View Full Version : Region 6 fly hunt

08-25-2013, 09:28 AM
Find this story on spike camp, a hunting community.

08-25-2013, 09:38 AM

08-25-2013, 09:46 AM
Looking good, keep it coming!

The Silent Stalker
08-25-2013, 09:47 AM
This is good, I'm hoping you get further in to the story as I make another coffee. Great pics also, and a true gentleman you met. It's nice he gave you his maps, that's a classy move right there. I hope he enjoyed his last trip out there.

08-25-2013, 10:02 AM
We sat on these basins for a few days, not seeing any kind of game movement. We packed up and headed back to base camp, with hotcakes and fried spam on the menu, we waisted no time!

Half way down the lake we herd the roar of a beaver getting closer, thinking great, another hunting party, it turned out to be a guided hunter flying in to be picked up by his guide via horse. Was a nice sight to see them ride over the plateau in the opposite direction of where we wanted to go next.
We made it back to base camp just in time for the rain wind and fog, the next 4-5 days this was our weather, but we were ready for it!!
this stuff makes camping in the rain and wind alot more tolerable!! The next couple days we just chilled around base camp, fishin and eating, and eating, and more fishin.
We were very surprised to find lake trout at 5000'! Gerry, the old timer we met, his biggest was 22lb he said, we lost a couple around 5lb. Next year the inflatable boat is definitely coming along!!
After a couple days we packed up another 4 days worth of grub and planned on heading out thew a saddle into some new ground. Again, 2 hours into our hike, what do we hear!? Another beaver, right over top of us and landed at the other end of the lake. Dropped off a man and his lady (very cool to see!!) except now we are amongst 6 other people, not to mention the guide, wherever they wound up. We watched the 2 unload and get set up, hoping they seen us and the direction we were going, just so we dident screw up each others hunting plans. Once we seen they had us in our scope, we gave a wave and carried on.

Well, we dident make it a 1/2 hour and we got to our saddle, straight up on each side, some of the "better" sheep ground we had found. As we made our way slowly around the corner, a movement, WOW dad!! Look!!

08-25-2013, 10:05 AM
That is a great looking caribou! wow!

08-25-2013, 10:11 AM
Well now, neither of us have ever taken a caribou, nor a sheep for that matter. This was hard, finally found a great sheep spot, but damn that is a nice caribou! We sat and watched this guy for about 1/2 hour at 400 yards. The wind was howling right towards him, but it was so strong we dident think he would smell us. My dad isent getting any younger, and a stone sheep is his all time goal, I believe. For me it was a no brainer, lets get closer and take him!!! But dad being the kind of guy that a good stalk and photo is just as good as a harvest, it was a very difficult decision, for us both.
The bull bedded down looking away from us, which was perfect, we were on day 8 I believe, and the weather was cooler. We decided to make a move on him, we could hang the meat in the wind and perhaps still have time to look for a sheep after. So the stalk began.

08-25-2013, 10:14 AM
Must be the 15th by now!

08-25-2013, 11:04 AM

08-25-2013, 11:06 AM
Must be the 15th by now!
Would have been August 18 yes

08-25-2013, 11:13 AM
beautiful caribou, congrats to your ol man! and you!

08-25-2013, 11:29 AM
Awesome caribou! Way top go, and thanks for sharing.

08-25-2013, 11:32 AM

We made it back to camp just after dark, worn out! We dident even have a rum and tea, it was a mountain house and bed. The next day the weather was still half socked in and raining, and wind of course. We figured we would pack the meat to the lake closer to where we could get it with the plane when it came, we managed to get it in our 2 packs, but just barely! My dads one tuff man I tell ya! Those were heavy packs, luckily we only had about a mile pack. We got close to the lake and built a meat pole, with a tarp. It was cool out and windy so we figured we would get another couple days hunting in maybe.

well, the next couple days turned out to be big winds pounding rain and fog, kinda put a damper on our plans. We sat around camp for the next couple days, drinking hot rums and eating caribou back straps. The last final morning was the final lol. We figured, the weathers bad, we were lucky enuf to harvest this caribou, lets get outa here and save the sheep for next year. So we made the message threw my spot connect for the pilot, within 2 hours he was there, and we were out of there and home at 2am.

(Side note! I got 11 days at 2-3 messages threw my SPOT a day, with my iPhone 5 and still came out with 20% batterie, was very surprised how long it lasted!)

Hope you enjoyed our trip, thanks for lookin! I have a couple interesting photos ill post also, happy huntin!

