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View Full Version : Ammo Storage

PH Greg
01-14-2007, 07:26 PM
I currently store Ammo in Surplus Ammo Cans. Is this a good storage or is there a better idea out there.

01-14-2007, 08:02 PM
Ammo likes to avoid wide temerature swings, liks to be relativley cool and dry.

Your container isn't that important, what the conditions are around the ammo is more important.:lol:

Ammo is prety stabel, though8-)

01-14-2007, 09:44 PM
The Ammo can is the absolute best. be sure the rubber seal is good and soft, and if you want to be serious, heat can on woodstove first before closing with some silica gel packets to stave-off moisture. Leaving them in the open in a cool, dry, constant temperature is OK if you don't have cans, but you lose ether from unsealed ammo in atmosphere. that's why military ammo has sealant around the bullet and the primer annulus.
When you open a sealed ammo tin, you will notice the same Ether smell you smell when you open a can of powder. If ammo sits around outside of a sealed tin, it is deteriorating. If the temperature remains constant and moisture is controlled, it will slow deterioration, but the ammo can is the way to go. Lots of Soviet and Yugoslav ammo from the second world war works like new right from the sealed metal (Sardine)cans; as does a lot of WWII Garand ammo on clips-where our sealed can technology comes from.