way is talking with them, this is how You will come to an understanding.

09-06-2013, 02:40 PM
So if you guys are fishing down the banks of a river and come across a fishing rod propped in the bank with a line out, you would just walk right up and throw your line in right there

The rod is an inanimate object,who knows how long it's been there so yeah if I felt like I'd throw out a line. Now if there was a guy attached to the rod I would move on. I've built stands on public land always assuming they may be used by others(how do you prove it"s yours?).What are you going to do get in a big argument with a guy at first light over who"s stand it is. Once while sitting in a stand I heard a bunch of noise about 400 yards away so walked over and a guy was setting up a stand!! So we BS'ed for awhile,I walked him over showed him "my" stand exchanged phone numbers and would check with each other re hunting plans. No conflict and met a nice guy and we both had another option.Just to be clear I give any other hunter in the field as wide a berth as possible but if no ones around I'm in hunting mode.

09-06-2013, 09:44 PM
Baiting should be illegal. That is not fair chase and leads to all kinds of problems when the cams show animals coming in after legal shooting light. I can hear the howls already "because if it's legal it's acceptable" according to the gatekeepers. Sorry. No!! Shooting a wild animal while it's on a bait pile is more than sad ... there's a vast difference between legal and ethical. Bring on the whine!

09-06-2013, 10:58 PM
Baiting should be illegal. That is not fair chase and leads to all kinds of problems when the cams show animals coming in after legal shooting light. I can hear the howls already "because if it's legal it's acceptable" according to the gatekeepers. Sorry. No!! Shooting a wild animal while it's on a bait pile is more than sad ... there's a vast difference between legal and ethical. Bring on the whine! I have to agree with you. I call it "plastic hunting". Not really the real thing.

09-08-2013, 08:25 AM
Hunting over bait is illegal!!!!!!!!! period!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2013, 08:51 AM
According to the regs hunting over bait is only illegal for certain beasties (think yogi) it is not for others . It is time effort and work to set and maintain bait etc etc and if it gets people out there enjoying the outdoors then all the power to them.
Ethics area lot like a persons religion and each person has their own beliefs & ideology they follow and I respect them and I expect the same to be reciprocated for any other hunter.

As long as its legal then its good in my books.

09-08-2013, 02:45 PM
I think I know who that dude is ?.