08-25-2013, 11:36 AM
Thank you wonderful photos..jealous of your trip Dad and son...great BOU....well done exellent job of hanging the meat and keeping it exceptional for eating..steven

08-25-2013, 11:38 AM
This is good, I'm hoping you get further in to the story as I make another coffee. Great pics also, and a true gentleman you met. It's nice he gave you his maps, that's a classy move right there. I hope he enjoyed his last trip out there.

Yes he was a very nice guy. We were hesitant to take them because he did seem a little off his rocker at times, but he insisted they would just get put in the corner once he got home, so we excepted. We are greatfull to have met him, he had alot great information, about everything in general. He new the country like the back of his hand. Besides his bummed foot he was a happy camper, sad to leave, and he swore he wouldn't be back cause of his health and age, it was sad to see. I know he will be back there, one day

08-25-2013, 11:41 AM
Thank you wonderful photos..jealous of your trip Dad and son...great BOU....well done exellent job of hanging the meat and keeping it exceptional for eating..steven
This was my first time eating caribou, I think it was dads first to, since I been around anyway lol. I have to say, it's now one of my fav's! Iv herd late September might be a different story tho lol

08-25-2013, 11:44 AM
Thats a beauty bou, good job!! Nice pix!

08-25-2013, 11:47 AM

08-25-2013, 11:51 AM

08-25-2013, 11:57 AM
Now this, dad found it beside where the caribou fell, a #2 leg hold. Wonder how long it's been there? All grown in with moss, and 3 toes still in it! thinking they'r marten toes, to small for wolverine or fisher. There's trees about 2 miles away. We'r thinkin the trap had a marten in it, and perhaps a wolverine grabbed the trap and marten and drug it up here maybe? Quite a ways from any timber.
hope you all enjoyed! Cheers

08-25-2013, 12:06 PM
Fantastic. Thank you for sharing.

08-25-2013, 12:28 PM
Awesome trip!!!

Great story, great picts and a great bull for your dad with you there, thanks for bring us along!!!



08-25-2013, 12:56 PM
Looks like a fantastic trip

08-25-2013, 01:59 PM
Wow ! awesome trip many cool memories. Thanks for sharing.....

08-25-2013, 02:04 PM
looks like you had a blast! congrats to your dad !

08-25-2013, 02:17 PM
Wow, congratulations, thanks for sharing that story!!

08-25-2013, 02:21 PM
Congrats to you and your dad on a very nice caribou and that trap is a very cool find as well.

08-25-2013, 02:31 PM
What an awesome looking bou. Congratulations on one hell of a hunt! Great story and great photos, but most importantly you will have forever etched in your memory an epic kill with you Dad. I don't think it could get any better.

08-25-2013, 02:53 PM
Holy! great thread

08-25-2013, 03:04 PM
Nice to see a good write up. Congrats on
a great bull. This is a great photo!

08-25-2013, 03:12 PM
early season Bou..is really delicious..even big old bulls..Andys 397 + was exceptional eating....never ate late seaon bou apparantly they are not the same...lol


Weatherby Fan
08-25-2013, 03:39 PM
WOW I only wish I could have done a hunt like that with my Dad......he passed when I was far to young..........

Those are incredible pictures.........as Krico says what a great picture of your Dad and as it lays

Great write up and memories to last a lifetime.
Thanks for sharing

08-25-2013, 03:50 PM
Great hunt!!! Was this east or west of the highway?

08-25-2013, 04:02 PM
Thanks for the great story and pics!

08-25-2013, 04:21 PM
Well done with the story and photos. Easy to read and to the point.

Congrats on a nice caribou and making the trip with your dad - those are the kind of hunts you don't forget. I'm sure the story will be told once or twice over a whisky drink in the years to come. :)

Also, it's amazing what a caribou can take for punishment without looking hurt at all. I've seen one take 3 perfect hits from a 340 Wby right in the boiler room and stroll away like nothing happened. They are a tough animal.

Congrats again.

08-25-2013, 04:25 PM
Hey thanks everyone! dad and i have alot of great hunts together, there's no way either of us could escape to the mountains without one or the other lol.

Krico & WF, that there is my new favorite photo of my dad! Definetly getting a frame.

Bcrwford, we were on the west side the highway

5.56 Medic
08-25-2013, 04:36 PM
Wow! Thanks for the great photo essay! Going for my first Goat hunt with my son, in Region 6 in a couple weeks. I hope to have some good pictures and a story, as well.

