View Full Version : Newbie looking for a couple of guys to hunt with

09-03-2013, 09:58 PM
Hello, my name is Ryan. I'm a UBC student hoping to put some mule deer on the table. I shoot a 60# bow and am confident in my accuracy up to 30 yards. I have some backpacking experience and already have the necessary gear for such. The big thing I'm lacking is a car. I'm looking for anyone (experienced veterans would be awesome but even fellow newbies would be great company) who would be willing to head out hunting with me.

09-09-2013, 11:55 PM
Hey, me and another friend from HuntingBC plan on doing a cpl hunts this season. It will be my first season. Do you have your tags? Have 2 Locations scouted already. We could do some scouting together. PM me & we can go from there.