View Full Version : BC outdoor provincials

09-03-2013, 09:16 AM
Congrats to my little buddy Spencer Schouwenburg ... a Cub aged archer ...for posting the highest score overall of the weekend of 1170/1200 enroute to a gold medal and 3 Canadian records of the 4 distances shot in the 1200 round
and second by just 4 points in the feild round for the overall highest score of the weekend of 1554 /1600???

results are here


09-03-2013, 09:21 PM
Way to go!!!!! Good shooting Spencer

BC Quiver
09-05-2013, 08:01 PM
Spencer was hot, I shot near him and saw first hand some of his ends and he was on fire. It was great to see a young man shooting so well and also enjoying the moment. "Great job Spencer"