08-25-2013, 05:40 PM
Congratulations on the 'Bou. Must have been a tough decision, but well worth it. Great write up and scenery is awesome.

08-25-2013, 06:07 PM
I killed a goat where your spotter is pointed in this picture.

Hey right on! From all the people we seen I think this is kinda a well known area. Ic your from the kamloops area, Actually, the old fella that we ran into up there was from a little town around kamloops to, any relation? cant remember the town name tho. We never did see any action in that vally, but it sure looked good!

08-25-2013, 08:02 PM
Great pics of some awesome country, looks like you guys had a good time. Way to go on first caribou. It's tough to find a spot that isn't occupied by half of b.c. If the old timer has taken rams there maybe try going in a little later. You might have less pressure. I always go within the first 2 weeks of August but this year gonna gamble with the weather and head out Sept 16. Love those winter capes on sheep. Plus if you see ewes, the fellas might not be to far off with the rut just around the corner.

08-25-2013, 08:25 PM
great story, amazing trip, congrats on a great adventure all around...Beautiful bou...very jealous.

08-25-2013, 08:31 PM
Awesome story, memories made forever on that trip.. excellent looking bou..

08-25-2013, 08:31 PM
Great story and pictures, thanks for sharing. Congratulations on a hunt you and your Dad will never forget.

The black and white photo of your Dad behind the Caribou is just awesome...

08-25-2013, 08:34 PM
That black + white photo of your Dad + caribou is a pure classic picture love it thanks for the great write up + photo's got to love the North

08-25-2013, 09:51 PM
Thanks for sharing - I would say best thread of the year thus far.

08-25-2013, 09:55 PM
Great presentation to go with a wonderful trip. Thanks for the chance to come along !

08-25-2013, 10:34 PM
That is a very unique looking 'bou. It was very generous of you to share your adventure with us. Congrats on a great trip!

08-26-2013, 04:46 AM
Congratulations on a successful hunt and a memorable one too for you and your Dad. PM sent.

08-26-2013, 08:07 AM
Kirby, have you ever took a ram out of this area? Don't have to answer, but I'm curious. I know of quit a few to come out of this spot from a few different people. Think next year we might go a little later like ace mentioned. Maybe not as many people. The guide plane flew in 3 times while we were there, plus the 3 other hunting party's. maybe September might be a better time to go.

Thanks again for looking everyone. Glad you enjoyed!

08-26-2013, 11:40 PM
Wish I knew it was fellow HBC folks at the other end of the lake would have canoed down for a drink we heard your shots and was wondering what you were up to with the 4. You may me missing a piece of meat my dogs got under your tarp for a quick snack.
We never saw you guys until two days after you got the Bou.
Had one of those big fish break my rod there is some huge fish in that lake.

08-27-2013, 12:27 AM
Man that's an awesome critter

08-27-2013, 05:31 AM
That is one very nice caribou that your dad and you got ,,congrats to the two of you..

08-27-2013, 05:36 AM
Thanks for the story. Great story and photos.

08-27-2013, 06:04 AM
Great pics. What's the jacket your dads wearing?

08-27-2013, 07:02 AM
Wish I knew it was fellow HBC folks at the other end of the lake would have canoed down for a drink we heard your shots and was wondering what you were up to with the 4. You may me missing a piece of meat my dogs got under your tarp for a quick snack.
We never saw you guys until two days after you got the Bou.
Had one of those big fish break my rod there is some huge fish in that lake.

Lol! Funny story! I had read in another post that you were going on a region 6 sheep hunt. Was thinking the whole time, "I wonder if that's Everett down there?" Lol. We were packed up and heading up to that vally when you flew in. Watched you two set up camp, ( so jealous that your lady hunts with you also!! Lucky!) it wasent an hour after you landed that we spotted that caribou. Luck was on our side that he dident head over the mountain lol.
We thought about heading your way and dropping a piece of back strap for you and have a drink, dad really wanted to check out your tent set up, think that chimney had him thinking of a nice cozy camp, not like our old propped up home hardwear tarp lol, and on the windy end of the lake LOL! Couple times during those stormy nights we had to go fetch our tarp and camp cause the wind took it away lol.

The old timer we ran into when we got there. He had been there many times it sounded like. His biggest fish was 22lb he said. I had a couple around 5lb that broke my line, only 6lb test tho. But yes, some very good fishin hey! Also watched you wonder back into your camp with a rod and fish in tow lol, nice catch!

did you two see any other game? And luck? Hope the weather got better for you!!

08-27-2013, 07:05 AM
Great pics. What's the jacket your dads wearing?
The plad one? I'm not to sure, think it might be one of those old school plad jackets, a mackintaw maybe? Not sure on that spelling lol. The other shirt he was wearing was just a fleece sweater.

08-27-2013, 07:59 AM
Decker! Congrats to you and your dad both! That is a beauty Caribou! Great photos of some great looking country to make some memories that will last forever! Can't wait to see what next year brings!

08-27-2013, 08:13 AM
Lol! Funny story! I had read in another post that you were going on a region 6 sheep hunt. Was thinking the whole time, "I wonder if that's Everett down there?" Lol. We were packed up and heading up to that vally when you flew in. Watched you two set up camp, ( so jealous that your lady hunts with you also!! Lucky!) it wasent an hour after you landed that we spotted that caribou. Luck was on our side that he dident head over the mountain lol.
We thought about heading your way and dropping a piece of back strap for you and have a drink, dad really wanted to check out your tent set up, think that chimney had him thinking of a nice cozy camp, not like our old propped up home hardwear tarp lol, and on the windy end of the lake LOL! Couple times during those stormy nights we had to go fetch our tarp and camp cause the wind took it away lol.

The old timer we ran into when we got there. He had been there many times it sounded like. His biggest fish was 22lb he said. I had a couple around 5lb that broke my line, only 6lb test tho. But yes, some very good fishin hey! Also watched you wonder back into your camp with a rod and fish in tow lol, nice catch!

did you two see any other game? And luck? Hope the weather got better for you!!

Yea our tent and stove rocks the tent weighs 6lb and the wood stove the same keeps us nice and warm with tons of space. We also have a smaller one the weighs under 2lb for spike camping. We saw about 50+ caribou, 18 sheep all ewes, 5 billy goats and one small bull moose. I shot a small Caribou Bull just above camp on our second to last day. We ate fish every night we were in base camp and took our limit home for the freezer. Almost landed one of those monster fish had him in the shallows after a 20 min fight than got the line twisted on the tip and he broke it. I was using 10lb test and was landing 4 and 5lb fish pretty regularly.
The weather got worse not better but we saw nary a bug which makes the wife super happy.
What did Conners charge you guys to get in and out?

08-27-2013, 08:19 AM
Thats a heck of a caribou decker, congrats to your old man..

08-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Great story and an Awesome bou.
I really enjoyed that read. Good on yas.
Thanks for sharing

08-27-2013, 08:42 AM
Yea our tent and stove rocks the tent weighs 6lb and the wood stove the same keeps us nice and warm with tons of space. We also have a smaller one the weighs under 2lb for spike camping. We saw about 50+ caribou, 18 sheep all ewes, 5 billy goats and one small bull moose. I shot a small Caribou Bull just above camp on our second to last day. We ate fish every night we were in base camp and took our limit home for the freezer. Almost landed one of those monster fish had him in the shallows after a 20 min fight than got the line twisted on the tip and he broke it. I was using 10lb test and was landing 4 and 5lb fish pretty regularly.
The weather got worse not better but we saw nary a bug which makes the wife super happy.
What did Conners charge you guys to get in and out?

Holla! That's alot more then what we seen, mind you it was a pretty relaxed hunt, we put on some miles but not as many as we were hoping. Think we ended up seeing 4 caribou 5 ewes and lambs and that nanny goat. Next year will be different tho now we know the area a bit. Also next year we'r definetly taking a inflatable boat! Bottom jiggin would be alot of fun I bet, but some bigger riggin next time tho.
Sounds like a nice tent set up! Something I have to invest in!

we were charged $2600 all said and done, with a bit of an extra tip. Kinda $$, but man did we have a good time!

have you been to this lake before Everett?

08-27-2013, 09:02 AM
Really nice pictures and a good story to read. Congrats on a great looking caribou.

08-27-2013, 09:37 AM
Wow!,glad you had a great time and to do it with your Dad is.....Priceless!!!

08-27-2013, 11:16 AM
[QUOTE=decker9;1373062]Holla! That's alot more then what we seen, mind you it was a pretty relaxed hunt, we put on some miles but not as many as we were hoping. Think we ended up seeing 4 caribou 5 ewes and lambs and that nanny goat. Next year will be different tho now we know the area a bit. Also next year we'r definetly taking a inflatable boat! Bottom jiggin would be alot of fun I bet, but some bigger riggin next time tho.
Sounds like a nice tent set up! Something I have to invest in!

we were charged $2600 all said and done, with a bit of an extra tip. Kinda $$, but man did we have a good time!

have you been to this lake before Everett?[/

No first time to this one we put a lot of boot leather in completely circumnavigated the mountain to the south than came over it to the east of your camp and up the valley that's were the Billys were I decided to leave them there had two broadsides at 400 yards but new the pack out would be nuts. We also circled and climbed the mountains to the west of were you took your bull and crossed over the plateau to the south to the next range.
Yea a heated tent is what makes it an easy hunt doesn't matter if you get wet because you can dry out and get warm makes the wife happy as well. Our Pak-Canoe makes easy for us to get around the lake was little dodgy getting back in one of the storms.

08-27-2013, 09:00 PM
wow--what can I say--awsome write up--thanks Ed, you give me a swelled head--the old guy was Gary Habinger--and it was nice to meet you Everett

I hunted a lot with my dad--the only thing better is hunting with my son--and he can pack more than my dad lol--but a Kiui, or however you say that, is a big step up from a trapper nelson

Call of the Wild
08-27-2013, 11:02 PM
great pictures and nice looking caribou, congrats

The Hermit
08-27-2013, 11:35 PM
Great stuff... I think I'm going to start planning a goat/sheep hunt for next season... all these years on HBC has inspired me to try before I'm too old. I loved the alpine stuff when I was younger and want to give it a go now.

Glad you liked the taste of caribou... living in the NWT and having been so often served it and found it to be the ugliest foul meat imaginable. I'd have a hard time shooting one. I trust that it can be good but oh man no kidding rotting walrus stomach was better!

08-28-2013, 05:36 AM
Great share! Great Caribou!

08-28-2013, 07:42 AM
Thanks for the excellent story and photos. Really enjoyed them. Thats a awesome caribou!

08-28-2013, 08:14 AM
Great stuff... I think I'm going to start planning a goat/sheep hunt for next season... all these years on HBC has inspired me to try before I'm too old. I loved the alpine stuff when I was younger and want to give it a go now.

Glad you liked the taste of caribou... living in the NWT and having been so often served it and found it to be the ugliest foul meat imaginable. I'd have a hard time shooting one. I trust that it can be good but oh man no kidding rotting walrus stomach was better!

Hoofta walrus stomach!? Lol. I imagin that if a guy ate caribou all the time it would get old pretty fast, don't think I'd ever shoot one in the rut, nothing worse then taking an animal then having to force feed yourself! Hope you get to make it out soon! No better place on earth then above timberline!

08-28-2013, 08:17 AM
wow--what can I say--awsome write up--thanks Ed, you give me a swelled head--the old guy was Gary Habinger--and it was nice to meet you Everett

I hunted a lot with my dad--the only thing better is hunting with my son--and he can pack more than my dad lol--but a Kiui, or however you say that, is a big step up from a trapper nelson

Lol, it's a kifaru dad, kuiu is the rain gear I want for next season. Everett was the fellow at the end of the lake, not the guys from the hotel.
Cant wait till our next outing! Should get Matt ready for his goat hunt here pretty quick!

08-28-2013, 08:44 AM
This is an awesome thread. Brings back fond memories of all the hunts I've had with my dad over the years. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.


08-28-2013, 02:39 PM
would you have been going through Smithers on the 22nd in a blue pick-up with a couple of quad or two on the back?

Seen a really nice caribou rack in the back of a truck while I was headed out of smithers last week... I think I'm putting 2 and 2 together

08-28-2013, 03:53 PM
would you have been going through Smithers on the 22nd in a blue pick-up with a couple of quad or two on the back?

Seen a really nice caribou rack in the back of a truck while I was headed out of smithers last week... I think I'm putting 2 and 2 together

Nope wouldn't have been us. Grey pick-up no quads, but a really nice caribou rack in the back! Lol

12-16-2013, 09:24 AM
I just re-read your thread Ed.
Lot's of great information provided, and again a fantastic Bull!
Great pictures as well, enjoyed this thread

12-16-2013, 10:09 AM
I just re-read your thread Ed.
Lot's of great information provided, and again a fantastic Bull!
Great pictures as well, enjoyed this thread

I'm glad you reread this thread Blainer. I would have missed it. It is very well done with great pictures & an awesome, easy to read story.
With a great bull caribou taken by a Father & Son team. Decker9 , you & your Dad made a good decision to take that bou. It's an awesome trophy.
And one of my favorite animals for the table. Congratulations to you & your Dad....